Monday 5 February 2018

Break Time

Good afternoon dear friends and Happy February! How are you all doing? I have been feeling a bit worn out lately so I've been taking a break. Last week I had a lot of appointments and I wasn't able to get a post ready. I hope to be back to normal by next week.

Last night I watched the super bowl with my hubby. I still don't quite get all the plays but because some of my guys enjoy it and one of my little grandsons plays, I thought I had better take an interest in it. The things we do for the men in our lives, eh? Did you watch the super bowl?

Please help yourself to some refreshments while you're here. 

I love this beautiful Royal Albert teacup which I found in an antique shop a couple of years ago. There is no name on it only a number.

Tea is like a hug and a handshake; something about it warms friendships and inspires confidences. ~ Victoria

I have some treats as well; pound cake sandwiched with chocolate, home made cinnamon rolls, which are my hubby's favourite, and egg salad sandwiches.

Do take care and I'll be back soon. Hugs to you all.

Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi


  1. Enjoy your time away, Sandi. I am like you- I learned to like football because I live in football crazy Wisconsin/Green Bay Packers family! lol I hope you have a great week--see you soon! xo Diana

  2. Yes, I watched the Super Bowl, and thought of my late beloved, who was such a sports fan. Your teatime with that gorgeous cup, looks so inviting, dear Sandi. Enjoy your break, but please don't stay away too long. Love and hugs are sent to you....

  3. Loved the teacup and flower and goodies. Yes, I watched the Super Bowl with my hubby all the way to the end. I don't usually pay that close attention, but it was a good game...and hubby liked having me watch with him, as none of our sons were here to watch with him. I pray you will get rested up and feel better. Please take care of yourself...that is what is most important. We are all here, and will be here when you come back. So just relax and be blessed.

  4. I'm not a football fan so I've never watched the Superbowl. I tuned into "Victoria" instead last night. I can't believe that I've never tried the pound cake and chocolate sandwiches. Yum!

  5. Your tea and treats look delicious, Sandi. I hope you soon feel more energetic. We're not sports fans here so the Superbowl passed by unnoticed for us.

  6. Enjoy your break dear lady. I pray your energy returns full steam ahead! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  7. Dear Sandi:
    I too watch the Superbowl and don't have a clue. A lady in Colorado tried to explain it all to me years ago but to no avail - I am brainless on this. I believe it just doesn't thrill my little heart like other things. Praying that strength and energy moves in and tired moves out! Truly!

  8. Good Afternoon Sandi. I hope you feel better soon. I love your blog.Thanks to your warm welcome to Blogger society. I am inspired to continue to create Tea@3LadiesSociety for my dear friends from the Long Island Knitting Guild. At present I am trying to create a closed blog, so I can organize all the lovely ladies from Knitting Club. The Guild I was President of since 2016 has over120 members. I'm not "close" to all the Knitting members but I hope to make a comfortable circle of followers for Tea Time.
    When I figure out my membership list and start to have tea parties at my house every month, then I can open my Cottage Doors to the Tuesday Blog World 😀. I hope you accept my invitation to join me and my Knitting Friends? We could use some Tea blog advice.Have a nice day. Enjoy a cup of tea and renew your strength.

  9. Hope you are having a better week Sandi! I surely enjoyed your beautiful virtual tea! Oh those egg sandwiches looked soo good! Pretty china just makes food taste and look so much better :) Gorgeous teacup you used too... a little bit of a mystery without knowing what it is, but beautiful nonetheless! Winter has been very mild here, all our snow is melting! Days are getting longer, spring is not too far off :)

  10. Hi Sandi!Enjoy your break...Your teacup is just fabulous and I love the pink flower,is it a peony?Not common here...The funniest thing is that my son watched super bowl with his friends...Thanks for visiting my little blog.Hugs!

  11. Take care of yourself 😊 while you're away. All the treats look wonderful. Enjoy


  12. We all need time away for our "real" lives. I grew up on college football.. my dad graduated fro Notre Dame and we went to al the games. Then their is the Bears that I really followed. But lately not partaking in football...I hope you have a better week...

  13. Hope you are feeling better Sandi. I am just coming off a wee blog break, and see I have missed several of your beautiful posts. I'm with Margie -- those pound cake with chocolate "sandwiches" look good! I sat with my husband while he watched the Super Bowl, but I had my earbuds in watching a movie on my laptop! xo Deborah

  14. I just came off of a 11 hour stay in my bed last night, I have been so tired. Be glad when I can fully retire.
    You rest up and enjoy some hot tea
    I will be watching for your return

  15. Dear Sandi .. I do hope that you are feeling better... Your virtual teatime was lovely and looked so very yummy. Take care. I’m sending healing prayers your way. xoxoxox

  16. Sometimes it's time to sit back and take a breather. I did watch the Super Bowl...and I too don't understand it all but it was nice sitting next to my grandson who was enjoying it. That cup of tea looked really inviting's late now but I will make me a cup in the morning.

  17. Sandi, I hope you enjoy your break and get lots of rest. This post is lovely - not at all like it's by someone on a break! :-) Had to chuckle over your football comments. I have never figured out football. It makes no sense at all to me!

  18. Hola mi querida hermanita Sandi ,recién empecé a leer tu blog ,y que sepas que me súper encanta . Lo primero de todo , que eres una hermanita en Cristo. Te encanta todo lo relacionado con " Anna de las tejas verdes ",pues yo tengo la colección ,y también me encanta 😉😉. Yo vivo en Europa, islas canarias , España . En mi hogar ,somos muy aficcionados
    al fútbol,en este caso ,nuestro equipo favorito es el BARÇA, y luego, Ud Las Palmas, de mi ciudad 😉😉. Desde aquí, también hay gran expectativa por la super bowl,me enteré quienes ganaron ,al día siguiente, por la diferencia de horario . Los "eagles ",se alzaron con la victoria frente a los " patriots " 😉😉. Se ve delicioso esa taza de te con esos dulces ummmm . Preciosa hermanita ,que nuestro amado Dios , te de nuevas fuerzas y vigor a tu alma . Estaré orando por ti, al trono de la gracia. Muchos besitos , Dios te bendiga a ti y tu linda family 😘😘🙏🙏


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.