Tuesday 4 December 2018

The ABC's of Christmas - L

There's more, much more, to Christmas
Than candlelight and cheer;
It's the spirit of sweet friendship
That brightens all year.
It's thoughtfulness and kindness,
It's hope reborn again,
For peace, for understanding,

And for goodwill to men!" ~ Author unknown

The "L " of Christmas

Good morning Christmas loving friends! Welcome to the letter L of Christmas.

is for...
Lights, Laying of the table.

What's a Christmas tree without its lights? Whether you use multi-coloured, monochromatic, or white, a Christmas tree looks much more festive with the twinkle and glow of lights on it.
Source Internet

For a few years I used all white lights and decorated with pastel ornaments on the tree and it looked beautiful. The men in my family didn't like it so I went back to using different coloured lights.
Now that the guys are all grown up and on their own, I am using white lights again. I still like  coloured lights outdoors. What colour lights do you put on your tree?

This is my tree this year.

This is my little white tree all decked out in pink for my little granddaughter. She has a birthday today; Happy Birthday, Jenna-Lynn!

One wonderful exercise we ladies get to do at Christmastime is the laying of the table. This is the time to pull out all your best china, crystal, and silverware. I don't have a set of Christmas china but I know many of you do. Christmas dinner always looks better and tastes better on a beautifully laid table, don't you agree?

Whether you use traditional colours...

Source Internet

Or a softer colour palette...

Source Internet

Dinner will taste better on a beautifully laid table. The centerpiece can be as elaborate as you please with candles, flowers, or a simple bowl of Christmas ornaments. This is where we get to use our imaginations.

One can even dress up the chairs. Aren't these festive!
Source Internet

So, how do you dress up your dinner table for Christmas? I would love to know!

Thank you for joining me today. I hope you will come back tomorrow for the letter M.

Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi


  1. Happy Birthday to your granddaughter!! Her special tree is just darling, and your big tree is just beautiful, Sandi!

  2. Happy Birthday to Jenna-Lynn! Her small white tree is adorable. Your big tree looks fantastic.

    I have two pre-lit trees. My tea-themed tree came with white lights, while my small purple fibre optic tree has green and blue lights.

  3. Hi Sandi. Both your trees are beautiful. The larger one matches nicely with the colour of your walls. Those chairs dressed up are so nice. Happy Birthday to your Granddaughter Jenna-Lynn. The little tree is so pretty.

  4. I have used soft white lights on my tree for decades. Used to do the tree in pink and gold Victoriana pastels, but that's many moons ago now. I have had a hankering in the last year or so go put coloured lights on as the trees were in my childhood. And we have enjoyed them. Not sure what I'm putting on this year, as we're getting a fresh tree and will decorate it a little later in the month. I do have a tall skinny tree with white soft lights nestled in a corner on my kitchen. It's so cozy.

    I have enjoyed your L post today. Thank you, Sandi!
    Brenda xox

  5. Hmmm, we use white lights on the tree with every color of ornament collected over 50 years...and mostly white through the house and multi in the basement which is man blue beige!
    L is definitely for lights, laying the table and LOVE. Though my table is full of decorations it will be filled with decorating cookies this weekend for our annual Cookie Bake for at least 12...of all ages. L is also for LOVING this series. Sandi

  6. Thanks for sharing beautiful tress ! ❤❤❤ Merry Christmas Christmas Messages for Dad

  7. Awe, happy birthday to your sweet granddaughter Sandi. Love your trees and your little grands tree too. I use white lights. Oh yes I done the colored lights for years but I do love the white. Happy Day to you dear Sandi. Hugs and blessings, Cindy


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

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