Tuesday 5 September 2017

Pondering This Blogging Thing and A Teapot for Tuesday

Tea is like a hug and a handshake; something about it warms friendships and inspires confidences. ~  Victoria magazine

Hello my lovely friends and Happy September to you all! Alas, summer is really winding down. *sigh*

Most of you know this past year has been a difficult one for me with my surgeries and some family matters as well which I haven't mentioned. I am quite exhausted from it all and, to be honest, I have been pondering shutting down my blog. 

I have noticed more and more of our blogging friends are not attending to their blogs and some have not given us an explanation why that is so. I realize that many are busy and life takes us away from blogging at times. Some of us become ill and having a difficult time of it. Still, I think it is prudent to let our blogging sisters know we will be going away for a while because we do become concerned when we haven't heard from our friends. At least I do.

I have been trying to keep mine up with a post or two once in a while so you know I'm still breathing. But I have to admit, my heart hasn't really been in it for a while. Exhaustion tends to do that to you.

Anyway, I've said all of that to say this; I have decided to stay with you for a while yet. I will not start up my tea party again because it is very time consuming and I don't have the energy for it at this moment in time but what I will do is share a tea post every week for those of you who are interested. I may also share a post on another subject when I feel inspired to do so.

So, without further ado, here is my teapot for this week.

When I first began collecting china wares, I started with teapots because I have always been enamoured by them. I find them completely charming and most of mine have a story attached to them.

The very sight of a teapot puts a smile on the face of most people. One cannot help but think of more serene and genteel times. ~ Barbara Roberts

This one you have all seen before but it is a favourite because of the sprinkling of roses and buds and it's a lovely size. It's not too big and not too small. This is Rose Bud made by Maxwell and Williams. I love chintz and whenever I see chintz, I am drawn to it just as I am transferware.  

Strange how a teapot can represent at the same time the comforts of solitude and the pleasures of company. ~ Author unknown

The cup and saucer are in the same pattern, Rose Bud.

I am having Lady Grey tea today.

This Rose Chintz teacup made by Gracie china is a good match. 

These are some of my roses; Theresa Bugnet. They were much more abundant and lasted longer this year for some reason.

One day I decided to decorate a cake with them. Just a bakery bought angel food cake but iced and decorated with my roses, makes a pretty dessert.

I hope you enjoyed my post today and if all goes well, I will share another next week. 

Treat everyone with politeness, even those who are rude to you, Not because they are nice but because you are. ~ unknown author

Take care, dear friends, and remember to smile today. A smile can make you feel better and perhaps make someone else's day. The Lord bless you!

I am linking with the following parties as well~

 Tuesday Cuppa Tea
 Friends Sharing Tea
 Home Sweet Home

 Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi


  1. Just to say...I know how it feels when your health issues try to take over...if you feel called, I hope you continue with your updates, I do enjoy them in Virginia...our God is Good all the time, and he will take you through.

  2. Your teapot photo is absolutely beautiful! I love the roses, both in the vase and on the teapot and teacups. I pray you will be blessed with improving health.

  3. Yes, it is sad that so many of the tea blogs have just dropped out of sight without even an explanation. It makes you wonder if something bad has happened to them---hopefully not. I appreciate your continuing on even with all you have had to deal with. Yours was the first tea blog I started looking at and I would surely miss you if you stopped.

  4. Hi Sandi! Yes, blogging has changed for many of us. It's more of a challenge for me now, but I'm not going away yet either! I just want to say how lovely it was when we could all have tea here together so often at your pretty welcoming blog. I have always admired those of you who have been such wonderful hostesses. Thank you again. I'm glad you are still blogging.

  5. I adore your Rose Chintz pattern and all the pinkness. My current post has 3 tea quotes too, and my favorite tea is Earl Grey. I had the worst experience of my life last November, when my husband died, so I can relate to exhaustion. It is good of you to keep us informed.

  6. Hi Sandi!Just stunning post!Love your gorgeous porcelain and beautiful roses!Your blog is wonderful...Post when you could...Best wishes!

  7. I always love visiting your posts, my friend, because they are so gentle with their quotes and pretty tea wares. Your teapot and teacups are just precious, but your embellished cake makes the tea even more special. I know that life takes it's toll on us and I appreciate your honesty. For now, I'll enjoy your lovely tea table and hope that you will post whenever you can. Love and blessings to you, dear Sandi!
    p.s. I especially loved the quote on not being rude!

  8. Hi Sandi. I haven't posted as many blog posts as I would have liked this past summer. I just never got the time with visitors and I've been away from home a lot. I really like your blog with the lovely quotes and beautiful dishes. If you ever quit, I will understand. I have been thinking about quitting also but decided I will stay for a while longer. I'm on Instagram and I pose pic nearly daily. It is less time consuming. I'm glad to hear your health has improved. I wish you the best. xo

  9. Dear Sandi,
    A cup of tea and my thoughts are with thee. I too, have major health issues. The ravages of lupus have misdirected my emotions. I try not to reflect on "woe is me." Your blog often reminds me to enjoy a peaceful moment and a cup of tea. You have been a blessing in my life. You may not be able to blog as often but please remember that you have made many friends with your posts. My prayers are with you.

  10. I just read your post after reading and responding to your kind comments on my post earlier. I totally understand how you feel about maintaining your blog when life seems to be crowding in and keeping you preoccupied with other issues. However, I find that my blog and the friends that I have here are such a joy and comfort to me that I hate to get too far away. Sometimes it is hard to keep up with responding to comments, etc., but I think we all understand that. I always enjoy coming here to your page...love the beautiful tea times spent with you. It is very uplifting and I often feel like I've just sat down and had a nice visit with you. I don't do the tea party posts very often...but once in a while I do because I love it...and also because you have been an inspiration to me to continue to do that. We each have our own style and ways of doing things, but we share a kind of sisterhood that is a blessing to us as we share a cup of tea together. Thank you...and I pray that your life and health will be restored and strengthened each new day. God bless you dear friend!!

  11. Hi Sandi! I'm so sorry you've had to go through so much this year. I so understand what you mean about blogging. I quit blogging for a few months and really thought I'd bow out but I just couldn't do it. So I'm back. Just do what is best for you although I'd hate to see you leave forever. Anyway, your teapot is gorgeous and you really do know how to set up a pretty tea setting. Thank you so much for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  12. Hi Sandi,
    I love your tea setting again today. I hope your health will improve and your strength return. It does seem hard to keep on blogging sometimes for me as well but maybe when fall hits we will have more time.
    Take care,

  13. I think that a lot of bloggers have moved on other forms of social media such as Facebook or Instagram. I understand the challenges of blogging, and I'm glad that you'll try to continue posting for as long as you can.

    Your chintz tea set is so pretty. Every time I see rose chintz, I think of you!

  14. Sandi dear, you do what is right for you, at a time that is comfortable for you. Blogging can be more of a commitment than we would like at times, and I think many of us think of giving it away. Especially when so few comment now. It's more of a view and click away type mentality, whereas it was once a real little community. Cest la vie my lovely. Life moves on, and sometimes we need to move with it. I wish you all the very best sweet lady. I loved your blog and teaparty from the first time I visited and will miss you. But life is short, and many other experiences may call us from time to time. Enjoy. Love, Mimi xxx

  15. Hello Sandi, your tea post is just lovely. I enjoy your photos and writing very much. It does seem like many bloggers are leaving this platform and it saddens me. But I certainly understand that life changes and there are other opportunities and demands. I do hope you post when you feel like it - your readers will be here.

  16. Hello Sandi Im so intriged by your beautiful Rose teapot and teacup sets. They just warmed my heart. I want some just like tehm... 🌸🌿. It was so lovely to visit with you and glad your staying for a while more. Me too I have said those same words.. but I'm still here occasionally.. love and hugs Janice

  17. There is nothing wrong with bakery cake! Too many of us feel guilty if we don't do it all.

    Relax, breathe, and look after yourself.

  18. Sandi, I love your tea posts! What a lovely tea pot and cups! Those roses are so sweet, too!

    We need your gentle spirit around blogland. I hope you keep blogging for a long time to come!

  19. Hi Sandi
    I guess I am one who has dropped blogging on a regular basis. My computer is getting old and I find that visiting many blogs is frustrating due to the long and intrusive ads. It all just turns me off. I do however visit those who don't do ads. My computer is difficult when loading my own blog entries too. I plan to buy a new one soon so hopefully I can get back to blogging. I consider you one of my blog friends and nice to see your posts.

  20. Beautiful tea! The flowers on the cake look as if they were taken right off the tea pot. Always love your posts. Also really enjoyed our visit to your lovely island last year of which I felt right at home due to reading about it in some of your posts. Take care of yourself and post when you can.
    Prayers and blessings to you
    Candy a reader from Maryland

  21. Dear Sandi ~ this is a lovely post and I'm glad to read that you won't be closing your blog, just taking a step back from posting so much. Posting does take time, and when our bodies, hearts and souls just don't feel like it, it can seem monumental to do so. Just post when you feel like it.

    Love, hugs & prayers for you ~ FlowerLady

  22. Hi Sandia, I am so glad you are feeling better and able to keep on Blogging! I enjoy your tea times so very much! Your China is so lovely and your cake so pretty with the roses. Wish I could join you! I have been posting about once a month but now I need a new laptop for blogging and not sure when I will be getting one. I am going on the Southern Belle Tea tour that Phyllis from Relevant Tea Leaf blog is hosting! She will be posting about the trip. I am so excited and thankful I can do this! Wishing you a lovely week and looking forward to your next post!

  23. I do hope things in your life improve. I do hope you continue your blog even if it's once a week. I too am going through bad times and your beautiful photos always make me feel better, Thank you for that.

  24. I pray you will recover quickly from your health issues.
    I look forward to your posts and whenever you are able to, remember the joy you give to us, God repay to you in strength!
    Get well soon dearest Lady,God bless you...

  25. Hi Sandi,
    I do understand how exhausting blogging can be especially if you are not feeling well. I have been busy and am finding it more and more difficult to reply to my comments and make posts. I do hope that you continue to improve and everyone loves your inspirational blogspot and I hope that you continue to blog even if a little less regularly. Like you, I am wondering where Martha has gone and mentioned her in my blog today. I hope she is okay. Your chintz tea set is so lovely and your pictures are once again so beautiful! Take care sweet friend. Blessings, Karen

  26. It does seem like people are not posting as much. I know many prefer Instagram because it's faster. I haven't posted as much either this year, but plan to continue. I'm so glad you are, too, even if less often. Like others have said, your presence here is sweet and kind. And you have the prettiest tea things! I just read your previous post, and I'm sorry about your rib. I hope you're feeling better. xo Deborah

  27. Hi Sandi, I can relate...conundrum...but such special friends and sisters...like you...are from blogging. Whenever and whatever, it is so good to hear your gentle, loving heart. Each post from you is always a jewel. Bless you, and praying for strength, healing and peace for you and your family.
    I love your teapot...perfect for you! Thanks so much for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea.
    Love in Christ,

  28. Hi Sandi, I do hope that you will feel better and that things will improve in your life. I too can see that some bloggers are leaving all together and blogging less. Blogging takes us a huge amount of time and it's ok to blog whenever is good for you.
    I love your beautiful teapot and cake and flowers.
    All the best.
    Hugs, Julie xo

  29. Sandi, I'm so sorry you've had such a rough year. Like so many others, I would really miss you and Rose Chintz Cottage if you left the blogosphere. Lots of bloggers post several times a week AND do Facebook, Instagram, etc. I knew before I started 7 1/2 years ago that I would never be able to manage that. So I post once a week, Thursday morning, and DON'T do Facebook, etc! Like you, I worry about bloggers who just stop posting "without so much as a by your leave." Though I hope you'll continue, I know you must do whatever is best for you. So no pressure, just best wishes for better health and better times ahead. And hugs.

  30. Hello Sandi! I am understanding your blogging concerns. I am hoping your health continues to improve. May the Lord strengthen you to do his will always. This teapot and cup in Rosebud are lovely! Thanks for sharing them today at Home Sweet Home!

  31. Dear Sandi: Sometimes these decisions are hard but they are also best. Just a thought - I find people are reading blogs much less and reading specialty facebook pages more. It doesn't require the time and you can reshare from all your friends pages and what they post. Just a thought. I hope you get rested up and will continue to keep you in my prayers!~
    If you are on facebook you can see my specialty page at: https://www.facebook.com/Bernideens-Tea-Time-Cottage-and-Garden-462091690615511/

  32. This is beautiful, Sandi. The roses and and rose chintz cups and teapot are candy for the eye. I also like angel food cake. Yum!

  33. Hello Sandi
    I've been thinking of you and completely understand about giving up the blogging as I did, although for a different reason.
    I've connected with a few bloggers on FB and/or IG where we're sharing photos of our lives and interests and I'm finding it fulfilling. Much less work to connect with others and no obligation which is nice.
    Wishing you a happy autumn, let's keep in touch with an occasional email.

  34. So nice to see one of your beautiful posts! I'm sorry you've had such a hard time this year. I completely empathize with you about blogging! While it is fun, it is so time consuming as you said, and especially since I still have children in the house. You have a beautiful weekend, Sandi, I hope you'll post whenever you feel like doing so. BTW, the cake and chintz is perfection. So lovely. Take care.

  35. Sandi, just popping in again to say Hello and give you a virtual hug!

  36. Lovely post. Don't stop posting because of your posts I'm inspired to begin blogging. I have collected maybe 60 teapots and 60 or more cups and saucers. Because of your pretty post I'm ready to show off mine. Thank you I pray your strength in the Lord.

  37. What a lovely pink posting with all your pretty tea wares. The table is just bursting with pretty. I thank you for sharing your post and I do keep you in my prayers!


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.