Tuesday 24 March 2020

Tea Things Tuesday

That is one good thing about this world...there are always sure to be more springs. ~ LM Montgomery - Anne of Avonlea

Hello dear friends! I pray this finds you all safe and well. I have been sick the past two weeks with the flu and it has left me very tired and weaker than usual. But I wanted to share a post with you. Perhaps it will brighten your day.

I heard a song sparrow outside my window and it made me smile. Spring is indeed here. In my backyard, I watched a robin hopping about looking for food, a junko was pecking away at some loose seeds on the ground and the chickadees were busy at the feeder. Earlier this morning Hubby and I saw a fluffy red fox sniffing his way along the edge of our backyard. We hadn't seen one in a while so it was wonderful to see him out there as well. Nature is going about its business and has no idea that the humans are isolating themselves in their homes and trying to stay well. But seeing all the wildlife outside my window this morning made me happy and for a few minutes, I was able to forget that our world is in turmoil.

Outside the front window, a mom and her little guy were walking by. Well, she was walking, he was on his wee bike with training wheels. It's nice to see life outside my window. I haven't left the house in over two weeks.

Whatsoever things are lovely ... think on these things. ~ Philippians 4:8

I was looking through my pictures and came across these that I had shared several years ago for one of my many tea parties. So, I thought I would share them with you today. I hope you enjoy them.

A red eyed vireo's nest which my son found me years ago. It had been abandoned so he brought it home to me.

Pink and yellow tulips bring a touch of spring on the table.

A vanilla cupcake with fancy icing topped with lemon curd and one of my Avon birdies which I have had for years. The sweet birdhouse in the background is one my youngest son gifted me with for my birthday one year. 

The goldfinch is my favourite bird.

My signature pattern, Rose Chintz, by Johnson Brothers holds many fond memories of my childhood, when my auntie used to set her table with them. 

The beautiful Serena trio by Royal Albert. 

Raisin spice scones with almond glaze and cream cheese and cucumber tea sandwiches.

Whipped cream for your scones served in a lovely pink sherbet.

Homemade raspberry jam.

The bluejays are coming out again after the long winter.

The robin with his bright red breast.

One must have a teapot so I took down my Victorian Bird teapot

Milk or sugar for your tea? I take mine black.

If you are cold, tea will warm you; if you are too heated, it will cool you; if you are depressed, it will cheer you; if you are excited it will calm you. ~ William Ewart Gladstone

Are you sipping many cups of tea these days? 

Before I got hit with the flu bug, I had baked cinnamon rolls, chocolate chip-peanut butter cookies, and bran muffins because our grandson was flying home for March break. Sadly, I didn't get to see him except on a video call. 
Hubby took the treats over and set them on the doorstep. Our grandson came out and stood on the step to talk to his grandfather for a few minutes while his Papa stood by the car. No hugs, just big smiles and thankful hearts that they could at least talk to one another from a safe distance. Our grandson flew back yesterday. These are sad times! Our family is a family of huggers and the hugs will have to wait until it is safe again.
My handsome grandson. He is just as sweet as he looks too.

Speaking of the treats I made, Hubby had cut back on sugar so I wasn't doing much baking lately. But I wanted to bless our son and his family with the treats. This is all there is left once the treats were delivered to my son and Hubby helped himself. The jar had been full of muffins, the cookies filled the container, and there were enough cinnamon rolls to fill another jar. 

Mind you, I still have a few cookies in the freezer yet. But when the hubby is home, he snacks! What can I do? Did you know that chocolate makes you happy? It can change your mood and makes you happy. It has antioxidants. So we won't begrudge him a few cookies, will we? Especially right now. I think by the time this is all over, many of us won't fit into our jeans quite as well as we did.

Today it's snowing again, but Spring is here, and hopefully all of these strange times will be behind us soon. There is a lot of prayer going up these days and God is still on the throne. May He watch over you and your loved ones! Until next time, do take care.

Sharing from my heart
~ Sandi


  1. Beautiful tea time. Just what I needed! Thanks for sharing all the exqisite details. Stay safe and stay healthy.

  2. Lovely post. My hubby had to give up sugar as well. But a treat now and then is okay :-)

  3. Beautiful post. As I type I'm asking God to heal you completely and restore your strength. Stay safe and keep the FAith!

  4. How beautiful sweet lady. I'm loving tea with some goodies, as you are showing here. I too have a table specifically for Tea time. Beautiful dishes you have, those teacups and plates are gorgeous. Every detail is perfect.
    Love it all.
    Keep safe and indoors if you can.

  5. I love the cupcake with the bluejay on it, makes me remember when I was in high school, we were called the BLUE JAYS.
    Cute grandson.

  6. A beautiful uplifting post, Sandi, in these strange times. Your tea time treats and pretty dishes made me smile. Yes, hugs will have to wait for awhile, but I'm so glad we have modern technology and can interact with our loved ones that way. I'm glad you're feeling better and I hope that continues.

  7. What beautiful tea treats and such pretty pictures. Talking about pictures....your grandson is so handsome. Yes, these times are so hard, Sandi. It’s unlike anything that we’ve ever experienced. It makes it especially nice to be able to visit each other this way. Spring will make us all happy. I’ve been cleaning, baking, and making jam. Today I worked in the yard because the sun was out. Hopefully all this will end soon. Take care, and feel better. God bless you.

  8. Amazing vignettes!I am glad you are better.Your grand is a handsome boy.God bless you and your Family.

  9. Glad that you're on the mend, Sandi!

    I usually take my tea black too, although sometimes I'll add milk to black tea. Your yummy treats has got me craving cupcakes and cookies.

    I'm going on Day 7 of working from home. One of the perks is that I can make myself a (3-4 cup) teapot of tea every morning!

  10. I am so sorry to hear that you've been so sick with the flu. Praying you will get your strength back soon and be able to get out and enjoy some spring weather (when it stops snowing!) Loved your tea settings and the cupcakes with the birdies...all so colorful and bright. You've really made a lot of goodies...I know your family appreciated that even if they couldn't hug you. That is so sad...but yes, these are difficult times for all of us. Praying this will soon pass and we will be able to get back to "living" again. Please take care and stay well and be blessed.

  11. You always have such beautiful photos. I believe I recall the robin eggs. The tulips really gave me spring fever, and yes chocolate makes me happy. Get well soon.

  12. What a lovely post! I pray that you will soon be all well from the flu. Your settings and goodies to eat are always a delight to see. I too, am missing hugs. Since God called my husband home 7 years ago, I've not been hugged as much, and right now am missing being able to give and receive hugs with my church family or anyone else. Haven't left Plum Cottage in 2 weeks. Praying God will fill us with His love and peace and that this virus will soon be a thing of the past. Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady

  13. Dear Sandi...always love your posts. We are staying in touch via the phone and texting and videos. But, they Grands grow so fast...it is a shame we miss any time with them. Thanks for the pretty photos and wishes, HUGS can be virtual...so HUG HUG HUG! This is Sandi...missing my family, too.

  14. What a precious tea time Sandi. I do pray that you are feeling much better. And your grandson is handsome as he can be. I know it is so sad to have to do this social distancing. Girl, I am a hugger and it is killing me! Praying for good days ahead and trusting the Lord. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  15. Hi Sandy, What a lovely posting! We too miss our precious hugs from grandchildren but thankful for facetime. Last night our ladies Bible Study group met using Zoom and that was sweet. Since we can't invite our children for dinner I made a batch of cabbage rolls for each and put them out on the front steps when they arrived to pick them up and waved. Strange times indeed!

  16. Love the pretty and delicious post! Rose Chintz dishes are my signature too except I don't have a long history of them as you do. I acquired mine after being married awhile. I got tired of the heavy stoneware I "had" loved, and purchased a set of Rose Chintz. Found out later that the pattern was discontinued! :-( I use my Rose Chintz on a regular basis. Not so much the tea cups. People seem to like mugs better. Glad to see you're feeling better.

  17. Your tea pictures are so inspiring and pretty. I hope you feel better soon!
    God bless you!
    Stay well!

  18. Sandi, I'm so tired right now, but I couldn't rest until I visited you here. I'm so sorry you've been sick. And I know what you mean about missing the hugs - I can hardly stand it! Thank you for sharing this beautiful, inviting and hungry-making post--it was just what I needed!


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.