Monday 19 October 2015

A Fanciful Pink Tea

Fall....the time when everything bursts with its last beauty, as if nature had been saving up all year for the grand finale. ~ Lauren DeStefano

Welcome to Rose Chintz Cottage and another Pink Tea Time, dear friends! 

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month so I am sharing a lot of pink this month.

This is what I woke up to today. It's safe to say, I'm not happy! It's simply way too early for this stuff!

I like the softer side of Fall and I love pumpkins, especially pink and white ones. 

I have painted a few Baby Boos over the years. Of course some of the wee ones have to have a little sparkle such as this little pink one.

What is it about pumpkins that fascinates us so? I think it is a love for Cinderella and her pumpkin coach that lives inside of each of us since we were little girls.

I still love the story of the poor servant girl who was transformed into a beautiful princess and adored by her prince and her little critters.

This Royal Dalton figurine reminds me of Cinderella so she is joining us for tea today. As you can see her frock is the Lavender Rose pattern.

A Dream is a wish your Heart makes. ~ Cinderella

I am still using my RA October Cosmos teacup and will continue using it until the end of the month. I think it looks so cute with the golden bejewelled Baby Boo in it. Kind of reminds me of Cinderella's coach....Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo! - from Cinderella

And where there is goodness, there is magic. - Cinderella

I tried to use Picmonkey on my pumpkin and my computer froze twice on me. I guess the program and Mac don't like each other so I am going to have to find another photo editing site. 

*Thank you, Judith, your advice worked!*

The tea party is a spa for the soul. You leave your cares and work behind. ~ Alexandra Stoddard

I am using my Aynsley teacup today. It is a favourite because I love the crocus shape with the pink roses sprinkled all over the cup and saucer. The roses inside the cup add a little something special too. 

My Royal Albert New Country Roses teapot holds our tea.

I have home made Cranberry muffins. The crunchy sugar top makes them a sweet treat with the tart cranberries. 

The vintage butter knife once belonged to my mother.

Happiness is sharing tea with a friend.

Happiness cannot be travelled to, owned, earned, worn, or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude. ~ Denis Waitley

To all you beautiful ladies who have survived breast cancer, to those of you who are living with breast cancer, and to those of you who have lost a loved one to breast cancer or any cancer, my thoughts and prayers go out to you. God bless you all!

Thank you for stopping by today. I consider you my friends and I hope you enjoyed your visit.

May God give you...
For every storm, a rainbow,
For every tear, a smile,
For every care, a promise,
And a blessing in each trial.
For every problem life sends,
A faithful friend to share,
For every sigh, a sweet song,
And an answer for each prayer. ~ An Irish prayer

 I am joining the following parties as well~

 A Return to Loveliness
 Tuesday Cuppa Tea
 Friends Sharing Tea
 Tea Cup Tuesday
 Share Your Cup Thursday
 Home Sweet Home

 Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Your Fanciful Pink Tea with pumpkins, delicate pink china, and figurine is stunning! It's definitely a tea Cinderella would have loved. The cranberry muffin looks delicious and perfect for fall [or anytime].I share your feeling about snow so soon... we don't have any accumulation in southeastern Michigan yet, but there were flurries while I was driving on Saturday. Yuck!

  2. Goodmorning Sandi! What a cute post with he Cinderella theme and quotes and those baby boos! I never knew that was what they were called, how cute. I like the jeweled one. Such lovely teacups too!
    I cannot believe you got your first snowfall on the island over night! It sure is pretty.
    Have a wonderful day!

  3. Oh Sandi, I sighed when I saw your first picture! I was in Ohio over the weekend and it was cold there, but a welcome relief from our Texas heat.
    I love your pretty pink tea with Cinderella as the hostess! Your bejeweled baby boo is so cute and magical. I'd love a muffin with my cuppa tea, too. I especially loved your Irish Prayer that you shared today! Thanks for hosting, sweet friend. Enjoy your week, hopefully snow free.

  4. Oh, I love your teapot and the glittery pink pumpkins! We had snow over the weekend, too, but only flurries, thankfully!

  5. I love your Cinderella tea theme.....what fun! Your photo of the snow made me realize that winter is just around the corner! hugs....

  6. I love your fanciful pink tea! And how perfect for you that the RD figurine has your china pattern! Wonderful! Judith posted there had been snow...oh dear! Hope that won't be the pattern of the year. I just love cranberry muffins too! Your china goes so well together for this special month. Thanks so much for hosting and for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

  7. Ack! Snow . . . and you had such a long winter last year. We had snow over the weekend in northern Michigan. I was just talking to my friend there, who said they got 4 1/2 inches!
    I adore the pink glittery pumpkin, and the white as well. I'm not a fan of Halloween, so I love the idea of thinking in terms of Cinderella, and pink and pretty and feminine. What a lovely tea today; love the October RA cup, and the cranberry muffins sound delicious. Thanks for hosting!

  8. Hi Sandi,
    I love everything today - those glitters around the pumpkin make it look so magical. Love the Lavender Rose Royal Doulton figurine too. Absolutely beautiful teacups! I am sorry to hear about your snow but it does look peaceful in the garden. Your cranberry muffins look fabulous! Happy Tea Day Dear Sandi! Karen

  9. Beautiful post, especially the meaning behind it! I am shocked to see snow already there, goodness! This week is the first week in the forecast that there hasn't been at least one day over 100 degrees! Your RA and glittery pumpkin are so pretty, I love your tiny danseur too! She is very sweet. As always, thank you for sharing beautiful words too! Have a lovely tea day!

  10. Hi Sandi: Your Irish prayer was just what I needed to hear today. Rough morning. Thank you, Martha

  11. What a lovely post with all the pumpkins. I enjoyed your thought about why we might be fascinated with pumpkins ... Cinderella and that fairy tale story. You might have something there.

    Rats about the snow ... hopefully it melts away and gets back to being autumn for a while yet.

    Wishing you a beautiful week ahead...

  12. Last year and the year before we had snow by this time but not happening this time Sandi! Your snow is lovely. I always love the Irish prayers. I have enjoyed your posting again and again and this one is lovely!

  13. Snow what's with the snow coming early.. my my.. love to visit and see all the pretty roses.. teacup is lovely teapot.. very lovely post.. the girl is adorable.. Happy Monday with love Janice

  14. I can always count on a pretty and feminine tea when I visit you Sandi, love all the pink and roses.
    When you create a mosaic or edit with PicMonkey, save your photo the first time but then you must right click and 'save as' to your computer. It is the second save that will freeze your Mac if you continue with PicMonkey.
    As soon as I figured this out I advised PicMonkey on their FB page and they have added it to their software website to do save this way.

  15. All so very pretty . It was cold for us over the weekend and some areas did get snow but we just got frost now it is warm again . I use PicMonkey but we don't use Mac so never had any probs . Hope like Judith said to do for you and it works well . Thanks for sharing , have a good week !

  16. Hi Sandi, no not snow! It's way too early. It's even cold her on the coast of NC. Don't like it one bit.
    Oh how I love your pretty tea setting with the lovely figurine that is very Cinderella like. Maybe that is why we like pumpkins...never thought of it that way.


    Don't forget to stop by my blog and sign up for a chance to win my JDL give away.

  17. Say it ain't so, Sandi! It's too early for the white stuff! Your bedazzled Baby Boo made me smile and your pink tea setting is beautiful, as always. Thank you for hosting and have a great week!

  18. How beautiful that teapot and cup are together Sandi. They look like they are made for each other! I love the Cinderella take on a pink teatime, great idea! Beautiful post. Thanks for hosting and for joining Home Sweet Home!

  19. Hello Sandi,

    I love all your pretty pumpkins. Especially the pretty sparkly pink one. I can't believe you are getting snow already. It seems way too and I am frighten by the thought of snow already. I hope winter is a little kind this year. I do not have a tea related post today. Just visiting.

    Thanks so much for that lovely prayer. I too needed that today. I have some health issues right now which have me worried so this certainly was God sent.



  20. It is early for snow. I can imagine that you were a little displeased to see snow on your pumpkin. It reminds me of the old poem, "When the Frost is on the Punkin"! Your pink glitter pumpkin is beautiful and I love the reference to breast cancer awareness. Enjoy your lovely tea and the pretty snow!
    Blessings from Still Woods Farmhouse

  21. A lovely pink tea, indeed, milady! Your Royal Dalton Lady in the Lavender Rose pattern is stunning. I love her pose, and she is reminiscent of Cinderella. Love the pumpkins--with all the bling and sparkles, too. And, your snow? Well, here in South Jersey we woke to 29 degrees and frost. I hear there was some flurries last evening, but nothing sticking around. Yes, I agree--too early for the snows. I'm still hungry from more flowers and soft summer breezes. Lovely to drop by for tea this week!
    Joy to you!

  22. I have taken care of many women over the years with Breast Cancer. It saddens me that so many have had to face this. Your tea is a beautiful tribute to those who have fought the battle, are still in the battle, and have come through. Thank you for your thoughtfulness.

  23. Your RD, Lady in Lavender Rose teacup is gorgeous! What a special post and a beautiful one at that to honor all the ladies that are survivors of this ugly disease of our times. I think we all have family and friends that have lost the battle, sadly. Prayers are going to all the ones suffering it right now.
    Thank you for making me part of this very special tea party sweet lady and blessings to you.

  24. Oh yes, way too early for frost on the pumpkin; little lone snow! Don't want to make you feel bad, but I thought I would come home to all of my annual pots dead and ready to be buried. Instead, I came home to them flourishing. I will continue enjoying them. At least for a bit longer. Who knows, it can happen anytime here as well. Love your Cinderella story and blessings to anyone who has suffered breast cancer! My sweet mother was a survivor. Love the bedazzled and pink baby boos! Glad to be partying with you today Sandi!

  25. Hi Sandi! Oh, what pretty pumpkins! Can't believe you got snow! It snowed for about 10 minutes here on Sunday but that was all. It really is too soon! Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  26. Sandi, amazing that you've already had a dusting of snow. Hard for this Texan to imagine. '-)
    Pretty tea time treats and details.

  27. Hi Sandi,

    Your pictures are so lovely and gracious and I just adore the pink one.

    It is hard to believe you are getting snow already. It is quite beautiful, though. We are finally getting some cooler weather...such a relief.

    Always so good to see you and hear from you.


  28. A beautiful post so thoughtfully said!
    Hugs, Nancy

  29. A beautiful post so thoughtfully said!
    Hugs, Nancy

  30. Hi Sandi, I enjoyed this delightful post, it was such a blessing! Wish I was having tea and one of your cranberry miuffins with you. I love your Cinderella figure and pretty tea things!
    I thank you so much for your thoughtful mention of those of us dealing with Breast Cancer, and I appreciate your prayers! I have been fighting it for a year now and thanks to God, the Great Healer, I am done treatment and calling myself a survivor! I am so glad I stopped by for a visit to your beautiful blog today!

  31. Hi Sandi, so many beautiful things to look at! Looking forward to looking up more of these links tomorrow. I know several breast cancer survivors and lost my older sister to breast cancer many years ago. Sorry you're already getting snow! Stay warm and cozy!

  32. A pink pumpkin that glitters. The stuff of legends.

  33. Hey Sandi, love the quote. Fall is so eye candy. I just love love love it. But the snow....not ready yet for it. You guys got quite a dusting of it. Hugs and wishes for a great weekend.

  34. Hi Sandi, shame that I missed to link in this sweet post. Love the lady dancing figurine, how appropriate for the story of Cinderella. You did a good job in painting that wee pumpkin. We are not so fortunate here in Australia as we only have limited variety of pumpkins. I was so amazed when I was in California last year and saw a farm loaded with those orange pumpkins.
    Hope you have a good week.


  35. What a fanciful tea party it was!! This post reminisced about our funky themed tea party that I just hosted at some outdoor NYC venues. I invited all my college-female friends to this party. After a long time we all had wonderful time together.


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.