Monday 28 March 2016

No Place Like Home # 21

If Home is where your heart is then may your Home be blessed... John McLeod

Happy Easter Monday and welcome dear friends to my weekly blog party!

We here in Canada are enjoying a long Easter weekend as today is also a holiday for my hubby and he is taking tomorrow off too. Guess what he will be doing? It's time to start painting again. This time it is the den and then, alas, the office. It's going to be a lot of work because there is so much 'stuff' to move especially in the office. But it will be good to get it done.

Over the weekend I wrote a Good Friday post remembering our Lord's sacrifice for us. I also posted an Easter tea using some pink and aqua china. Daffodils, bunnies and chicks also showed up on the tea table. If you would like to see that post, just click here.

Last week's party served up so many wonderful ideas and recipes. They were all marvellous and thank you so much for sharing. You are a wonderfully talented group of ladies! These are my features for this week and I hope you enjoy them! 

Emily @ The French Hutch shared her lovely Spring nest complete with a family of bunnies nestled inside. Very cute!

Debbie @ Debbie-Dabble had a wonderful display to share and this time it is her pink Easter tree and bunny village.

Gina @ A Simple Cottage Life  shared these cute carrot treat boxes with her tutorial. Great for hostess gifts or at a place setting.

Marilyn @ Mountain Top Spice shared her table makeover with lots of storage space in this little table. Great job!

Snap @ Tales From Twisty Lane shared a very sweet tea post using her Easter bunnies and lovely tea ware.

Pam @ TEA IN TEXAS shared her adorable bunny tablescape. Loved her bunny plates!

Mimi @ A Tray of Bliss made these adorable bunny print cookies. Almost too pretty to eat!

Thank you everyone for participating last week. As a courtesy, and if you would like to be featured, you should have a link back to my party.

Now let's see what you are creating in your home and garden to make it a cozy place to come home to for your family, your friends, and yourself. 

Lord, this humble house we'd keep 
Sweet with play and calm with sleep. 
Help us so that we may give 
Beauty to the lives we live. 
Let Thy love and let Thy grace 
Shine upon our dwelling place. - Edgar A. Guest 

Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi


  1. I hope you had a blessed and fun Easter, Sandi. I love your aqua and pink teapot and cup. What lovely pattern and color combo!...Christine

  2. Sandi,
    Thanks so much for hosting each week and thanks so much for the honor of being featured!!! I will be giving you a Shout Out on Google + and in my next post! Thanks again and I am glad that you are enjoying your Easter Holiday!! We enjoyed ours but Joe would be thrilled to also have today off as your Hubby does. He will be retiring at the end of August and can not wait!!


  3. Thanks Sandi for hosting the fun party. Wishing you a wonderful week!

  4. I'm honored you have me in your features, thanks so much! Great place for inspiration so thank you for hosting……...

  5. Lovely photos ! I am glad you had a nice Easter as well . Oh your hubs is lucky to have the extra time off mine had to go back to work today I cant wait for him to retire but that will some time yet .Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  6. I'll bet it is nice to have an extra pair of hands around the house, if even for just the weekend! ;) I hope you had a lovely Easter celebration, and thank you for hosting! My kiddos are off this week for Spring Break too, and we of course will tackle some spring cleaning, and fun, too! Blessings...

  7. Hi Sandi. I'm sure you had a blessed Easter! I love your turquoise and white, and your features are all wonderful! Hope the decorating goes well. Thanks for hosting and linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

  8. That china is adorable and my favorite colors! Enjoy your extra long weekend and thanks for the party!


  9. Love the dishes and such a pretty color! Hope the painting goes well and thanks for hosting

  10. Your tea table is so Springy and perfect for Easter, Sandi, with such pretty colors and decor. Thank you so much for joining us for your party. Best of luck with all the painting in the rooms. I hope you had a blessed and joyful Easter. xo

  11. Beautiful pink and aqua, Sandi! I hope your Easter was as lovely as your photos - and I hope that your painting projects have started!

  12. Hello Sandi! I just purchased the same teacup in your photo and would love to have the teapot to match, could you please tell me where you purchased yours?
    Thank you so much!
    Donna A

  13. 'Tis the season for home improvement projects! Sounds like your hubby will have a productive long Easter weekend. Heh. Thanks for hosting and enjoy the last week of March!

  14. We just finished moving stuff out ourselves - donated a ton and trashed a ton too! Now we could paint but instead we just cleaned and cleaned deep! Thanks so much for hosting us each week, we love visiting!

  15. Your teapot and teacup in aqua are gorgeous! Love the features too.
    Thank you sweet Sandi for hosting.
    Hope you had a lovely Easter.

  16. Sandi, oh what a sweet surprise to be featured this week. Thank you! Love all your featured blogs! Those bunny cookies are a must make recipe this spring!

  17. How delightful to see all of this charming Easter decor! (And I love your aqua teawares, as I have the same teacup!)

  18. I'm in love with your teapot! Such a beautiful Easter table top.

  19. A lovely party, Sandi! As always! Hope you had a blessed Easter. Thanks for hosting!

  20. I don't normally like a lot of floral prints in china, but that is the cutest darn tea set ever!! Love it!

  21. I love floral china of course and love that turquoise tea pot and cup.
    Makes me want to bring out some I have packed away
    I have way to many tea pot and dishes,thinking out loud LOL
    I love seeing all yours

  22. What a pretty tea table - the flowers go perfectly with your color scheme.

  23. Oh dear Sandi, thank you so much for highlighting my post! I apologize for getting here a day late! Such a beautiful array of lovely posts to visit, always a joy and a pleasure to visit with you! Appreciate your highlight so much... have a blessed day my friend!

  24. Thank you for hosting, Sandi, and hope you had a wonderful Easter. The features are lovely..Happy Tuesday..Judy

  25. Burning the midnight oil tonight Sandi! It's almost midnight! LOL Happy Wednesday! Thanks for hosting!

  26. Sounds like a lovely Easter...painting? I think Jim and I are done with those days...our wonderful handyman Duane has taken over that job. Much love...Linda

  27. Thanks so much Sandi, for inviting to your party, everything looks lovely. God Bless


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.