Wednesday 11 September 2019

We Survived. Now Let's Have Tea!

Some old-fashioned things like fresh air and sunshine are hard to beat. ~ Laura Ingalls Wilder 

Hello dear ones! Well, we survived Dorian but it was a bit hair raising to say the least! They say it was the worst storm we've had here since Hurricane Juan in 2003. As a post-tropical storm, Dorian's strong winds and heavy rain covered a larger area. The result was much heavier rain and more wide-spread destructive winds on PEI compared to Juan in 2003.

Three of a dozen dear little gold finches at the feeder two days before the storm arrived. I had to snap the picture from inside the house and zoom in between the spindles on the deck. I am using my son's zoom in lens for this picture otherwise, it wouldn't have turned out well.

My yellow begonia before the storm. It also survived because we put it in a safer place before the storm hit.

We fared very well compared to Nova Scotia and especially those poor folks down in the Bahamas. All around us, people lost their power but we didn't. Nor did our basement flood which we were afraid of. Nor did we lose our beautiful maple tree out in the front yard or the trees in our back yard.  But some folks up the street lost some trees. There is destruction all over the Island so I know Someone above was looking out for us!

Cavendish, which is part of our National Park, lost 80% of their trees and there is tree damage at the sight of where LM Montgomery grew up. The storm is over but cleanup will take weeks all over our beautiful Island.

There is not one blade of grass, there is no colour in this world that is not intended to make us rejoice. ~ John Calvin

At 1:15 am on Sunday morning, the wind banging the back of the house where our bedroom is and the lights flickering off and on woke me up. I couldn't get back to sleep after that so I laid there and prayed for protection on our home and our neighbourhood. No one in our neighbourhood lost their power but the neighbourhood on the next highway over did. Our son lost his power for a while so we had them over for coffee and muffins the next morning. 

Some are still without power here on the Island and many damaged properties could take up to a year before they are attended to! 

I believe with all my heart that God protected us because of all the prayers that went up. Thank you to all of you who prayed for us! I was so worried about our basement flooding and our trees coming down but nothing like that happened on our property and I am so thankful!

We have a meteorologist in the family who updated me all through the storm so I knew exactly what was going on before, during, and after Dorian moved on. 

Saturday morning, before Dorian arrived, I had baked some muffins for my hubby just in case we were without power for a few days. Sunday morning we shared them with my son whose birthday was that day and he was without power. They were thankful for hot coffee and muffins that morning!

The muffins actually went over so well that I baked more today. I had not made these muffins before and they are coffee cake muffins with the streusel inside of them. Yum!

A few months ago, I found a new teacup that goes with my Johnson Brothers Devon Cottage china. I said I would share it with you and here it is. 

The cup matches the teapot and the saucer matches the dessert plate which makes it a very pretty set.

The teacup by the teapot is Royal Homes of Britain made by Enoch Wedgwood.

The cup is not a fancy one but it is comfortable to hold and I love that the cup and saucer differ in their pattern.

I am not on the hunt for teacups any longer as I will have to down size in a few years so I'm trying to be smart about collecting. However, I didn't have the matching teacup and saucer to Devon Cottage so how could I resist? I do have a couple of matching coffee mugs though.

That's my update and my share for this week. Thank you for your visit and I pray all is well where you are. Have a lovely rest of the week and weekend!

PS~ I have had a few requests for the muffin recipe so I will share that soon. Thank you everyone!

Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi


  1. I am so happy to get an update from you and see that you are doing well! Your tea settings are always so beautiful. God bless you!

  2. Thanks for the glad you and your home weathered the storm. Yes, there is a lot of destruction that will take years to recover. Living in Tornado alley here in Alabama, we have learned that trees can be planted, houses rebuilt but people can never be replaced. Thanking God for his mercies!!

  3. So happy all is well at Rose Chintz Cottage, Sandi, We had minimal damage from Dorian, our thoughts and prayers are with those who., lost so much.
    Your tea set is lovely, the muffins look delicious. Birthday blessings to your son as well.

  4. I'm so happy to hear you are ok after the storm passed. I baked blueberry muffins before it was due to come here. Comfort foods are a must. How sad about the trees that were lost though. It was a terrible storm that touched the lives of so many. Take care! Lots of hugs, Diane

  5. Glad to hear that your neighbourhood was spared from Hurricane Dorian.

    Your new teacup is the perfect addition to your blue and white transferwares. I'm also trying to be more selective about which teacups to bring home with me...

  6. I'm happy to hear that you fared the storm and no damage to your home or trees. It downpours rain all night here but the wind wasn't too bad. No damage here but further down the coast in Percé and Gaspe the docks were damaged and a lot of trees down.
    I like you teapot and cup. I've never heard of Royal Homes of Britain.
    Those muffins look so delicious.
    Bye for now.. Thelma.

  7. I'm so happy to hear that you went through the storm without much damage. Thanks be to God! The muffins look delicious, and your teacup is so pretty. Can't beat blue and white!

  8. So happy you fared well during the storm. You cup is beautiful! I always love blue and white

  9. So glad you are safe from the horrid storm . We were planned for it as much as we could be and then it shifted away from us . We were praising the Lord . E too have be n praying for all that suffered the ill effects of Dorian s d especially those in the Bahamas . Our hearts had been broken . On a sweet note , those muffins look good and as always , i love a darling tea cup . Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  10. I would love to have your recipe for the muffins, they sound so good, I love to bake.

  11. Dear Sandi...Oh, it was such good to read your post that you were spared major damage. You were, indeed, one of the people I prayed for during the ravages of the hurricane. Also prayed for Carolyn, the other person I knew from blogging. That was a very scary experience and I am SO GRATEFUL all turned out well. There is definitely power in prayer, especially when many people are joining in. Susan

  12. So thankful you are good after the hurricane! We didn’t get it bad in Central Georgia. Love your blue cup.
    I am doing better each day after the passing of my hubby, he will always be in my heart 🤗
    Hugs, Sylvia

  13. Thank goodness for muffins and hot coffee! Glad you were prepared to celebrate your son's birthday unexpectedly at breakfast. Thankful that you came out of the storm unharmed, too.
    I, too, am no longer buying tea things. I have plenty and am just concentrating on enjoying them. xo

  14. So glad to hear you all are ok and no damage came of the storm for you but sad about all the others in the east coast . I just hope all that did get hit hard can salvage or at least get things back up and running soon and get back to normal . Lovely photos . Thanks for sharing

  15. Happy to hear you were spared damage from Dorian. The muffins look delicious.

  16. I am glad you are safe. Wonderful blue and white china!Hugs!

  17. Sandi,
    Joe was asking me if you had posted anything and if you were safe so I was thrilled to see your post.God was definitely watching over you! So happy that you are safe and you did not sustain any damage to your property. The muffins look great!! I laughed when I read that you do not like to shop. I do not mind it and I usually go when I have something I want in mind. I check out web sites first to see what they have and then see if I can find it in the store. Now Joe, He could spend most of his life looking around in stores...I think it is because he can not sit still for any length of time and we do live next to the largest shopping district in our area.

  18. Oh Sandi so happy you made it through this terrible hurricane. I can't imagine. I'm sure everyone was happy to have those muffins.

    The Bahamas is a mess from what I have seen and read. Bless those people.

    Good to see you blogging.


  19. Yes, I believe your prayers were answered, Sandi dear, and I’m thankful for taking part. It sounds like there was a lot of kiss with all the damaged trees. I loved seeing the pretty goldfinches and your yellow begonia. Your new teacup, even being mismatched, is so pretty with your teapot. We both still enjoy our pretty tea things, don’t we?
    Happy weekend to you, Sandi, and may this be a quiet one. 😘

  20. Oh my word, Sandi - thank the good Lord above you were spared. I actually cried when I read your national park lost 80% of its trees! EIGHTY percent? Oh, my golly, that is so awful.

    Looking forward to the muffin recipe - sounds great for when it starts warming up and the baking bug hits me.

    God bless.

  21. Sandi,
    Just wanted to stop by to thank you for your visit and for your kind words!!


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.