Tuesday 12 November 2019

No Place Like Home

But what on earth is half so dear-
So longed for- as the hearth of home? ~ Emily Bronte

Hello again, dear friends! Thank you for joining me today and thank you to everyone who participated in last week's No Place Like Home party!

On Saturday, Hubby and I drove to Summerside to one of my favourite stores where they were having their annual Christmas show. I meant to take some pictures of their trees and ornaments but the crowd was too thick and made taking photos too difficult. So I will share some of their trees from their website. It truly is a lovely place to shop.

I loved their pillows and bottle brush trees!

Hubby liked this red tree. I am more into soft and pretty although I do love the colour red.

I was hoping to do some Christmas shopping while we were there but I really didn't see anything I was looking for. Being the last day of the sale, I suppose I missed out on a few things earlier in the week. 

I did however find this pair!

For several years, I have been on the look out for a set of deer for my mantel, but I could never find what I wanted until I saw these. These two were just the right size and were pretty cute. I couldn't resist them. The only problem was they were a bit pricey. But I oohed and aahed over them and with twenty-five per cent off each piece, well, what could I do? I bought one and Hubby got the other for me for an early Christmas present. I can't wait to set them on the mantel with the evergreens and lights! I plan to decorate the mantel this week.

Has anyone else started to decorate besides my friend, Debbie at Debbie-Dabble? 

Statistics show, the earlier you decorate, the happier you are. I believe that is true. When my children were growing up, I started in early November and I always had the Christmas music playing too. My friends used to tease about it but Christmas just made me happy! How about you? Does the "most wonderful time of the year" make you happy?

I wish we could put up some Christmas spirit in jars and open a jar of it every month. ~ Harlan Miller

If you have a post you would like to add to my party this week, just let me know in a comment and I will add your website/post to my party. I will not have the thumbnail linky set up as it's only until the week of December 16th that I am hosting. We will see what happens in the New Year. 

Please share anything that is home related but no advertisements or Esty items. Everything that makes your home cozy and more enjoyable to come home to, for your family, your friends, and yourself is welcome. 

Posts including artwork, antiques, baking and cooking, collections, china, crafting, decorating, knitting, quilting, tea time, etc...all are welcome.
Thank you so much for coming and God bless you!

Lord, this humble house we'd keep 
Sweet with play and calm with sleep. 
Help us so that we may give 
Beauty to the lives we live. 
Let Thy love and let Thy grace 
Shine upon our dwelling place. - Edgar A. Guest 

Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi


  1. I love that you and your hubby went shopping together, Sandi, and your new deer will look so pretty on your mantle. No, I haven’t started Christmas decorating yet. Yes, please include my post in your party. Thank you, and have a wonderful week.

  2. Those little deer are very cute. I bet they will look beautiful on your mantel amongst the evergreens and lights. Looks like a fantastic shop to browse. I love shops like that. So much great stuff to see.

    My husband and I went to a local shop's Holiday Bazaar a couple Fridays ago. Besides all their beautiful Christmas merchandise, they had a table of sandwiches and cookies and a gal playing Christmas carols on the cello. We came away with a few items.

    I don't decorate until December. I take fall for as long as I can get it, so for the entire months of September, October, and November, I'm in fall mode. I will decorate for Christmas/winter on December 1st, and I will leave my decor up until the end of January. Yep, January. I get as much Christmas/winter decor as the next person, but I just get it on the other end.

    Have a lovely day, Sandi!

  3. Oh ... those bottle brush trees are gorgeous!

    What a lovely store this is. I've only been to Summerside once and would love to know the name of the store for when we get back to PEI for another visit.

    I will join in with the party again this week. This week I'm discussing my Christmas candy making list:


    I like to begin decorating around December 1, but we will see. Our Thanksgiving this year is not until November 28, which means only 2 days between it and the Christmas season! And yes, this season just plain makes me happy!

  4. Those two deer really are sweet, I can well imagine just how lovely they will look on your mantel. Such a nice husband to buy one as an early Christmas gift.

    I haven't started decorating yet, but I'm definitely in the mood. Christmas pudding is already steamed and hidden away. And I'm dreaming up lists and lists.

    Wishing you a beautiful day, Sandi.
    Brenda xox

  5. Those decorations are so beautiful in the stores, especially the bottle brush trees and those cushions. I love your deers all in white, so wintery. We are have a storm here today, a good day to stay inside and start decorating. I made some centrepieces this morning, you can include my blog in your party. Thanks so much for doing this. Thelma xo

  6. Such pretty decorations! Last weekend, I also enjoyed Christmas decor at the local stores (2 were gardening centres!).

    I'm not keen on the red trees either (and I have a purple tree!). I'm kicking myself for not getting a small 3 ft white Christmas tree during the post-holiday sales. I may have to just bite the bullet and buy one, even if it's not discounted.

    Glad you brought the cute deer set home. I tend to hem and haw over pricey purchases, but rarely regret bringing something home (it's usually the stuff that got away, that I regret!).

    I'm also an early Christmas decorator--my tree is usually up by the end of November so I can maximize my enjoyment!

  7. I love the deer and they will be perfect on your mantel. Browsing in stores filled with Christmas decorations is always a treat. I haven't actually started decorating yet, but have been getting some things ready. And I've already watched several Christmas movies! :)

  8. It must have been so much fun to browse in that Christmas shop! The floral tree is stunning. I love seeing the decorations everywhere.

    We start decorating very early too. It is my favorite time of year. We do not do a lot, but on the first week of November, my husband puts an artificial tree out on the front grounds of our property. He decorates it with Christmas lights and it looks so pretty surrounded by enormous real Christmas tress behind it. Last year we had a snow storm and we managed to get the most charming photograph of the little tree and it looks so cozy and peaceful! I will give you the link to the story of our tree and snow storm to share for the party:


    Thank you for hosting!

  9. Oh Sandi, loving your new deer! YES...so very pretty. I bet y'all had fun too shopping together. My husband is a good sport when it comes to shopping. However, that means he will sit and wait on me but hey...he doesn't complain so I will take that! LOL! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  10. Sandi, the article I posted today would be great for your party. Thank you so much for hosting this.


  11. Sandi, the deer are lovely and look like they would be a great addition to your mantel at any time of year. I will share my Turkey and Dressing for Two - Classic Bread Stuffing post today. Thank you for hosting!


  12. Hi Sandy!I love all of your gorgeous Christmas pictures!Those deers are precious!Thanks for the party!

  13. What fun to visit the show in Summerside and enjoy all the pretties! The deer are darling, and it feels great to finally find that special piece you've been looking for! Have a blessed week Sandi!


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.