Monday 25 March 2019

Spring Is Here, So Let's Party!

Spring is nature's way of saying, "Let's Party!" ~ Robin Williams

Spring is finally here on PEI and with the mild temperatures, the snow is going down quickly. Soon it will all be melted into the ground.
I love tulips and these are so pretty! They are the same shade of pink as the vase they're in; a delicate blush pink. Underneath is a pink damask tablecloth with spring tulips on it, setting the stage for tea today.

I decided today would be a good day to have a savoury and a sweet. I feel like celebrating after the very long winter we've had. 

We are having egg salad sandwiches and cake for tea. I call this my 'skimpy' cake because it didn't rise as high as I would like. 

Perhaps a bit of egg yolk escaped into the whites, although I didn't see any. No matter, the cake still tastes good and I sandwiched the layers together with lemon curd.

The Hampstead teapot looks like it is leaning into the cake but it isn't. I like how well my Aynsley teacup matches it. 

This sweet teapot I found last summer at our Anne of Green Gables store in Charlottetown and I fell in love with it. I have quite a collection of teapots so I gave two pots away to make room for this beauty.

From a whimsical child's teapot to an elegant English teapot, to collectible teapots that adorn some homes, they are a subtle reminder of all that is good in this world. ~ Barbara Roberts

This set is Royal Albert.

Egg salad is one of my favourite tea sandwiches and I haven't had one in a while so I decided to make them today. Hubby took some for his lunch. The crusts were still on his but I like to trim the crusts for tea time, don't you?

Tea is a meal for all seasons; it's also suitable for all occasions. ~ Angela Hynes

Spring is here so one of my sheep is joining us. Perhaps my bunnies will make an appearance next time.

We had some rain over the weekend and today we had a little snow but it won't last long. The farmers like this late snowfall as they claim it is good fertilizer for the ground. We like to see our farmers happy.

I would like you all to know, dear friends, that your prayers have helped because my son is beginning to feel better. He still has some vertigo and some terrible migraines and he's still not ready to go back to work but he's come a long way from where he was five weeks ago. The CT scan showed that all is well so we thank God for that. 

It has turned into a beautiful sunny day and the birdies are busy at the feeder. Yesterday I saw some grackles and a couple of robins. Hubby saw a sparrow so I know that Spring really is here. I expect all the songbirds will be back in another week or so. Don't you just love this time of year?

Thank you for your visit today and God bless you and your loved ones! Till next time, take care!

There is not one blade of grass, there is no colour in this world that is not intended to make us rejoice. ~ John Calvin

Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi


  1. Hello Sandi - Such good news about your son. Head injuries can take awhile to heal completely. I'm glad he's making progress.
    All the pinks in this post are so lovely. There's nothing like pink flowers and teacups. Your cake looks delicious, as do the egg sandwiches. Cutting the crusts does make them seem fancier!
    I'm glad spring is coming your way. It's bursting out all over here.
    Have a great week.

  2. Oh my, it all looks so pretty and inviting. I love the pink tulips. And your cake, short though it may be, looks delicious. And I love egg salad sandwiches. Thanks for giving us this tea party. It's a great way to celebrate Spring.

    Happy day to you, Sandi!
    Brenda xox

  3. Oh Sandi I'm thrilled the CT scan was fine. I have been thinking about you and your son often. I will continue to pray for him.

    Everything looks special and beautiful. Your teacups are so pretty as always.


  4. What a beautiful tea time! Your sweet teapot is certainly worth 2 teapots.

    Once I get my spring cleaning mojo back, I will do some major decluttering--including my excess teawares.

    That's great that your son is starting to feel better.

  5. At our book club today we were talking about how important it is to use our best things for US as we are important!! Love your beautiful table settings.

  6. What a beautiful tea you've set, Sandi! I do love that pretty teapot that you found last Summer, and it looks so pretty with both teacups. I'd love an egg salad sandwich, a slice of your pretty cake and a cup of tea.
    Thank you for the update on your dear son. I'm glad that things are improving with him. Prayers will continue.
    Enjoy your warmer temperatures! I know how much you enjoy the sweet birdies and their songs. love and hugs are sent to you....

  7. So good to hear this news on your son Sandi .Praise the Lord . I had vertigo once . Your tea is lovely and o bet your cake tasted wonderful . Egg salad sandwiches sounds good too . I haven’t made egg salad in a while . Maybe it’s time to make a batch . Hope you have a wonderful day Sandi . Hugs and blessings , Cindy

  8. Hi Sandi,
    So glad your son is doing better. I am happy to see signs of spring here as well as the winter was so long and cold this year.
    Love your teapot!
    Take care,

  9. Your teapot is so pretty and the cake and sandwiches looks so delicious. I wish I could join you for tea.
    I'm happy to hear you son is on the mend. The snow is melting here also. I'll be glad when it's all gone.
    Happy Spring Thelma xo.

  10. I so love watching the birds too. But I also dislike those grackles! They have figured out how to keep their wings flapping so as to lighten their load on the closing foot bar of the feeder to get some of the food. Your tea table is very spring sweet! Love it all!

  11. Sandi,
    Thanks so much for stopping by!!!!!Your tea pot and tea cup are lovely as always!! Glad to hear that you are getting some Spring weather...Ours is hit and miss..One day it gets into the upper 50's and then the next day we have low's in the 20's... we really do not see any permanent signs of Spring here until mid April..... Glad to hear that your son is doing better.... Sorry it took me so long to respond...I promise to do better next time!!

  12. I Love the pink roses on the teapot and cups, and then the beautiful pink tulips are so delicate and sweet! Also love that vase. So happy that your snow is melting and you are finally seeing spring springing about you!! Love the lamb. Also love that your son is feeling better and that it appears there is no serious damage. Praise God!! I know you are all relieved! Your cake and egg salad sandwiches look delightful. I think I really need to treat myself to delicious things at tea time...I mostly just have TEA by itself, unless I happen to have baked something. We don't eat a lot of sweets here, so I usually don't bake unless we are having company or a special celebration. However, I did bake gingerbread this past week and hubby and I both enjoyed it so much! I need to remember to do that more often. You are a good example for me!! Enjoy your lovely springtime and the birds!!!

  13. Wonderful post,Wonderful china.I am glad your son is getting better.Blessings.

  14. It's been several months since I've been by for a visit. I've been busy moving and settling in to a new home. Plus, have just been taking a bit of an internet sabbatical. I'm feeling like it is time to return to blog land, and your lovely cottage is the first place I have visited. It is always a joy to visit you. Such a gentle, restful, and beautiful cottage you have.


  15. Oh I'm SO thankful to hear the good news about your son! It is such a terrible thing to go through, but I'm glad to hear that he is on the up-side from it all! I just loved your tea party today! The cake looked perfectly delicious and oh my, those egg salad sandwiches had me wishing for a bite of one {smiles}. The teapot you got from the Anne of Green Gables store is just gorgeous, what a beauty! Spring has arrived here too, we have robins here now, and I've got crocuses that have just bloomed, oh happy day! Yes, a late snow is great for the ground, lots of extra nitrogen for the soil. Enjoy the lovely mild weather that you are having, it is indeed time to celebrate the arrival of spring :) Blessings to you!

  16. Sandi, I have read your blog now and then over the years. I believe I found it through Aiken House & Gardens blog. I believe the Lord led me to click on it today as i read a few posts about your son’s concussion. My 18 yo son had a few concussions in football, the last one almost taking his life. He was in constant, severe pain as well as vertigo, hard time concentrating, noise and light sensitivity, etc. We spent 14 months desperately trying to find relief for him. I am not surprised the CT SCAN was normal. We found help at Myoworx Clinic in Guelph Ontario. That and vision therapy (no your eye doctor won’t have a clue) helped greatly and gave him much of his life back. No pharmaceutical meds either. Please contact me at as there is more I would like to say. It is my ministry to help other families find help as it was so hard for my son. Blessings to you, Karen Goeben


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.