Monday 25 March 2019

Spring Is Here, So Let's Party!

Spring is nature's way of saying, "Let's Party!" ~ Robin Williams

Spring is finally here on PEI and with the mild temperatures, the snow is going down quickly. Soon it will all be melted into the ground.
I love tulips and these are so pretty! They are the same shade of pink as the vase they're in; a delicate blush pink. Underneath is a pink damask tablecloth with spring tulips on it, setting the stage for tea today.

I decided today would be a good day to have a savoury and a sweet. I feel like celebrating after the very long winter we've had. 

We are having egg salad sandwiches and cake for tea. I call this my 'skimpy' cake because it didn't rise as high as I would like. 

Perhaps a bit of egg yolk escaped into the whites, although I didn't see any. No matter, the cake still tastes good and I sandwiched the layers together with lemon curd.

The Hampstead teapot looks like it is leaning into the cake but it isn't. I like how well my Aynsley teacup matches it. 

This sweet teapot I found last summer at our Anne of Green Gables store in Charlottetown and I fell in love with it. I have quite a collection of teapots so I gave two pots away to make room for this beauty.

From a whimsical child's teapot to an elegant English teapot, to collectible teapots that adorn some homes, they are a subtle reminder of all that is good in this world. ~ Barbara Roberts

This set is Royal Albert.

Egg salad is one of my favourite tea sandwiches and I haven't had one in a while so I decided to make them today. Hubby took some for his lunch. The crusts were still on his but I like to trim the crusts for tea time, don't you?

Tea is a meal for all seasons; it's also suitable for all occasions. ~ Angela Hynes

Spring is here so one of my sheep is joining us. Perhaps my bunnies will make an appearance next time.

We had some rain over the weekend and today we had a little snow but it won't last long. The farmers like this late snowfall as they claim it is good fertilizer for the ground. We like to see our farmers happy.

I would like you all to know, dear friends, that your prayers have helped because my son is beginning to feel better. He still has some vertigo and some terrible migraines and he's still not ready to go back to work but he's come a long way from where he was five weeks ago. The CT scan showed that all is well so we thank God for that. 

It has turned into a beautiful sunny day and the birdies are busy at the feeder. Yesterday I saw some grackles and a couple of robins. Hubby saw a sparrow so I know that Spring really is here. I expect all the songbirds will be back in another week or so. Don't you just love this time of year?

Thank you for your visit today and God bless you and your loved ones! Till next time, take care!

There is not one blade of grass, there is no colour in this world that is not intended to make us rejoice. ~ John Calvin

Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi

Friday 15 March 2019

St Patrick's Day Tea

Time is a great storyteller. ~ old Irish proverb

Welcome, Lassies, St Paddy's Day is upon us and I thought it a good time to bring out my green transferware again. I did a post a few months ago with these dishes but I love them and they're green, so why not?

Hills as green as emeralds
Cover the countryside
Lakes as blue as sapphires –
And Ireland's special pride
And rivers that shine like silver
Make Ireland look so fair –
But the friendliness of her people

Is the richest treasure there. ~ unknown

It's true about the Irish being friendly. My hubby has a lot of Irish in him and he's one of the friendliest guys you will ever meet. His whole family is like that. One big boisterous lot, they are! I remember the first time I met them, my middle hurt from laughing so hard. After all these years, he still makes me laugh and laughter is good medicine, as we all know. 
I'm a wee bit Irish but I'm also English and German, as well as a bit Scottish too.
May joy and peace surround you,
Contentment latch your door,
And happiness be with you now,
And bless you evermore. ~ an Irish Blessing

I made my hubby some scones yesterday. I had some fruit left over from making my fruit cakes and decided it would be a good way to use it up.

Spicy fruit scones with an almond glaze will be our treat for tea time today.

Would like like to join me? I don't own any shamrock china although I do have an Irish cup my son gifted me with one year. 

I love these green cups and saucers made in England. They are Staffordshire and with their green pastoral motif, they are perfect for St Patrick's Day.

Green is such a fresh and beautiful colour which signifies both St Patrick's Day and Spring. I am longing to see green outside my window. I can see the snow going down day after day so I know it won't be long. 

No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn. ~ Hal Borland

I wish you... a warm cup of tea by the fire.

Laughter to cheer you, those you love near you,
And all that your heart might desire. ~ an Irish Blessing

I had to turn my setting away from the windows because too much light was making the pictures dark.

Bright yellow tulips add a lovely pop of colour and a whisper of springtime. 

I have a yearning for some Irish soda bread so I may make that tomorrow. We usually eat dinner out on Sundays and I'm sure Hubby will have his corned beef and cabbage. What will you be having on St Paddy's Day? 

Happy St Patrick's Day, dear friends!

May the friendships you make,
Be those which endure,

And all of your grey clouds
Be small ones for sure.
And trusting in Him
To Whom we all pray,
May a song fill your heart,
Every step of the way. ~
 Irish Blessing

Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi

Wednesday 6 March 2019


It is always safe to dream of spring. For it is sure to come; and if it be not just as we have pictured it, it will be infinitely sweeter. ~ LM Montgomery - The Story Girl

When the sun is up earlier and higher in the sky; when there are only a couple of weeks of winter left, one begins to notice signs. 

There is only a certain time of year that the sun light hits the crystal finial on top of our lamp in the living room and a prism effect reflects on the wall behind it. 

The driveway is bare most days now and the ice and snow are slowly going down. We have been having snow storms once a week, in fact we had a big one on Monday, but I know the newly fallen snow isn't going to stay around very long. March is here! Winter is almost over.

At the feeders, one can see the goldfinches are beginning to change from their olive feathers into their bright yellow plumage. That is a good sign!

When I see these signs, my heart feels lighter and there's a song in my heart because I know Spring is coming! I understand completely why the young calves, when they are let loose from the barns, are frisky and kicking up their heels in glee. Spring is upon us! 

The dictionary defines spring fever as a feeling of excitement and restlessness at the beginning of spring. It is any number of mood, physical, or behavioural changes which may be experienced coinciding with the arrival of spring.

There is a definite change in people's countenances. It's been a very long, cold winter and we're all ready for spring here on PEI.

When I took the Christmas tree down in January, I left the mantel decorated but switched out the poinsettias for roses. 

I will be packing this away next week as I will be decorating for springtime. We will miss the soft glow of the lights in the room. It was always nice to sip our tea and coffee in there with the glow of the mantel's lighting. But spring is coming and a fresh new arrangement on the mantel will be so welcome.

My poinsettia is still doing well although it is thought of as a Christmas plant. The bright pop of pink in the room has been enjoyed over the winter months and with spring coming, it still looks lovely.

With St Patrick's Day on the way, I sneaked a little green into my tea time with this teapot. It has a soft green background.
I am having tea by myself today because Hubby is working. I decided to have some cheesecake with it. Isn't it pretty? Strawberry swirl cheesecake.
Tea is like a hug and a handshake; something about it warms friendships and inspires confidences. ~ Victoria magazine

I would love for you to join me! It's no trouble to set out another cup and another slice of dessert. 

Before I go, I want to thank all of you dear ladies who have prayed for my son, Jeff. He is having a rough go of it and his concussion isn't getting any better. He will know more what is going on once the results of the ct scan come back. 

Meanwhile, he is very dizzy from the vertigo which bothers him even when he tries to sleep. When he goes out for an appointment, someone has to drive him. It is sad to see my big strapping boy so helpless. Bless his heart!

If you want to change the world, go home and love your family. ~ Mother Teresa

Thank you for your visit and do take care. Enjoy the rest of your week and God bless you!

Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi

Monday 4 March 2019

A Prayer Request

If instead of a gem, or even a flower, we should cast the gift of a loving thought into the heart of a friend, that would be giving as the angels give. ~ George MacDonald

Hello dear friends! We are having a big snow storm today so Hubby and I are hunkered down out of the weather. I'm so happy he is off today!

Some of you may know that my son who lives here on the Island fell on the ice and hit the back of his head on Valentine's Day. He has been miserable with this concussion. He can't drive or work of course and he has bad vertigo among other things. He had a ct scan this morning. We are really quite concerned for him. He is the father of three boys.

Those of you who believe in the power of prayer, would you please pray for him? Thank you so much! I am also thinking of those folks in Alabama and Georgia who have been devastated by the tornado yesterday. God bless them!

I will be back in a couple of days with a new post. Enjoy your day everyone!

Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi