Friday 11 December 2015

The Little Drummer Boy Comes to Tea

Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and makes everything more beautiful. ~ Norman Vincent Peale

Hello dear friends. I really love Christmas and I know most of you do too. I pretty much have all the decorating done that I'm going to do. How about you?

The wreath I made for the patio doors in the dining room.

Throughout the busyness of this season, we, including me, can easily get distracted by the baking and decorating, buying and wrapping presents, attending parties and Christmas concerts. So on and so on. Oftentimes, we lose sight of what the real reason for celebrating Christmas is because we're too busy.

But, let's stop for just a moment and imagine a world without Christmas! 

There would be no beautiful Christmas carols or Christmas cards, no Christmas concerts, no Christmas trees or beautiful decorations. There would be no Hope! 

Because Christ came, we are enjoying the Season of Hope and all these beautiful sights and sounds that accompany it. I believe the world is kinder and more giving because He came. Those who are lonely have a Friend who is closer than a brother. Those who have made mistakes, and we all have, have forgiveness when we ask for it. We have so many gifts from Him because He came. He is the reason we celebrate. Without Him, there would be no CHRISTmas.

So, let's slow down and enjoy the season. It only comes once a year, after all, and God wants us to enjoy it.

For a child is born to us, a son is given to us. The government will rest on his shoulders. And he will be called: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. - Isaiah 9:6 NLT 

A number of years ago when my youngest son was in the school band he played, "The Little Drummer Boy" on the snare drum. It was a moving and magical Christmas band concert that evening. I was so proud of my boy!

That same Christmas my hubby gifted me with the Little Drummer Boy. I was collecting porcelain dolls at the time and this one was so appropriate that year. Hasn't he got a sweet little face? So pensive as he played his drum for the King!

Wind him up and he plays "The Little Drummer Boy" while his arms move to the music and he beats on his little drum. I named him Yarden which is Hebrew for Jordan.

He is dressed like a little shepherd boy and he will be joining us for tea today. 

You all know the story of the little drummer boy. The song is a classic written by the American classical music composer and teacher, Katherine Kennicott Davis in 1941.

In the lyrics the singer relates how, as a poor young boy, he was summoned by the Magi to the nativity where, without a gift for the infant Jesus, he played his drum with all his heart. 
Mary approved, and he remembers, "I played my best for Him" and "He smiled at me."

The magic of Christmas is not in the presents but in his Presence. ~ unknown

It's only a song but a very poignant one, a favourite every year. What can we bring Him this Christmas? The best I think we can give Him is our heart. He wants to take all our baggage and dispose of it. He can make us brand new so we can be of good service to Him and others. He can give us a brand new life. He surely is worthy to be worshipped. May we all be like the Little Drummer Boy!

"I played my drum for Him, pa rum pum pum pum, I played my best for Him, pa rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum....,"

Now how about a nice cup of tea?

...Perhaps that is the true gift of a teatime celebration: It fills our cups with joy and warmth and friendship. May the echo of the teacup's message be heard not only at Christmas, not only on special occasions, but anytime friends come together. ~ Emilie Barnes

My teacups are both special because I only bring them out during the month of December. 

The holly teacup I found at the 70 mile yard sale years ago. It is made by Royal Stafford of England. I think I paid a couple dollars for it.

The Royal Albert December Christmas Rose I found at an antique shop.

The teapot holds Murchie's Christmas Blend tea which was a gift from a blogger friend. 

Please help yourself to my fruit scones drizzled with almond icing. I make scones year round but I usually only make these at Christmastime. They are light and filled with spices and fruit; a treat with a cup of tea.

I am sure I have shared the recipe before but I will share it again on the weekend.

Thank you for blessing me with your company today and please come back and join me on Monday for No Place Like Home

Have a delightful weekend everyone and God bless you!

The first snowfall is not only an event but it is a magical event. You go to bed in one kind of world and wake up to find yourself in another quite different and if this is not enchantment, where is it to be found? ~ J B Priestley

You should always be the best decoration in your own house.~ Phoebe Howard 

I am joining these wonderful parties ~

 Tuesday Cuppa Tea
 Bernideen's Tea Time, Cottage and Garden Blog Party
 Tea Cup Tuesday
 Share Your Cup Thursday
 Home Sweet Home

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Hi Sandi,
    What a sweet Christmas post with your little Drummer Boy on your tea table. His face is adorable, with the sweetest eyes. That song was always my late husband's favorite Christmas carol. Both of your teacups are so pretty. I will be sharing the December one on my next post. Isn't it fun to use seasonal teacups?
    Have a wonderful weekend, sweet friend. Oops, I forgot to mention that I love your wreath that you made and I also caught a glimpse of some pretty plates in a plate rack above the window...sigh!

  2. Dear Sandi:
    Your little doll, cups and saucers and that teapot are darling. Your scones look more than darling! Ha! Your wreath is really lovely too! I enjoyed your post! Have a wonderful weekend.

  3. Love your tea cups -- and that teapot -- I covet that! And what a cute Little Drummer Boy -- one of my favorite Christmas songs!

  4. Sandi this post says it all (Can I have your pink wreath) to dye for so gorgeous. I too am posting this week about how we get caught in the details of Christmas and lose site of what it really means.I love your post and you always make me want to come over and join you for a cup of pretty.Susie

  5. Sandi, I love your drummer boy, that is one of my favorite Christmas songs!
    Your wreath is so pretty in pink! One of scones with tea in your pretty Christmas cup would be just delicious!
    Have a very Merry Christmas!

  6. The drummer boy is the prettiest I've ever seen dear friend... and the setting for tea is simply wonderful. Love the teacups and the RA December one specially.
    Thank you so much for your sweet comment on my little bundle of joy.
    Hope you're enjoying your weekend.

  7. Yarden is adorable! I remember watching The Little Drummer Boy claymation movie when I was a kid...Your Christmas tea set is beautiful!

  8. Sandi, what a beautiful and meaningful post! I love what you've written here. Also, your drummer boy and tea are so absolutely charming!

  9. Hi Sandi
    I love your wreath, and all your lovely china. Also, the inspiring words.

  10. Such a sweet Christmas post! Your little drummer boy is so darling and so special with the memories. Your table is so pretty with your china and your tree and wreath also! I am looking forward to your scone recipe!
    Blessings, Nancy

  11. Such a sweet Christmas post! Your little drummer boy is so darling and so special with the memories. Your table is so pretty with your china and your tree and wreath also! I am looking forward to your scone recipe!
    Blessings, Nancy

  12. Really like what you said about Christmas especially that it's not about presents but His presence. Glad you're okay Sandi. I did hear you guys got hit with some big snow. Stay safe and cozy.

  13. What a beautiful post, from the pretty wreath, the special thoughts on Christmas and the little drummer boy! The teacups are so pretty too. I don't have any Christmas teacups, but am on the lookout for something special ;) Happy Weekend!

  14. Hello Sandi
    You did a great job on the pink wreath, it is so you. ;-) The little porcelain drummer boy is sweet and my favourite recording of the song is by Tom Jackson, a Canadian born Metis who used to host the Huron Carole on TV which I watched every year.
    I've forgotten to use my RA poinsettia teacup since I purchased the cardinal ones but I am enjoying a variety of teas that have been sent in cards.

  15. Your little drummer boy is sweet. I remember being chosen to play the drum in our grade 5 class for the community sing-a-long. I was so proud my buttons must have been busting off. I've always loved that song ever since I can remember.

    Your Christmas teacups are so pretty.

    And,yes, it is good to take a moment to think of the world without Christmas and that it brought Emmanuel ... God with Us ... into our midst. It hardly bares thinking how bleak a world it would be.

    Thanks, Sandi! Wishing you glimpses of heaven in unexpected places...

  16. Hi Sandi, what a beautifully put together and well said post. Just lovely! Your drummer boy is sweet, and I have always liked that song. The scones look delicious!
    Have a wonderful week,

  17. Oh, I forgot to tell you how beautiful your pink wreath is! :)

  18. Oh, I do so love your pink wreath and your sweet words! How true it is we need to step back and enjoy this most blessed time of the year! Have a beautiful week, Lynn

  19. Hi Sandi. Your wreath is gorgeous! I love all the Christmas carols, and it is sad many are being suppressed due to Political Correctness, which is really discrimination in my opinion. I, too, have Murchie's Christmas Teaa this holiday favorite for the 2nd year. Your collection of Christmas teacups is wonderful! I do love them! Enjoy your week and the preparation for the coming of the Christ child!

  20. Dear Sandi:
    What a lovely posting reminding us all what it's really all about - the Celebration of the birth of our Lord. Your tree is soft and sweet as is this entire post. So glad you shared and wishing you all the joys of the season!

  21. This is a beautiful post! I love the Royal Albert month tea cups, they are all so pretty.

  22. Your little drummer boy is lovely, I'd love to see him performing. I also like your lovely Christmas cups, so Christmassy (of course but I couldn't think of another word unless it was wintery).



  23. Hello Sandi,
    What a lovely Christmas post! I have always loved the little drummer boy. Your figurine is adorable. I love all your Christmas tea cups! I do not have one yet as I am still waiting for the right one to show up ; )
    Your home looks beautiful and festive and those fruit scones are making my mouth water. Mmmmmm.

  24. Sandi, your little drummer boy is precious and will always bring back those wonderful memories of your son. I agree that we need to slow down and enjoy the true meaning of Christmas! For some reason, this year has been more hectic for me than most. Not sure why? I usually have everything ready and relaxing by now. lol! Just got home from attending a granddaughters dance performance, sitting by the tree and enjoying the Christmas spirit. Love your beautiful teacups also. You have so many lovelies! Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  25. Merry Christmas Sandi! Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home!


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.