Monday 24 September 2018


And all at once, Summer collapsed into Fall. ~ unknown

Hello dear friends! I've been down with the flu again. It's been off and on like this all month. It doesn't seem to want to let go. There are a lot of people sick here on the Island with it.

Hubby surprised me with these scrumptious roses this past week. They are white with a blush of pink in the center. Flowers certainly help perk one up! 
These roses are so romantic! They're like the last kiss of summer before pink gives way to gold and orange and red.
Summer's lease hath all too short a date. ~ William Shakespeare - Sonnet 18

And suddenly, Autumn is here! 

Soon the trees will be ablaze with colour again and there will be a nip in the air.

It is the time of year when we bring out the cinnamon scented candles and cozy comforters. The fires are burning again in the fireplaces and stoves. The days are getting shorter and we bake more. Or at least I do. 

Autumn just automatically speaks to us and we yearn for the scent of freshly baked apple pie and gingerbread warm from the oven and hot chocolate stirred with cinnamon sticks.

Aromatherapy is all around us. 
Do you remember when potpourri was all the rage? I remember sachets in my mother's dresser drawers when I was a little girl and of course scented liners have been around for just as long.  

I had a couple of little simmering pots as well as some pretty dishes for holding potpourri years ago. I got rid of them all except for this one which I've always liked. 

I believe it is from Avon and this one holds rose petal potpourri which I keep in the main bath. A little drop of oil keeps it smelling wonderful!

I find scent imparts an ambience; be it romance, energy, peace, etc...

Tea is like potpourri. Aromatherapy at its best! A couple of weeks ago I mentioned that I am to drink only decaffeinated beverages from now on; doctor's orders. Well, I found my coffee, and over the weekend, I found my loose leaf tea. Now I just want to find a couple boxes of teabags for a quick cup and I will be set. Thank you Margie for your input!

This loose leaf tea is so aromatic that it reminds me of potpourri. Cinnamon Rooibos Chai by Davids Tea is very pricey but oh my, is it delicious! I wish you could smell it!

Rooibos which means Redbush is grown only in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. This tea is organic as well as decaffeinated. So, I'm happy!

Dried hydrangeas which I have on the mantel right now are lending themselves to my tea table today.  

A spicy cup of tea in a beautiful Aynsley teacup is such a treat and it smells as good as it tastes.

I cut up some pound cake and sandwiched it with strawberry jam. Lovely little morsels to enjoy with a fragrant cup of cinnamon rooibos chai tea!

I always try to leave you with some food for thought at the end of every post. 

A good life is when you smile often, dream big, laugh a lot and realize how blessed you are for what you have. ~ unknown

Happy Autumn everyone! Hope you enjoy each and every moment!

I am joining the following parties as well~

Tuesday Cuppa Tea
Share Your Cup

Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi


  1. Flu can hang on...jus when you feel a bit better and attempt to do a few things, bam, it gets you again. Just give into it and rest and sleep as much as you can. I love the thought of you with your pound cake and in Alabama it is still in the 80s but the leaves are beginning to change. We always look forward to the cooler temps of fall.

  2. I was sorry to read that you have the flu, that stuff is the pits and seems to hang on forever. I got it last year, despite having a flu shot, and was miserable! Flowers, like tea, do seem to be the panacea for all ills. Just reading your post was like aromatherapy for me, I could smell the gingerbread and apple pie, as well as the roses. I have had to switch to decaf as well (something I don’t like because it seems I never fully wake up because of this), but have found the most wonderful decaf tea! It’s cinnamon decaf from Harney and Sons. It is amazing!

  3. Hope you are feeling much better, Sandi. This is a lovely post. I especially liked your fall foliage photo. So pretty. I was on PEI last week as we took a cruise from Boston to Quebec with stops in between. We went to Anne of Green Gables' house and then to Prince Edward Island Preserve Company, where we were served a lobster dinner. Your island is beautiful and I'd like to see more of it.

    1. Dear Beth: I wish we could have met up! That would have been lovely! I'm so glad you enjoyed our little piece of the world! Thank you for leaving a comment. It's nice to know you still stop by sometimes even though you no longer blog. Blessings and hugs to you!

    2. I still read every post, Sandi! I would have loved to meet you and also Carolyn Aiken but we had a very short visit to PEI. Blessings to you! Beth

  4. Sandi, Another decaffeinated tea you might enjoy is "African Autumn" by Harney and Sons. AND it is reasonably priced too! I buy mine at my local Barnes and Noble Bookstore.

  5. Wasn't that just the sweetest of your dear hubby to bring those beautiful roses to you while you were sick withe the flu? I'm sure that he perked you up! Your tea selection sounds wonderful for Fall, and so pretty in your teacup. I do hope that you're feeling much better, Sandi. Thank you for the lovely quotes that you so lovingly share with us.

  6. You have reminded me of all the best aromatherapy...fresh baked pies, gingerbread, and spiced teas...all wonderful ways to enjoy the essence of fall! Thank you for this delightfully scented post today! Making me want to bake something special...although here in Florida it is still quite warm and summery. Praying for fall-like weather SOON!! Hope you are feeling better by now.

  7. Summer is definitely here! I have been baking up a storm and just--feels different. Your fall foliage is really changing colors. Here not so much but I cannot wait.

  8. I'm sorry you've been ill with the flu. It must be starting early this year. I was home sick today, but just with a cold. We had autumn weather for most of September, but this week we'll be enjoying clear crisp nights and warm sunny days. The best of autumn!

  9. Sandi, I hope you are feeling much better. Some "bugs" hang around way past their shelf life. Lots of fluids, lots of rest... I think we are all happy to see fall after such a hot summer. Take care...

  10. Oh I love your beautiful roses Sandi. I pray you are feeling much better dear lady. Drink lots and lots Sandi. I always worry about dehydration. Will pray for total healing. I know the SMELLS has to make you feel better. It does me. I love the smells that bring healing to my soul. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  11. Yes, I remember potpourri, but I prefer the smell of loose leaf teas. I'm glad that you found some caffeine-free teas. My co-worker brought a box of Twinings Orange & Cinnamon Spice herbal tea which has quite a strong spicy scent. I also spot the blue napkin. Great minds think alike!

  12. I am glad you get better,Sandi...Your teacup is just fabulous and your roses are stunning too.Best wishes.

  13. I am just not ready for fall, however we don't get to pick the time LOL
    I do like when it's very cold out and I am baking
    Love it when it's snowing and I am home baking

  14. Sandi, sorry you've been ill again. I have friends here who had a virus that lasted weeks. Not fun. Alas, no scented candles, potpourri, sachets and drawer liners for me. I'm severely allergic to chemical fragrances. So when I want some fragrance in my home, I either bring in fresh flowers or simmer a pot of citrus peels and spices on the stove. I get a horrible headache (that lasts for days!) and respiratory problems just walking by the candle store in the mall! Your roses are so beautiful, and I agree, flowers really do perk one up.

    1. Hi Jean! I actually don't use scented candles either because they give me a headache; especially vanilla. The last number of years, I'm very sensitive to scents and like you, I do enjoy simmering peels and spices on the stove. Actually, that is my favourite way of bringing scents into the home, other than baking. But teas, like the one I mentioned in my post is very fragrant and it stays for a a short spell so I'm really enjoying it. Thanks for your visit.

  15. It all sounds delightful Sandi! I hope you are feeling better. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  16. Hi Sandi. So nice to visit again. Sorry about the flu! No fun! But what a sweet Honey! I have too many allergies for flowers in the house or scented things of any kind, but they certainly sound nice. I can do simmering cinnamon, cloves and orange peel which I do at the holidays, so that’s good. Love your Aynsley and the cake looks perfect! So cozy for fall. Thanks so much for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

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