Monday 8 August 2016

No Place Like Home

But what on earth is half so dear -
So longed for as the hearth of home? ~ Emily Bronte

Hello my lovely friends and welcome to No Place Like Home; a blog party where you are invited to share all your home and garden posts. A place to share your imagination, ideas and gifts with others.

I have been very busy since I last posted. My whole family, all twelve of us, were home for a huge Family Reunion. We had Hubby's relatives come from as far away as Ireland, Colorado, Florida, Ontario, BC, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and of course PEI. Many we met for the very first time. This is the majority of us. 

All of my kids were home along with Boomer, the little pup that I have become very fond of. This little guy made this pillow his own. How could I not allow him to make himself comfy, he's just too cute! He is a hybrid breed, a Shinese. A cross between a Shih Tzu and a Pekingese and he's as soft and cuddly as a little teddy bear. His tail curls up when he is standing.

My little granddaughter wearing an Anne of Green Gables hat. Isn't she adorable? She loves to pose for the camera.

We enjoyed trips to the beach, both the north shore and the south shore. 

The kids loved catching hermit crabs among the red cliffs...

and playing in the sand at Brackley Beach.

Sunset at Brackley Beach.

We enjoyed walks on the boardwalk at Victoria Park. A few of us didn't make it into the picture because they were walking behind the camera.

Family is everything!

Our two youngest on the rocks lining the boardwalk.

One of our grandsons piggybacked his little cousin all the way to and from the play park from our house which is a good little jaunt.

One of the highlights for my Mom was when all her grandchildren and great-grandchildren visited her. This is my son and his sweet family from BC. 

My middle guy and me out for the afternoon spending some mom and son time.

Papa's girl!

I hope you enjoyed a few pictures taken on my blog break. 

The last of my company left this morning on the 6 AM flight so we had to get up very early to see them off at the airport. It's sad to see them go. Our middle son longs to move his family back to the Island so it's always hard on him especially. 
I may be a wee bit late getting around for my visits today because of the very early morning I had. 

I don't have any features today because I have been absent but thank you to everyone who participated in my last blog party. It was my biggest party to date. What a talented group of ladies you all are!

Now let's see what you are creating in your home to make it a cozy place to come home to for your family, your friends, and yourself. 

Lord, this humble house we'd keep 
Sweet with play and calm with sleep. 
Help us so that we may give 
Beauty to the lives we live. 
Let Thy love and let Thy grace 
Shine upon our dwelling place. - Edgar A. Guest

 Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi


  1. What a wonderful summer you had, Sandi! Having everyone home at once is a rare treat and the photos show just how much everyone enjoyed it. It's so important for the cousins to get together while they are young. We are getting close to the time when our grandsons have to go back to Alberta and it will be hard to see them leave. It's been a great summer !

  2. Good Morning, Sandi!
    What a wonderful post ... full of all the excitement of your family reunion. Thanks for sharing with us. Happy Monday!

  3. Dear Sandi:
    What a wonderful family time and each picture told of celebration. The children looked so cute "out in front" sitting on the ground. This was a memory they will never forget. I hope you son can move back as desired. That would be wonderful. I enjoyed your "family reunion"!

  4. It looks like you had a lovely time spent with family! Thanks for hosting!


  5. Wow, what a gathering!! So great so many could make it, and what a beautiful spot for it! That sunset is gorgeous! And Sandi, I'm so happy to see a picture of you! You are lovely! And so is the rest of your wonderful family.
    Thanks for having your party today. I imagine you are still recuperating. xo Deborah

  6. What a large group! How nice to have reunions like that!!

  7. How fun Sandi! I am so glad you have a wonderful holiday with family! What a wonderful family to gether! Welcome back! Thanks for hosting!

  8. What a wonderful family reunion, Sandi dear! It was such fun to scroll through your pictures and see the happiness of everyone. You are such a lovely lady! What a special time was had by all at the beach and just enjoying each other's company. Now, it's back to normal and I know how sad you must feel. Thank you for hosting and love and hugs are sent to you.

  9. What a beautiful family and huge reunion. I hope your middle son gets to move back, wouldn't that be lovely?

  10. Looks like a busy family gathering with so many coming to the island Sandi. I can't believe how big your granddaughter is already, and of course's she's a grandpa's girl - just like all of ours.
    A nice photo of you with your son and now for some down time I should think. :-)

  11. Sandi,
    Wonderful pictures of you and your family and your time together!! And so good to have you back! Thanks for hosting!!

  12. What a fun reunion, Sandi! You have a lovely family. Your granddaughter is so cute. Your pictures are awesome especially the beach and sunset....Christine

  13. Sounds like you and your family had a very nice time....and yes your granddaughter is adorable. thanks for the party....

  14. Now I see why you were baking up a storm prior to your family's arrival. You couldn't have picked a prettier location to host your fun family reunion. Thank you for hosting and take it easy for the rest of the week!

  15. That looks like you had a great time with your family Sandi! Your granddaughter is so cute dressed like Anne and I love that dog, what a cutie! Thanks for hosting!

  16. Hi Sandi,
    I loved seeing the family reunion pics and those of your dear grand children. You look beautiful with your middle son. I hope that you can get some rest this week after all of your busy days. Thank you for hosting No Place Like Home and you are so right - family is everything! Blessings, Karen

  17. What great memories you made with your family! Such sweet children! You have some wonderful pictures to remember your great times! It is so hard when your family wants to be with you. I pray that will soon happen for your son. Thanks so much for the inspiration found here. Trust you will soon be able to rest!

  18. Oh, Sandi, this looks like an absolutely wonderful family reunion. How awesome that so many came---and from so far away.

    Your little granddaughter is too cute for words! And so is Boomer! I do hope things work out for your son and his family to move back.


  19. What a beautiful family you have! It looks like you all had a wonderful time. Thank you for sharing it with us!

  20. How wonderful for all of you to have been together like that! It looks like you all had a great time.

    Have a lovely week ~ FlowerLady

  21. Family is the best time and looks like you had a great time Sandi.

    Thanks for the link-up.

  22. What a lovely beautiful family you have. It's so nice to get all together. I also had visitors and got up very early this morning to see my daughter and her family of. It's always sad to see them leave.
    Have a great week.

  23. Its been awhile since I have blogged hopped much, but missed your blog. Your family photos are wonderful and so glad you all had the chance to get together. Good days to you.

  24. Sandi, your family reunion looks wonderful! There are a lot of you! Thank you for sharing your special time with us. ♥

  25. Wow, Sandi, you had a housefull and you all look so happy. What a treat to have a family reunion. The kids are all so cute and that little pup is adorable. Thanks for hosting and hope you are able to get rested up..Judy

  26. Hi Sandi, you've sure had a busy summer with your family all gathered. What a great family reunion you had! Our family is so small by comparison and we didn't even get a group photo. I'm glad your western family were home for a visit. Enjoy the rest of the summer. Blessings, Pam

  27. Wonderful photos ! Glad you had nice visit and good time with family . Oh my Boomer what a cutie . Thanks for sharing , Have a good week !

  28. What a glorious reunion, what a wonderful post, I've enjoyed your pictures ! Thank you very much , Sandi !

  29. Hi Sandi, how nice to spend time with family! Looks like a good time was had by all. The pup is totally adorable! And cute Anne wig on your granddaughter! The red cliffs definitely remind me of Anne of the movie, when she asked Matthew about the red clay there on the island.
    Take care!

  30. What a wonderful family reunion, I can't imagine getting that many family members all together at once now days.


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.