Monday 30 March 2009

Blue Monday

Hello ~ It's Blue Monday again and I want to thank Sally for hosting this fun event. You can click on the bluejay button at the right on my sidebar or click this link to visit other blues today.

Today I have three 'blues' to share with you.
~ First up is this little blue hand painted birdie with a nest of three blue eggs. It is part of an Easter arrangement on my coffee table.

~ A Windmill thimble that came from Holland.
~ One of my many birdhouses. I love the crackle finish on this with the gingerbread trim; and as you can see, it has a blue roof with blue trim!
Well, those are my blues for this week. But before I go, I would like to thank you all for praying for my mother! She is still in the hospital waiting to have her surgery. They have the part all ready to put in but they are delaying the surgery until it is safe to operate. Her blood is still too thin. In the meantime, she is still in much pain from the broken hip. Please continue to keep her in your prayers. It really is helping! God bless you all! Have a Happy Blue Monday and a lovely day everyone.


  1. Oh, your poor mom. I am praying for her.

    I love your blues, especially that darling nest with the bird close by. Thanks for sharing. Happy Blue Monday.

    Please put a link on your post so that others can find how to join in.

  2. The thimble is so sweet. I have to laugh about collectible thimbles - they are so pretty, but so obviously not for actual use as a thimble. Can you imagine trying to sew with some of those big, elaborate pieces on your finger? lol!

    Tink *~*~*
    Colorful birds from Orlando, Florida

  3. Hi Sandi, I'll keep your mom in my prayers that everything will turn out smoothly.

    The blue thimble is cute along with your blue birdie stuff. I know for myself I have a lot of things pertaining to birds, even the decorative kind.

    Have a Nice Day-

  4. Your poor mom, that must be so hard for you all! I will pray for her this morning...

    Lovely blues, the nest is darling, I have recently gone nest happy! They really make you think SPRING!!

    Have a great week,
    Donna Lynn

  5. happy blue monday.. sorry about your mom.. praying for her fast recovery.. btw I love the bird nest and the timble.. my mom collect timbles too.

  6. Sandi, your blue today is so sweet. I love the bird, nest and the blue and white crackled look. a fun idea. I too love bird houses and birds. I need to share some of them soon.

    Your mom is in my prayers Sandi.


  7. Hi Sandi,

    Thank you for stopping by and leaving your kind comments.

    I love the tiny blue eggs in the bird nest. So sweet!

    I will certainly keep your mother in my thoughts and prayers and that our Heavenly Father will provide guidance and wisdom to her physicians.

    Blessings to you from Kansas,

  8. Your blues are all so very special. Happy Blue Monday. I hope soon your Mondays can be truly happy.Your mom will be in my thoughts.

  9. Love your blues, Sandi! I have a thimble just like yours that DH brought for me from The Netherlands!

    Happy Blue Monday!

  10. Oh, I hope that your mother does well in her surgery, Sandi!

    Love all of your blueness, and that sweet little windmill thimble is adorable as are the bird with the sweet nest and eggs and gthe little birdhouse. So cute and sweet. :-)

    Happy Blue Monday!


    Sheila... who is thinking of you and your mom!

  11. Sorry to hear about your mom. hope they're able to do something to stop the pain soon.

  12. Hi Sandi,
    Thank you so very much for visiting my blog and your kind words.
    I really appreciate you becoming a follower as well. You're the best!

    Your blog is just wonderful and I will back to visit with you often.

    Love you beautiful Blues you have shown today. The little nest and eggs are so delicate and precious.

    Have a blessed day.
    ~Melissa :)

  13. Hi Sandi, I am so sorry you have this stress in your life with your lovely mother being so unwell. I had to smile when you said she would not like her pic put up because I know just what you mean (all the 'bad people' just sitting here waiting for the right pic of the next victim have heard it many times) but I will continue to pray for her and I know she will be fine.
    Thank you for your kind commments and I am just soooo excited about my parcel arriving..I will be watching out for sure. Marilyn xoxo

  14. Happy Blue Monday girl....I pray that your mom gets the surgery over and done quickly and that she heals even quicker than the doctors can imagine....great blue pics the nest with the eggs!

  15. Lovely blues and I will continue to keep our Mom in prayer.
    Take care,

  16. Aw, your poor mom. I'll say a prayer for her too.

    I wanted to comment on your blues. I like the little bird house. Very pretty. And the thimble is cute!

  17. Best wishes to your mom. I hope she has successful surgery very soon.

  18. You have very beautiful blues, Sandi. I am so sorry about your mom, will say some prayers for her. I hope the surgery goes well....Christine

  19. Oh I'm sorry your mother is in pain. Praying for her right now. Your blues are all very sweet! Blessings...

  20. Happy to see that you dropped by my blog and made a comment. I enjoyed your blues - love the nest and bird! So sorry about your Mom - went through the broken hip thing with my 87 year old mother 2 years ago. She's doing great now - keep the faith! PAM

  21. What a cute thimble! The bird and nest are sweet too! I hope your mom has a successful surgery and recovers quickly.


  22. I love your blog. The blue pics are great - especially the bird's nest with the eggs. I sincerely hope that your mother has a speedy recovery. Happy Blue Monday!

  23. Sandi,
    Thank you so much for coming by for a visit, and comments on my blue Monday treasures.

    I love your choices to share, and especially the bird and birdhouse.
    Hmmm. I wonder why i like those? =0)

    Blessings on your week.
    Barbara Jean

  24. I will pray for your mom Debbie. I like your birdhouse and bird and blue eggs how cute! Cute thimble too!Thank you for visiting my blog. Mary from Boogieboard Cottage :O)

  25. Praying for your mom! Love all your beautiful blues!
    kari & kijsa

  26. I really like your blues. Thank your for visiting my blues. I read back a bit and found out about your mother. I hope she will be better soon. And good luck with the surgery too. I know that is tough. I work in Occupational therapy and work with many patients who have gone through hip surgery or total hip replacements. We help them to rehabilitate and to get back home again.

  27. Sandi, your mother remains in my prayers. I know this is a difficult time, my thoughts and prayers are with you, too.

    I love your blue Monday choices, blue is one of my favorite colors ~ your choices capture 'blue' perfectly! xo

  28. Oooo, I love little nest and bird.
    Happy belated Blue Monday and have a lovely week.
    My prayers and best wishes are with your mother and all those that love her. Blessings for you all.

  29. Hi Sandi, I'm sorry to hear about your poor mum too. Know that I am keeping her, and your family,in my prayers. Lovely blue post, LOVE that beautiful birdhouse! Wishing you a happy day.
    Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)

  30. I'm very late w/ my Blue Monday visits this week. Love that little thimble!

  31. I like the nest and its little eggs--and the bird, too.

    I'm glad your mom is doing good now. :o)

  32. I am running a bit late, but I love your blues. Glad your mom is doing better. :o) Have a great day.


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.