Saturday 1 October 2016

The Softer Side of Autumn

The brisk Autumn air often sparks the urge to come indoors and rekindle the spirit of hearth and home. ~ Victoria magazine

Hello and Happy Autumn my lovely friends! I am truly touched by the love that has been poured out on me since my last post. I had no idea so many of you were so fond of my little blog and of me. I feel quite humbled. Blogland really is a friendly and caring community of friends. Thank you so much for your love and support. You're the best!

With all my health challenges, I have been resting as much as possible and I am going to physiotherapy for a couple of injuries I sustained over the past year. I am also under a doctor's care for a new medical condition I have developed over the past several months. 

Meanwhile, Autumn has arrived! I know for many of you, it is your favourite season. Although it can be lovely, I miss the warm balmy days of the summertime. I miss the scent of summer in the air and the songbirds singing in the trees behind our home. 

Our Island is surrounded by water so we never get overly hot in the summer. Our Autumns seem to turn chilly very quickly and then we have such long cold winters so, needless to say, I do miss the warm weather. 

However, one can always find beauty in every situation and season. The bounty of fruits and vegetables is in abundance and on the 10th they will be enjoyed with thankful hearts on our Thanksgiving tables here in Canada. Who couldn't be thankful for a slice of home made pumpkin pie and whipped cream? 

The foliage of bushes and trees is beginning to wear their last colourful tresses before they go to sleep for the winter. Try walking through a path in the woods when the air is crisp and there is burnished gold lying at your feet in the leaves strewn about. 

Overhead, there is a glimpse of blue sky through the beautifully coloured branches.

Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower. ~ Albert Camus

I have a few pumpkins sitting out. 

I am more fond of white pumpkins than orange although a little punch of orange doesn't hurt here and there.

Teapot is on, the cups are waiting,
Favourite chairs anticipating,

No matter what I have to do, 
My friend, there's always time for you. ~ Author unknown


Today, I have decided to set out a tea time with a new little something I picked up at Home Sense one day. 

Do you like my little crystal parrot? 

He caught my eye right away because of the colour. There was only the one. Actually Hubby and I both noticed him at once when we walked into the store. He was just waiting on the shelf there all by himself waiting for me to bring him home. My aqua draperies have a floral and bird motif, including parrots, and I thought he couldn't be more perfect! 

Most of you know, I love the colour aqua and this particular teacup has sweet little violets inside. It doesn't appear to be so but the aqua cups are the exact same shade as the parrot. 


This time of year, the violets and purples can look awfully pretty with aqua. And so, for a different take on Autumn, my tea is set out in these colours. Underneath it all is a beautiful table topper I won from Bernideen several years ago. I bring it out every Autumn.

For our treat today I have made muffins. Autumn seems the perfect time to spice up your life and so I made ginger muffins. You can find the recipe here if you're interested.

I find one muffin quite filling and they are perfect for this time of year, don't you think? Slather on some whipped cream or butter and you have a lovely little treat to enjoy with your favourite cup of tea.

Would you like to join me?

Thank you so much for visiting today and I pray you will have a lovely weekend.

I will be sharing this with the following parties as well~

 Tuesday Cuppa Tea~
 Bernideen's Tea in the Garden ~
 Tea Cup Tuesday ~
 The Art of Home-Making Mondays ~
 Share Your Cup Thursday~
 Home Sweet Home~

 Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi


  1. Awwww dearest Sandi, I was so happy to see a post from yours pop up, as we all love you so! I'd love to join you for your pretty tea today and share a Ginger Muffin with you, which I must make soon. I can understand why you dread to see the chill get in the air, for your winters are very long indeed. Your aqua parrot and teacups must surely put you in a cheery mood, for they are indeed beautiful. Hopefully your physiotherapy will be helpful for you and that being under your doctor's care will be a blessing. Happy weekend to you, sweet friend. Love and hugs are sent to you.....

  2. I agree with you, I also prefer the white pumpkin but the color of the white pumpkin comes better forward with an orange one nearby. Beautiful tea set! Very sweet table you got there. I love it!! Wishing you a wonderful Autumn!

  3. So lovely, Sandi!

    I'm sorry your struggling with your health, but I am happy to see you here. Your beautiful island is looking so lovely with her autumn colors.

    Your tea table is wonderful too!

  4. Dear Sandi:
    Such a lovely photo with the changes of the leaves on the ground. Not too much here yet but that will change as the last 2 days it has turned cool. It is almost hard to believe after such a hot summer and September. I am glad you are getting some good therapy! God bless you during this time of restoration. Your table looks very lovely.

  5. Dear Sandi ~ May your winter be a time of healing.

    I just love your crystal parrot. It is just beautiful!!!!

    I saved your Ginger muffin recipe to try myself. It looks and sounds good especially with the whipped cream and the lemon curd. Thanks for sharing.

    Love, hugs & prayers ~ FlowerLady

  6. Beautiful photos Sandi! I love your aqua tea cups paired with the pumpkins and parrot! Glad you are taking care of yourself! Happy Autumn!

  7. Such a lovely post and so very good to hear from you when you are able. Your last post made me a bit sad - like when a very good friend says they are moving away. Sorry, but I was unable to respond. Can't tell you how happy I was to see a post from you in my email. Love your bird and how it looks right at home. Perfect addition to your home. I certainly will make up the ginger muffins, it is my favourite spice! Take care and I hope and pray you are feeling/doing better soon. Patty/Mahone Bay

  8. Lovely pictures and a lovely tea setting. Thanks for the post and will continue to lift you up in prayer for your health.

  9. Dear Sandi,
    I am so happy to see you post again. Aqua is just a wonderful color. I love it also. And your little crystal parrot, the drapery and the cups go wonderful together. How yummy your tea and muffins look. You are a good hostess and beside that a wonderful photographer. Thank you for sharing these pretty pictures, the recipe and the quotes. Take care of your health and have a good time.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  10. Dearest Sandi, I'm glad your in good spirits. I have become fond of White pumpkins as well. And I love aqua too. Love your photos. Love the pretty teacup with aqua and violets inside.. Sweet teapot too.. Happy Fall dearest with kove Janice

  11. Awe...I was so glad when I opened email this evening that there sat your post. Hope you are feeling better sweet lady. You are precious and the Lord has you in the palm of His mighty hand. Oh isn't that a wonderful place to be? Love your pictures of everything but that little parrot is a doll. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  12. Your aqua parrot is so cute! A new Marshall's/HomeSense opened up 20 minutes away from me which can be dangerous for my wallet!

    I hope that the rehab and medical treatments will help your health challenges.

  13. I'm an autumn gal Sandi, love the change in the air and the fiery fall foliage. Don't you love it when something is sitting on a shelf just waiting for you to find it? Your new teal parrot matches the draperies nicely, not to mention coordinating with a few favourite teacups.
    Prayers for you as new medical issues are to be overcome and old ones kept in line.

  14. I love softer colors in autumn and all year. Lovely mix of beauty

  15. Hi Sandi. Love the Aynsley teacup. And your turquoise parrot is so cute! I love all the seasons, and can't say that I have a favorite. I will be praying as the medical issues are dealt with...good thing we have a Great Physician! Thanks so much for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

  16. Dearest Sandi, so good to see your post pop up in my feed! Trust you will continue to rest and heal. Our bodies are amazing and trusting time will help! Your pictures are lovely! I especially love the walk in the woods pic, so restful and beautiful. Take good care!

  17. Sandi,
    I imagine your home to look so beautiful! Your tea cups and decorations are just darling. I hope you will feel better again, soon.
    Take good care of yourself.

  18. Hi Sandi! Just stopping by for a quick chat and a cuppa. I'm glad you're taking care of yourself and hopefully feeling better. Nothing cheers you up like an aqua parrot. Take good care, Pat

  19. Feel good Sandi and love your blog and mostly your beautiful heart. It comes through in everything you post. A kindred spirit - :)

  20. Sandi, what a delightful post. Your sweet little parrot is adorable, and I love all of those beautiful teacups! The muffins look delcious, and I am going to have to try your recipe. Thanks for sharing it! Take care!!!

  21. Sandi I love that you showed us the softer side of Fall. It's all so pretty...I bet the island is so beautiful. Happy Fall.

  22. I am quite fond of white pumpkins as well! Lovely photographs.

  23. Sandi, I do adore you blog although I have not had hardly a minute to visit lately. Finally finished painting under the eaves of our she shed and getting ready to host a fall tea in my garden on Sat. I hope you are feeling well. I do love fall, but Spring is my favorite season. I too am a bit sad to see summer go! Your parrot is perfect and I love you pretty teacup! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  24. Sandi, I bet autumn is gorgeous on PEI. I love yout pretty teacups and teapot and those ginger muffins sound really good! Take care of yourself and stay warm as the chilly days are approaching. It really isn't the same without joining you for tea each week but, I understand the health issues. Get well soon.

  25. Hi Sandi,
    I was surprised and pleased to see your comment on my blog. I am glad that you are feeling well enough to post this week. And it is just gorgeous your table setting. Love the mauve and turquoise with a touch of orange. Your violet teapot is just beautiful! I pray that your health will continue to improve. Blessings Sweet Sandi! Karen

  26. Oh dear Sandi, so sorry to hear of your health struggles, do hope that you are feeling better day by day! I so enjoyed the "virtual tea" you shared with us today, along with the lovely walk through the woods! Such delightful colors abound in fall... and yes, winter is surely coming. I enjoy all the seasons, but it does seem that winter overstays much longer than the other seasons, lol! Will be praying for you that you feel much better very soon! Hugs and blessings sent your way :)

  27. Sandi, your parrot is beautiful. What a perfect touch he lends to your room and table setting! I am so sorry to hear that you haven't been well, but am thankful you could feel well enough to put together this lovely post about the softer side of fall. It's all beautiful, and I think I need to try those ginger muffins!

  28. It's good to hear that you are taking care of yourself physically....and just as good to hear that you are taking care of yourself in the way that beautiful surroundings, good smells and toy tea can help with!

  29. It's good to hear that you are taking care of yourself physically....and just as good to hear that you are taking care of yourself in the way that beautiful surroundings, good smells and toy tea can help with!


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.