Saturday 17 November 2018

It's A Bit Early!

We had a snow storm yesterday which dumped a good fifteen centimetres of the white stuff on the Island. This is the view I woke up to this morning. It's a bit early for snow but sometimes we get snow like this in November. Sometimes even in October!

A fair amount came down and I know there are some little ones who would just love to get out and play in it. Our snowplow guy didn't arrive so Hubby really had to scramble to shovel the end of the driveway so he could get out to work this morning.

It does pretty everything up and puts one into the mood for Christmas decorating or baking. Do you have snow yet?

Hope you're all enjoying your weekend! 

Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi


  1. Stunning snow pictures!Keep warm and have a lovely weekend!

  2. It all looks so pretty. We had snow again the other day, so everything looks wintery and sparkly. The sun shines on it all today.

    Stay cozy and hope you have a wonderful weekend.
    Brenda xox

  3. We do have snow- but only trace amounts left. Your weather is a lot like ours. It really is pretty though looking at your pictures. It does make it feel more like Christmas. xo Diana

  4. So pretty! Just now enjoying fall leaves here in East Texas!

  5. Beautiful white fluff! We've had a couple of snow falls and waiting for another one this week-end. Early for me, but nature has her own ideas. Blessings to you,

  6. How beautiful is your first snow of this season.

    No snow down here in s.e. FL. ;-)

    Happy November ~ FlowerLady

  7. It's so beautiful, even if early. No snow here on the west coast. I keep hoping for some near to Christmas.

  8. Love the snow pictures. So beautiful on the trees, but I wouldn't want to have to shovel the driveway! No, we don't have any snow here in Florida, and don't expect we ever will, but I do love to look at it. We lived in the north for many years and enjoyed such beauty as you are seeing there. Now that we are retired, I am thankful not to have to get out in it and try to drive, etc., but I wouldn't mind just looking. Enjoy it for me, okay? Have a blessed week!!

  9. Oh so pretty, Sandi! Thank you for sharing the beauty outside your window. Stay warm and cozy! xx

  10. We do have snow. We had our first nor'easter last week. For some reason the officials in our state were not prepared and it caused many problems.

    Pictures of the evergreens are pretty


  11. Wow! We got 5-10 cm of snow last Thursday. But it melted fairly quickly. I'm glad that I got my snow tires installed early.

  12. Sandi, your photos are magnificent! And that looks like what I think of as "just the right amount of snow."


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Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

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