Monday 18 April 2016

No Place Like Home

Home is the nicest place there is. ~ Laura Ingalls Wilder

Hello dear friends and welcome to No Place Like Home!

Did you all have a nice weekend? My poor hubby was sick with the flu on Saturday so I was taking care of him. He rarely gets sick so when he does, it's a very big deal. Yesterday he was much better so we took our supper down at the boardwalk and enjoyed the scenery which we had missed all winter. Very soon the sailboats will be out again. Can't wait!

The other day I shared how I decorate with some of my plates. I also enjoyed a tea time with some scones and jam. If you missed that post you may click here to visit.

Last week's party served up a plethora of ideas and recipes. They were all marvellous and thank you so much for sharing. You are a wonderfully talented group of ladies! 

Here are my features from last week's party:

Pat @ French Country Style from the Foot of the Rockies shared how she was inspired by her trip to France to bring back French Country style into her dining room. 

Phyllis @ Relevant Tea Leaf shared a lovely high tea for some special friends. Isn't her table pretty?
Her menu was wonderful too.

Carmen @ Die Nameise shared the beautiful Blazing Star cushion she made. I love the sunny yellow of her daffodils too!

Amy @ A Day of Small Things shared some vintage treasures from her parents' home that tell a story. One was a chair from her childhood which was made even cuter with her little one sitting it.

And for my recipe this week ~ Mrs. T @ Across My Kitchen Table shared a scrumptious Lemon Bar Trifle she made for her daughter's birthday. Yum!

Thank you everyone for participating last week. As a courtesy, and if you would like to be featured, you should have a link back to my party.

Now let's see what you are creating in your home to make it a cozy place to come home to for your family, your friends, and yourself. 

Lord, this humble house we'd keep
Sweet with play and calm with sleep. 
Help us so that we may give 
Beauty to the lives we live. 
Let Thy love and let Thy grace 
Shine upon our dwelling place. - Edgar A. Guest 

Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi


  1. Hi Sandi,
    thank you very much for featuring my my spring pillow post. To see all the talented blog friends is very inspiring, including your charming Rose Chintz Cottage. Thank you for the party, have a wonderful week, Carmen

  2. Always a pleasure to stop by and join the party....thanks for having me! Have a blessed week...hugs...

  3. Good Morning Sandi and thank you so much for featuring my French Country dining room on your lovely blog. Your post about having supper on the boardwalk sounded so perfect. I'm curious what part of the country you live in if you wouldn't mind sharing. Thanks for the party.

  4. Hi Pat,
    I live on PEI, Anne of Green Gables land, in Canada. It is a beautiful place to live especially in the summertime. Have a lovely day and thank you for joining me.

  5. I'm glad your dear hubby felt better yesterday to enjoy your supper on the boardwalk. I'm sure the view would make anyone feel better! Thanks for hosting, dear Sandi, and have a beautiful week!

  6. Sorry, your hubby was sick but glad he is better. Thanks for hosting, Sandi...Christine

  7. Wow, Sandi, thanks for the feature ... very sweet of you! Hope you do try that trifle recipe for your hubby's birthday and that you enjoy it. What a lovely view you have from the boardwalk!

    Thanks for hosting ... not sure I will be able to take time to write a post and link up, but I will if I can. Busy season of life right now.

  8. Sandi,
    Thanks so much for hosting, my friend and thanks for taking the time to visit!!

  9. Glad hubby is feeling better i just over so e icky virus.. It's a beautiful day today here. Always enjoy visiting everyone. Thanks for sharing. With love Janice

  10. Thanks for letting me join in on the fun this week!


  11. Glad your husband is feeling better. Thank you very much for the party! Hugs!

  12. Oh my, I'm so glad your hubby is better dear Sandi.
    I'm sharing a piggy chalkboard I DIYed a Little, cake and rack with tea dishes.
    Thank you for the wonderful party.
    Have a blessed week.

  13. Beautiful photos, from one Sandi to another!

  14. Glad to hear that your hubby's flu was just a 24-hour virus. We've had beautiful weather over the last few days. It's about time that spring arrived! Thank you for hosting and have a wonderful week!

  15. Glad all are doing well there Sandi! Take care and enjoy the sunshine!

  16. Thank you for hosting, Sandi! That lemon bar trifle looks scrumptious!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Sorry about deleting that comment my phone has that blasted auto-correct, and it auto corrects the wrong words sometimes, lol. But I was trying to say thank you for hosting this fun party, great features, and hope hubby feels better. And I sure know you all enjoy living on PEI, it would be heavenly picnic on the boardwalk.

  19. Hi Sandi, popping in to say hello and to tell you I'm still here and still pop by for a visit. I'm so glad hubby's on the mend. Flu can be so nasty. And how lovely to take your supper to the sea. The weather's turned here in Vancouver and it's sunny and hot and so wonderful I almost jumped into the sea today. Take care. Hugs. X

  20. Hello sandi,

    Glad t hear that your hubby is feeling better. Weather here is finally turning sunny and warm. Love your pretty pictures.

    Thank you for hosting and have a blessed week.


  21. Hi Sandi,
    what a beautiful view of the sea and the white sailboats, a picture to enjoy. We have here the first warm day and enjoy sitting in the garden. Hopefully the spring remains.
    Thank you for sharing. I wish you a harmonious week, Carmen

  22. Hi Sandi! I'm glad your husband is feeling better. Man Flu can be life threatening I've heard (said with tongue firmly in cheek!). Thankyou for the lovely linkup. It's always a pleasure to see what everyone has been up to. Love, Mimi xxx

  23. Hi Sandi...have been gone for a bit, but had to stop by as I get back on track. So many people I know have had this spring flu and colds. My hubby just had a tummy bug after the other crud. I hope we are done with this for the year. Lovely blog as always. I enjoy your posts and your linkups so much.

  24. Hi Sandi...have been gone for a bit, but had to stop by as I get back on track. So many people I know have had this spring flu and colds. My hubby just had a tummy bug after the other crud. I hope we are done with this for the year. Lovely blog as always. I enjoy your posts and your linkups so much.

  25. Thank you, Sandi, for hosting and so glad your hubby is feeling better. A picnic lunch with that view should improve anyone..Happy Tuesday..Judy

  26. Beautiful things going on in all the blogs you presented. I still don't quite know how blog party works but I shall read about it and learn. Thanks for all you shared. Wishing a great week!

  27. Hi Sandi,
    I am late to link up because I am trying to weed my gardens since the weather is warm today . Please let me know when you are on the west coast and I would love to meet you. I pray that your weather improves soon. Blessings, Karen.

  28. Love those sailboats, Sandi. What a lovely place to enjoy the spring weather!

  29. Dear Sandi,
    I hope your husband is feeling better now. The weather becomes so nice, I hope you can enjoy sailing soon. Your vignette with the red transferware and the red jam looks very inviting. its always a pleasure to see all the nice ideas and crafts of all ladies. Thank you for sharing this and for hosting the sweet event.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  30. Thank you for hosting and sharing a beautiful week, Sandi. Hoping your husband is better. Happy weekend! Take good care!


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.