Monday 1 October 2018


I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers. ~ LM Montgomery - Anne of Green Gables

Are you glad October is here? October is the time of year when we celebrate Thanksgiving here in Canada. Our kitchens will be filled with the wonderful smells of spicy and savoury goodness as we prepare for our big dinners next week. 

It is also the time of year when we really start thinking about the Holidays. There are lists to get ready and all sorts of preparations in the making. Of course, here in our home I don't start decorating until after Remembrance Day on November 11th.

And the sun took a step back
the leaves lulled themselves to sleep
and Autumn was awakened. ~ Raquel Franco

October is a colourful month because Autumn has arrived and with it, all its golden splendour. Nature is beginning to put on a final show before resting for the winter. We have become accustomed to fires burning in the fireplace and stove again. 

From His abundance we have received one Blessing after another. - John 1:16

I found these lovely hydrangeas at the grocery store. They have a tint of blue so I thought it was a good time to use my blue and white china.

Time to bring out the Blue Willow teapot. It's been a while since I've used it.

Instead of a sweet, today I'm serving tuna salad tea sandwiches cut into rounds and dressed up with cucumber and strips of pepper for a little eye appeal. A couple cubes of Swiss cheese round it off for a little nosh. What is your favourite tea sandwich?

These are sitting on a Johnson Brothers Devon Cottage plate.

I'm sipping my cinnamon rooibos chai tea again today. It is perfect for Fall. Pity Hubby doesn't like it! He's always insists on his Red Rose tea. 

Tea and tasty sandwiches, a world of beauty outside my window, and a happy home. I am content! What more could a girl ask for?

Life is a gift! Today, and every day you wake up, is a gift from God. Remember to thank Him for it.

With Thanksgiving next week, I'm wondering, what are you thankful for?

People who live the most fulfilling lives are the ones who are always rejoicing at what they have. ~ Richard Carlson 

I am joining the following party as well~

Tuesday Cuppa Tea

 Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi


  1. What a lovely tea time setting. Blue and white transferwares blend together so beautifully! I think my favourite tea sandwich is anything that contains smoked salmon.

    I'm grateful for all the blogging friends I've made since I joined Blogland. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  2. I love blue and white china and hydrangea so I really enjoyed your post today!

  3. Gorgeous teaset and adorable hydrangeas!I am grateful for my family and for my life...Hugs!

  4. I am grateful to live in a country with freedom to worship our Lord and Savior, for the health and well-being of my family, and myself, for the beauty around us, and for bloggers like you that offer such lovely posts. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  5. Oh Sandi, I love all your mix of different pieces of the blue and white transferware. You chose the prettiest hydrangeas to add such a lovely centerpiece for your teatime. My late beloved was like your hubby, and only liked his Lipton flavored tea for him! Thank you for sharing your wonderful quotes and scripture with us. I always appreciate them. Happy first week of October to you!

  6. Love, love, love the blue and white dishes dear Sandi. You have some beautiful treasures for sure. Hydrangeas are always so pretty. I only have two bushes but I love it when they are in full bloom. I hope this finds you feeling well. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  7. What a pretty tea table to welcome October. I love this month, too. This evening I made cranberry sauce for Sunday's upcoming dinner. I have a conference to attend the next couple of days so I wanted to work ahead a little. I preserved the jars so we'll have some for later, as well. Happy Thanksgiving, Sandi, if I don't stop by before then.

  8. Dear Sandi:
    What a wonderful quote about rejoicing in what we have instead of complaining about what we don't (I think I got a little more out of it). The hydrangeas you made into a bouquet are so lovely. I had very few blooms of those blue type but not many because they hate our hot Missouri. I wish I hadn't bought so many of those when I moved here and had put that money in the white and limelight ones. Your table is so pretty and doesn't make anyone feel "blue" at all! Ha!

  9. Lovely post always. I am thankful for so much... Especially grateful that my husband came through the surgery well. And regardless of any difficulties, we know Who holds our future and lovingly orders it. In that, and that alone do we have peace day by day through difficult I know you know too well. Thanks for sharing your lovely blue and white. My fav tea sandwich is Coronation Chicken...think it's time I make some! Have a lovely week, and a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  10. Sandi, I'm with Hubby--I'll have a cup of Red Rose or other plain black tea. Your sandwiches look delightful--I'd much rather have tea sandwiches than sweets. I've posted several of my favorite tea sandwiches--Cucumber (which I do a little differently), Egg and Dill, Coronation Chicken, etc. Can't really pick one favorite. Your table looks so cozy and inviting!

  11. I love your blue and white china, each piece uniquely lovely and interesting! I also appreciate the delicious looking tea sandwich instead of the sweets! That would be my preference also, although I'd be happy to follow it up with something sweet! Happy October, and Happy Thanksgiving to you! I like that you have Thanksgiving a little further away from Christmas. That gives you more time to enjoy both seasons. I always feel so rushed to put away our Thanksgiving things and get out the Christmas decorations, when I'd rather linger over the pumpkins and pilgrims a little longer. Thank you for this lovely post today. Have a wonderful time with your family and friends for your Thanksgiving.


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.