Thursday 8 January 2009

I Love Hats!

A happy Thursday to you all.
I was thinking about what to share with you today and I decided hats was a good topic. I LOVE hats! How about you?
And it's not just because I'm five feet tall and they give me the illusion of being a smigeon taller; I just happen to like them. I have a number of them in my collection. Some are for winter, some are for summer, and some are for just because! Apparently they look good on me or so I've been told. And with our cold temperatures this time of year, they tend to keep my noggin from all sorts of nastiness.

We had gotten Carina, our daughter-in-law, a hat for Christmas and of course when I saw it, I had to have one too. I more or less threatened poor Hubby that if he didn't get me one for Christmas; he was going to be in big trouble!
Anyway, I did get the hat along with a couple others. This black corduroy one I got for Christmas. It's the same as Carina's.
Here is the lineup of hats in my collection. I commissioned my toile bunny to model them for me. They are a bit large for his head, but you get the picture. No pun intended.

Brown corduroy {Christmas gift}

Brown tweed
{also a Christmas gift}

Brown tweed with a suede peak.

Black velvet with a sparkly on it. This had been Carina's and I liked it so much she gave it to me!
I think I'm spoiled!

Blue denim

Green velvet with a rosette on it

Navy chenille

Wedding hat

And of course, one has to have a hat like this at Christmastime. It is my Sandi-Claus hat!

Perhaps you like hats too.... Enjoy your day everyone.


  1. Oh, I love your hats. I have several also. The only one I've posted about is the one I got in Hawaii. I have some pink ones I'm planning to feature for Pink Saturday some time.

  2. I also love hats and have a mainly a summer collection.You have a great collection.Cut toile bunny also!

  3. I love YOUR hats and I think they look really cool on everyone else but I'm not much of a hat wearer - only the hood on my take care, Judith


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Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

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