Friday 23 November 2018

The ABC's of Christmas - D

"Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories and love of kindred, and we are better throughout the year for having, in spirit, become a child again at Christmas-time." ~ Laura Ingalls Wilder

Welcome to the ABC's of Christmas.

Today's letter is D... is for Dickens,  Deck the Halls, Dolls, Donuts...

I'm sure most of you have begun your holiday baking and decorating your home for the season.

courtesy of the Internet

My father and I had a tradition of making Christmas donuts together. I would mix up the batter, cut them out, and he was in charge of cooking them in the fat. We always left half the batch plain and sugared the other half. He would keep half the donuts for my mother and himself while I would take the other half home to my family. It was my grandmother's recipe and were they ever good!
Now, I make them by myself but Hubby helps when he can. I really don't make donuts much any more and I really miss those times with my Daddy!

Christmas is also about Dickens...
The Victorian era was when many of the traditions were established. Prince Albert introduced the German tradition of the Christmas tree during Dickensian times, and the Royal family promoted the idea of family Christmases. 

This paired with the novella written by Charles Dickens, cemented the ideologies of Christmas that we uphold today. 'A Christmas Carol' is not only an illustration of Christmas during Victorian times, it promoted many of the sentiments of what the season meant to secular society. 


The story is rich with the importance of family and love as well as merriment, enjoying food, dancing, and playing games, but also most importantly, goodwill to all men and generosity of spirit.

This is part of my Christmas Village. All the characters are dressed in Victorian garments.

When I was a little girl, I loved dolls, and I couldn't imagine never playing with them. Then I grew up and had my own. Unfortunately, they grew up on me. So, I began collecting dolls. The two I'm sharing with you today I had received for Christmas many years ago.

This porcelain Little Drummer Boy, was gifted to me by my hubby the year our youngest son played The Little Drummer Boy in the school band. He is outfitted in his shepherd garments complete with sandals, and plays his drum to the music of The Little Drummer Boy.

This sweet little girl was a gift from my middle son and his wife for Christmas one year. She is out walking her pup and carrying her lantern. She is dressed in her lovely velvet forest green coat which is trimmed with fur. Underneath her coat, she is wearing her little tartan dress. Topping off her beautiful tresses is a matching fur hat. Isn't she adorable?

Deck the Halls is a traditional Christmas and New Years' carol. The melody is Welsh dating back to the sixteenth century, and belongs to a winter carol, "Nos Galan", while the English lyrics, written by the Scottish musician Thomas Oliphant, date to 1862. {Wikpedia}

Deck the halls with boughs of holly,
Fa, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la! 

Thank you for visiting today. See you next time for the letter E.....

Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi


  1. What sweet memories of making donuts with your dad. You'll always have those memories! Your dolls are cute, and I love the tartan dress. I'll be decking our halls today!

  2. Your "ABC of Christmas" is Delightful!Beautiful dolls!

  3. Oh, those donuts look so good. I have never attempted to make my own donuts, but I've always loved them when someone else made them. I am sure yours are very good. I love that you love dolls. I have quite a few dolls, and I keep thinking it is time to give them away, but then I find it is hard to do. I think because I didn't have any little girls, just 3 boys, that I enjoyed collecting dolls to pretend I was still a little girl. My mother also collected dolls, so I guess it runs in the family. I love Dickens "A Christmas Carol". We usually watch it on TV every year. I like the older versions the best. Deck the Hall with boughs of holly, fa la la la la la la la la! yes, it IS the season to be jolly! Thank you for helping me feel more jolly today!

  4. Your Christmas donuts look delish! A few months ago, I saw a movie on how Charles Dickens wrote "A Christmas Carol". The actor who played Matthew Crawley on Downton Abbey played Charles Dickens.

  5. Lots in the D of Christmas. I like Dicken's Christmas Story. What a lovely story about you and your dad making Christmas doughnuts. What a special memory.

    Margie, that would be lovely to see the movie on how Charles Dickens wrote his Christmas Story. I shall look for it.


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

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