Friday 27 May 2016

Peaches and Cream and Cake

...almost before Anne realised it, spring had come again to Green Gables and all the world was abloom once more. ~ LM Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

Hi everyone! Hope you all had a good week. Here on the Island, the trees are all leafing out and everything is so fresh and green. My favourite time of year, bar none, when the trees take on a lacy appearance! 

One day a few weeks ago I went into Home Sense and found this teacup. In the store it appeared to be a deep coral and it really caught my eye. I am trying not to buy any more teacups but this one I found tantalizing. I had never seen one this colour before and because I am quite struck on the colour coral, I brought it home. 

Only thing is, when I took it out of the shopping bag, it was no longer a deep coral. It looked more like pink coral. Those fluorescent lights fool you every time. No matter, I still think it is pretty. I like the little butterfly and flower inside the rim too. What do you think? Would you have brought her home?

It is such a rich colour trimmed in gold and look at her fancy saucer! I am not sorry I brought her home. The mark on the bottom says Meritage.

I brought out my Queen Anne in pink coral with her garland of golden leaves to keep her company. 

As well and my Royal Chelsea in peach with her bouquet of posies inside the cup. 

All three teacups are in the same colour group so I thought they would be pretty on my tea table today.

This cream and sugar set had been hiding for a couple of years and I finally found them. {Found my Christmas teapot too. :-)}They are Skye McGhie called Country Rose. As you can see, the roses are peach roses.

A friend is the sugar bowl in the tea party of life,
Sweet and satisfying to the soul. ~ Unknown

I made a cake for our tea. This is Elizabeth's Irish Tea Cake at The Daisy Fields. This cake would be perfect for strawberry short cake. It's not too sweet and just the right consistency. It dimpled in the middle when I took it out of the oven but it is baked clear through.

Here I have served it with some strawberry preserves and a dollop of whipped cream. My hubby, who isn't crazy about cake, and I both enjoyed it and I will definitely be making it again.

I may even replace my shortcake biscuits with this cake, I like it so well. 

Hope all my American friends have a lovely Memorial Day weekend.

Thank you for visiting and enjoy your cuppa tea today!

 I am sharing this with the following parties ~

 Tuesday Cuppa Tea
 Bernideen's TTCG Blog Party
 Tea Cup Tuesday
 The Art of Home-Making Mondays
 Share Your Cup Thursday
 Home Sweet Home

 Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi


  1. Hi Sandi, your new teacup is really pretty and the saucer is an interesting shape. I also like your other peach/coral teacups. Such pretty shades, especially the Royal Chelsea one. I hope you are having a nice week. I saw Jeff Hutchison on Canada AM was in Charlottetown this morning showing off 'his' island's famous things and places. He'll be retiring there soon. He will sure be missed on Canada AM. Have a lovely weekend. Pam

  2. Sandi,

    All 3 tea cups are simply stunning!! And the sugar bowl and creamer are so charming!! Just beautiful!! What a wonderful post this was!!
    Thanks so much for all your visits, my friend!!

  3. Hooray for finding the missing sugar and cream set and Christmas teapot! I love your new teacup's pretty colour and unique saucer shape. I can totally sympathize about being fooled by the store lights (Exhibit A: The "purple" teapot that was actually periwinkle blue). Have a good weekend, Sandi!

  4. Dear Sandi:
    I love it that you found something and especially something tea related that was missing. It drives me crazy when I mislay things. It does happen. Right now after moving we think we accidentally threw away the top spindle and stem piece that holds a globe on one of our lamps. It would of been small and the paper must of gotten tossed that it was wrapped in. Oh well, we shall figure it out.... I love your pretty cream and sugar and all those teacups and also the cute teapot with the bird. Elizabeth posts some lovely recipes for sure. Your cake looks yummy.

  5. Love your shortcake...makes me need a goody! Back from a break, and excited about catching up. I love your pretty teacups and so glad you found your missing piece!

  6. Your new teacup is very pretty, but I like your Queen Anne cup best. Teacups are the prettiest things and so varied. Glad you found your missing pieces. The cake looks yummy - there's nothing like a good basic vanilla cake for enjoying with whipped cream and strawberries!

  7. I love your new tea cup and saucer.

    That recipe sounds and looks delicious so I went to the blog and saved the recipe to my files.

    Have a lovely weekend ~ FlowerLady

  8. What a pretty, peachy themed tea, dear Sandi! Yes, isn't it funny how those lights make the colors distorted? However, no matter, because your teacup is just lovely! The saucer in itself, is so unique. How wonderful to find your cream and sugar set and your Christmas teapot. The cake sounds perfect for many occasions to enjoy with a cup of tea. Happy weekend to you and your hubby while you enjoy your favorite time of the year!

  9. Hello dear Sandi, your tea today is so pretty! Your new teacup goes so well with your other ones, I am so glad you brought it home, and the saucer so quaint! Your tea cake looks so yummy, I will have to make one! I think where I live the seasons are about the same as yours. The leaves on our trees are just now filling out and the spring green so beautiful! Have a wonderful weekend!

  10. Hi Sandi. Your tea cups are so pretty and your cake looks delicious! Happy weekend! ;)

  11. Oh Sandi, I love the new teacup - especially the butterfly inside! I keep saying I'm not going to buy any more either but sometimes we can't help ourselves. ;-)
    I'll be checking out the new cake recipe, and will be sharing one next week I made that is scrumptious.
    Sure was a hot day here today - high 80's.

  12. Sandi,
    Your tea things are lovely! Peach and coral are unusual, so how lucky to have founds these.

    I love the tea quote about friends, and that cake! Yum!

  13. I love your coral teapot collection, Sandi. They are all so beautiful! I love that color.....Christine

  14. My Mom, from Pickering, Ontario, collected tea cups. I now have them. Your blog brings me warm feelings and love for my Mom. Thanks.
    I love your new saucer. I've never seen one like that.
    Where is your Island?

  15. Your new coral teacup and saucer are very attractive and the colour is lovely. The Irish Tea Cake looks delicious too.

  16. Enjoy all of your posts! Your china is always sooo beautiful! Going to try this cake too. Is there a way to email you for some questions on PEI?

  17. Oh, my goodness! That peachy colored teacup with the sweet flowers inside made my heart go "pitter patter"!

    Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  18. Sandi, I love peaches and corals and most certainly would have "brought her home!" Wish I could pop in to have tea and cake with you!

  19. Had pinned and printed that Irish Tea Cake recipe from Daisy Fields, but now with your endorsement and pictures I am for sure going to make it soon. great replacement for shortcake with the strawberries.

  20. What a beautiful assortment! Thank you for sharing your lovelies with us on the Art of Home-Making Mondays! :)

  21. Such pretty teacups Sandi and that cake looks moist and delicious! Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home!

  22. Good morning Sandi! This is just a little note to let you know that this post has been * FEATURED * today on the "Special Peach Edition" of The Art of Home-Making Mondays at Strangers & Pilgrims on Earth. Have a lovely week! :)


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.