Thursday 13 December 2018

ABC's of Christmas ~ T

Christmas is forever, not for just one day,
for loving, sharing, giving, are not to put away
like the bells and lights and tinsel, in some box upon a shelf.
The good you do to others is good you do yourself. ~ Norman Wesley Brooks - 1976, from "Let Every Day Be Christmas"

ABC's of Christmas ~ T

Hello my lovely friends and welcome to another ABC's of Christmas. Today's letter is T.

is for...
Tinsel, Toy trains, Christmas Tree, Tradition, Turkey...

Did you know that the Christmas tree originated in Germany?

Queen Victoria and her beloved German Prince Albert introduced Christmas trees with the intricate ornaments to England in 1840. Glass ornaments, decorative beads, paper baskets with sugared almonds and hot air balloons adorned the trees.

And did you know that the early Christmas trees were typically trimmed with real candles, wafers, gingerbread cookies, fruit such as apples and garlands of cranberries, candy, as well as paper flowers and tinsels fashioned from tin and silver?

This is my Christmas tree which I had up in the family room a couple of years ago. It is decorated with ornaments and decorations collected from over forty years. There are no candles but you may find a gingerbread man, apples, and flowers. 

Toy Trains I have always been fascinated with toy trains. My father had a wonderful train set when I was growing up and I have always loved them. I always dreamed of having a train set of my own, running around beneath the tree. Real trains bring back fond memories of our family travelling to New Brunswick to visit my grandparents. Those were the days!

My son gifted me with this Chattanooga train a couple of years ago. 

I think trains have a most charming quality about them. Someday I hope to have a train set. The four foot tree in the family room would be a great spot for it. 

TurkeyWhat is Christmas dinner without a turkey? When I was growing up, my family always had a turkey and I still have a turkey to this day for Christmas dinner. It's called Tradition and I'm very big on tradition, especially at Christmastime. 

I make my simple but tasty dressing/stuffing using bread crumbs, potatoes, onion, summer savoury, salt and pepper, and I cook it outside the bird. I add some of the drippings from the turkey to it which makes it very tasty.

I think one of the nicest compliments I ever received from my mother was that she told me my dressing tasted just like her mother's; my grandmother's. I adored my grandmother so whenever I make my dressing now, I always think of my Granny. I like to think that she would be pleased with her granddaughter.

Please come back tomorrow for the letter U.

Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi


  1. I love a beautiful tree, too! If you like trains, you should visit Lancaster County, PA sometime. We have the Strasburg Railroad, the State Railroad museum, and The Toy Train museum!

  2. Your tree looks a lot like mine! After 42 years of marriage we have so many meaningful decorations on the tree.

  3. Sandi, I cook stuffing (we call it dressing) outside the bird as well and baste it with drippings. But the addition of potatoes is new to me! Like you, I would be most pleased with that compliment from your mother!

  4. Awwwwww....loving you're tree and all the sentiments connected with it. And, hubby is off to buy a Turkey today!

  5. Your tree is beautiful, Sandi. Candles would make a Christmas tree look so pretty, but I'd be worried about the fire risk. I have a few gingerbread (sitting in teacups/mugs) on my tree!

    Every holiday, season, the Royal Botanical Gardens does a HUGE train display.

  6. So wonderful. I grew up with toy trains under the tree. My dad collected them, and had a huge display in their house, much to the delight of every child of all ages! Sadly, he sold most of the trains before he died. I do have a small train set, but it needs some work and we haven't put it out in a long time. Our boys loved to "crash" it when they were little. Your stuffing sounds really good. I've never had it with potatoes in you add any celery? It does sound good. We had turkey for Thanksgiving, and I don't like to mess with one again so soon, so we will probably have ham, although when my mother in law was alive she insisted on a "Fresh Ham", which is a very delicious pork roast ham. I may have to do that in her memory this year, since she just passed away in August. Your tree is lovely. Thank you for sharing these alphabet Christmas memories.

  7. I love traditions. And Turkey Dinner is right near the top. With our family favourite Stuffing. Your own stuffing sounds very delicious.

    Saying a big T for Thank you for your lovely posts about Christmas.
    Brenda xox


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

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