Saturday 14 November 2015

Tea and The Tale of An Old Pancake Jug

Hello friends ~ It's Saturday morning and Hubby is at the gym so I'm enjoying a quiet cup of tea in my Johnson Brothers Friendly Village teacup.

This china is so perfect for Autumn and the winter months.

The Ice House

Each piece of Friendly Village depicts a scene from our past; an ice house, a covered bridge, a school house, among other things. A truly old-fashioned pattern which suggests a life of hard work yet such wonderful sentiment.

The School House

It hung on a pail that stood on a stool
By the door of an old-time country school,
And the water it dipped was cool and sweet
Fresh as mountain dew in the schoolroom's heat.

And never was water so good, so cool,
As dipped from the pail of that old-time school,
Along with the schoolhouse of another day,
The common tin dipper has passed away. - Margaret Neel

I am so glad that they have captured these olden day scenes under a glaze to be enjoyed forever.

Today my School House plate has an assortment of home made muffins on it. You may choose cranberry, blueberry bran, or raisin bran. 

Tea is Earl Grey.

Tea is quiet and our thirst for tea is never far from our craving for beauty. ~ James Norwood Pratt

Sugar Maples teapot

As I sip my cup of tea I can't help but reflect upon the days of my childhood. With the Christmas season nearing, I tend to become very sentimental. I suppose a lot of us are like that around this time of year.

Across the room, sitting on my chippy white table covered in old lace, is my Granny's pancake jug.

I'm not sure how old the jug is but my Auntie P seems to think that it probably came from my grandmother's grandmother. So we're talking over one hundred years old. 

The old pancake jug has been on a long journey. Long ago it served my great-grandmother up on Caledonia Mountain, NB. Then it accompanied my Granny to her home in Bridgedale, NB. {now Riverview}. My auntie, my mother, and their siblings enjoyed many pancakes made in this old jug. 

My Granny always used a very large spoon to mix pancake batter in this jug. The pancakes were made from her own buckwheat flour which was ground from their own buckwheat grown on the farm. 

Every Saturday night Granny made piles of pancakes and served them with baked beans for supper. She must have had a strong arm because the jug is quite heavy. I have no problem picturing Granny wearing her apron and stirring the jug to make pancakes. I remember she was a marvellous cook.

My auntie has had this pancake jug in her possession for years, ever since my beloved Granny passed, and she gave it to me the last time I visited her in New Brunswick. 

The old brown jug is a little beaten up. There is a nick in the handle and a crack in the body and some may think it not very pretty, but to me it is priceless. To me it's more than an old piece of crockery. It's a jug of memories.

So, here it sits now in my home with an ivy spilling out of it. I just noticed how much like a heart shape the ivy is growing in. A lot of love had been stirred up in that old jug! 

The jug is a treasured piece of my past reminding me of two of my favourite people; my auntie and my grandmother.

Memories are timeless treasures of the heart. -unknown

Savouring my hot cup of tea in an old-fashioned teacup and thinking about my childhood fills me with a sense of nostalgia which is hard to put into words. I only know how thankful I am for the blessing of a warm loving home, a warm cup of tea and such lovely memories.

So where are your thoughts taking you on this Saturday morning?

Please join me on Monday for No Place Like Home.

I am joining the following parties as well~

Vintage Show and Tell
A Return to Loveliness
 Tuesday Cuppa Tea
 Bernideen's Tea Time, Cottage and Garden Blog Party
 Tea Cup Tuesday
 Share Your Cup Thursday
 Home Sweet Home

 Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Such lovely memories. I love your dishware. So beautiful!

  2. What special thoughts are captured when you look at the pancake jug, Sandi. How pretty it looks with your Ivy trailing from it in a ❤️ Shaped design! The Friendly Village pattern just seems to blend so well with your treasured jug. Happy Saturday to you, sweet friend. What are my thoughts today? I'm off to enjoy watching one of my granddaughters play volleyball and also happiness to see my baby granddaughter come visit at the game!

  3. Amazing, I have had my Johnson bros tea pot since last year and just recently purchase four teacups and saucers. Im telling you and I seem to have similar taste. I love your story about grannys jug I think its beautiful and the memory is more beautiful. I hope to instill memories of love on my grandchildren as well. Everything looks so beautiful. I love the Ivy, I just took a piece out from the garden and put it in a milk glass vase in the window its looks so pretty, i love it in the old jug. Lovely post Sandi. Have a wonderful weekend with love Janice

  4. The Friendly Village dishes evoke wonderful memories of olden days. The jug fits in so well with your tea set today. It has a new lease on life filled with ivy.

  5. Love the dishes. first visit. I would love to get ivy to grow like that.
    Nice post.

  6. I like the wintry scenes on Friendly Village and your tea table set with delicious muffins for our visit Sandi. You sure make one think about all the pancakes the jug had made in it over the years. It looks nice with an ivy trailing down the sides.

  7. A nice assortment of delicious muffins in your beautiful dishware.. My grandparents grew and ground their own buckwheat also. They had a grist mill. The ivy in your heirloom jug is so precious. Nice post.

  8. I am enjoying your lovely post from Missouri. I think your brown jog is very sweet. Primitive style is beloved really. My daughter in law loves primitive. I also enjoyed your "Friendly Village" information. Have a lovely day!

  9. So sorry, Sandi. Keep making errors. Loved your post today. So heartfelt an sentimental. Beautiful! Your china is gorgeous and I also love Grannie's jug. So very, very precious. Susan

  10. Hello Sandi. It's Sunday night and I have been hopping all over town. Did some shopping at World Market today, and found some teas on Sale: Twinings Christmas Tea & Twinings Lady Grey Decaf. I also scored Stickey Fingers Cranberry scones on sale! I had to get a rain check for the stamped teaspoons I went in for, since they never arrived at the store. Anyone, since this is ALL tea related, I'm just sharing :)
    I love your post! The charm and nostalgia touches my heart. You should print out this post and somehow keep it with the jug, so the history can be passed down :)
    Hugs to you sweet friend!
    ~Heather Elizabeth

  11. I have these dishes and platters too! Think I will get them out tomorrow and fill the hutch ! Thanks for reminding me how lovely they are! Enjoy yours! Take care !

  12. Hi Sandi,
    I love your Johnson Brother's Friendly Village transferware. It does look so beautiful at this time of year. The little red barn birdhouse that I see in the background is so perfect with the china pattern. Your muffins do look yummy too! What a variety for choices. It always warms my heart to visit your gorgeous blogspot and see your lovely posts! Karen

  13. I have a few bits of Friendly Village in my shop. It is a favorite of many of my customers! And I enjoyed hearing about your memories today.

  14. I'm also a fan of the Friendly Village pattern. My mom has the mugs so I've been keeping an eye out for the matching teapot and teacups. I enjoyed reading about your grandma's pancake jug--it's definitely a family treasure!

  15. Sandi,
    Love the Friendly Village pattern! Such a pretty Winter scene!! And i adore your pancake jug! What a wonderful family history it has too!!
    Great minds think alike, my friend, because Earl Grey is my favorite flavor of tea.....
    thanks so much for stopping by and for your kind words.....

  16. To me, treasures like your pancake jug are priceless , especially given the history you know. Even better that you've shared its history and the precious memories, keeping them alive for future generations.

    I love the china !

  17. The china is a lovely pattern! Your grandmother's love is refected in the heart if the ivy vine. Very sweet post.

  18. I have a water pitcher that reminds me of my mom. The Friendly Village dishes are a winter favorite too. Thanks for sharing your memories and Saturday morning. Linda

  19. Love that pancake jug! Certainly does bring fond memories. I love the scenes on the Johnson bros. plates. Something to be cherished! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  20. Sandi, I just love grandmothers and grandmother stories! What a treasure. One of my fondest childhood memories is having pancakes for breakfast at my Grandma's house. She got a mention in my latest post. Enjoying your memories over tea sounds wonderful!

  21. Love this post! I think these are the dishes my grandmother had. I wish I had them.
    Thanks for linking at Share a Cup. It was very nice meeting you. I forgot to look for your button but I'll try to follow!.
    Today I featured Jan's party at my blog. Come over and comment on her feature post to enter Jan in a giveaway!

  22. I love that pattern Sandi! So Cozy! THanks for joining HSH!


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

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