Monday 18 May 2015

Victoria Day Tea

I am beginning to learn that it is the sweet, simple things of life that are the real ones after all. ~ Laura Ingalls Wilder 

Happy Victoria Day to all my Canadian friends and welcome everyone to my Victoria Day Tea! 

We have been enjoying what we consider to be the first long weekend of the summer. Many of us have fired up our barbecues and many are visiting the gardening centers. 

We are celebrating Queen Victoria's birthday today and for those of you who may not be aware, Canada is part of the British Commonwealth and therefore we have a close relationship with the UK and the Royal family. This is one of the reasons why the royals visit our country so frequently. 

Queen Victoria, who was our reigning Queen Elizabeth's great-great-grandmother, was a much beloved queen and the third Monday of every May is set aside to honour her memory. It is also a day to pay homage to Queen Elizabeth whose birthday is actually on April 21. 

Queen Elizabeth - Courtesy of the Internet

For Your Interest~ Queen Elizabeth became the longest living British monarch in 2007 and, if she is still reigning on September 9 2015, she will surpass her great-great-grandmother, Queen Victoria, as the longest reigning British monarch. 

Queen Victoria - courtesy of the Internet

Queen Victoria reigned from 1837-1901 and she was instrumental in bringing to her fellow countrymen and the world so many lovely fashions and mannerisms. The period is beloved for its attention to high morals, modesty and proper decorum, as inspired by the Queen and her husband, Prince Albert. I know many of you love Victoriana and the history of that era.

For my tea today I thought it fitting to share china which was made in England. Victoria's beloved husband, Prince Albert, also has an honourable mention as my beautiful Royal Albert china bears his name.

English bone china has always been admired for its beauty, its translucency and pearly white quality.

I am using a new champagne damask tablecloth called Spring Blossoms. It has a daffodil and tulip pattern, perfect for this time of year. Although I prefer anything with lace on it, I thought this one would be nice for a change.

Royal Albert Lavender Rose

Royal Albert Old Country Roses

Royal Albert Tea Rose

"May your life always be like a teapot...overflowing to warm the soul." ~ Irish Blessing

Royal Albert Old Country Roses

China basket holding the spoons

Love the creamer!

Made from scratch Blueberry Oatmeal muffins

Cake, strawberries, and cream

Cuppa tea, anyone?

"Serenity is a solitary cup of tea; pleasure is sharing it with another." ~ Victoria magazine

Happiness is sharing tea with a friend.

A simple cup of tea brings a little loveliness into one's day, don't you think? Especially when it is sipped from a pretty teacup. 

I am delighted you have stopped by for tea today!
This tea party is all about sharing your joy of tea time and I welcome anything tea related you would like to share. 

Do you have a favourite teacup or teapot, coffee cup or coffee pot? How about a chocolate pot? I would love to see it and I'm sure others would too! We enjoy seeing your collections as well; creamers, tea spoons, tablescapes, etc. A trip to a Tea Shop is always fun and if you have a tea time recipe you would like to share, we would love that too.

If you wish, you may do coffee instead of tea or the following is acceptable too: Hot Apple Cider, Hot Chocolate, Lemonade, Iced Tea or iced coffee, or Punch in a lovely bowl.

Have a beautiful day everyone and God bless you!

 I am joining the following parties as well~

 A Return to Loveliness
 Tuesday Cuppa Tea
 Friends Sharing Tea
Tea Cup Tuesday
 Share Your Cup Thursday
 Home Sweet Home

 Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Happy Victoria Day, Sandi! Bring on the barbecue and gardening seasons!

    Your gorgeous OCR tea set is definitely royal worthy!

  2. Happy Victoria Day! I was so busy transferring my website I forgot! But yours is a glorious it!!! I love OCR and your setting and history is wonderful! Have a wonderful day...and week to follow! Thanks for hosting!

  3. It's funny the British don't celebrate Queen Victoria's birthday but we do here in Canada. I am not a fan of Royal Albert china, no idea why. I won't say no though to a piece of cake!!

  4. Dear Sandi,
    this is a Royal Tea Tables with all the Royal Albert china. I love the different decors with the same shape. Makes a lovely table. Queen Elizabeth is amazing, she is today as famous as her great great grandmother. And still looks young.
    I am not able to share every week a tea time but this weekl I do. I hope, you like it. Thank you for sharing this wonderful and delicious tea time and for hosting this sweet event.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  5. Happy Victoria Day, Sandi, and thank you for the history that you shared. Your RA teacups are so pretty, as are your teapot and your spoon dish. The damask cloth is such a lovely backdrop for your tea today.
    Yes please, today I'd love a blueberry oatmeal muffin with my cuppa tea. Thank you for hosting and have a wonderful week now that your weather is improving.

  6. Happy Victoria Day, Sandi! Your post is just gorgeous, and such an interesting read....the lavender rose is just so lovely!

  7. What a lovely tea table theme. I think I will have to copy the spoons in the basket!

  8. Happy Victoria Day ! I love this post ! Thanks for sharing !

  9. Happy Victoria Day! I love all things Victorian, but I do hope the Queen is able to become the longest reigning monarch. I admire her fortitude and spirit.
    Your RA teacups are beautiful. So classic. Thanks for hosting Sandi.

  10. What a wonderful celebration Sandi! Your English tea set and damask tablecloth are so elegant. Fit for a queen! Wishing I had some of your strawberries and cream for my tea today. : ) Glad I am joining your sweet party!

  11. Sandi, your posting today is so informative and pretty. The china is so suitable for this holiday weekend.

  12. Happy Victoria Day! Your tea table is fit for a queen. Such beautiful Royal Albert teaware. I really like the OCR "basket" for spoons. Thank you for sharing information about Queen Victoria and the possibility that Queen Elizabeth may become the longest reigning monarch. She looks so pretty in the photo you included on your post. Thank you for hosting! The strawberry cake looks delicious.

  13. HI Sandi ... You've posted such a regal celebration ... I must get my mother to read it as she's British and did remind me of this special day ( Ha ha) Your lovely damask tablecloth and English tea set were definitely fit for a Queen .. the Royal memorabilia blended perfectly with teatime.... I truly enjoyed my teatime with you today .. .Thank you for so graciously sharing ....Hugs

  14. Happy Victoria Day! Your teacups are gorgeous! And I love the Queen's hat!

  15. Happy Victoria Day! What a lovely tea to have to celebrate :). I really like your new tablecloth too--it looks lovely. And those sweets!

  16. Happy Victoria Day, Sandi! I love your Prince Albert teacup and all the others.Your treats look so good.

  17. Beautiful tea Sandi! Thanks for hosting!

  18. Sandi:
    Your tea here is simply beautiful and I love all the information you gave about Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth. What a lovely table you have set.

  19. What a lovely post, Sandi, and I hope you enjoyed a wonderful Victoria Day. I visited Victoria, British Columbia one year on Victoria Day and they went all out to commemorate her. I just returned from a 12-day visit to London, England and wrote my first post about the trip today. I haven't gotten to Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth yet, but it's coming. Have a great week! ~ Phyllis

  20. Thank you for the lovely post. I have the same three teacups in my collection.
    You always take such lovely pictures and I never tire of seeing the rose chintz.
    Happy day, Ruthie

  21. Really enjoyed your beautiful post today. Lovely photo of the queen!

  22. What a gorgeous post and tribute to the Queens.. They are so beautiful. Love the bit of history.

    Happy VIctoria day,


  23. Hello Sandi
    I hope you had a nice long weekend. We went from hot and humid yesterday to cool and breezy today.
    Your OCR china pattern always looks welcoming on your table and every time I see it anywhere, I think of you. I showed a sponge cake from last year and look forward to making one again next month when the strawberries are in. The Queen Victoria tea I bought is very different but I like it.
    Have a good week!

  24. Hi Sandi, I enjoyed your tea today in honour of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert and, of course, Queen Elizabeth II. It certainly was a beautiful holiday here yesterday but I don't think I had one cup of tea all day. :) Too busy outside to sit down for one. Have a great week. I know spring is awakening on your island now.

  25. Hi Sandi! I think this post is one of my favorites of yours yet! All your photos are so beautifully styled and magazine worthy. They always look pretty, but these are especially nice ... maybe it's the new tablecloth! :O) I like damask a bunch. It will be rather fun if Queen Elizabeth becomes the longest reigning British monarch. Thanks for hosting your lovely party. Blessings, Bess

  26. Sandy you have some lovely tea cup collections, thanks for sharing and all the great information i knew nothing about. As they say you never get too old to learn.

    1. Thank you Marlene. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Have a wonderful day.

  27. Hi Sandi,
    Hope you enjoyed your long weekend. It is so nice to have such beautiful weather again.
    I love the Old country Rose teaset.
    Thank you for hosting,

  28. Hi Sandi,
    I am very late to link up this week. So sorry. Life has been extremely busy lately. I do love all of your Royal Albert teacups today - they are all just beaautiful! I hope you had a great long weekend too! Belated Happy Tea Day and thank you for for hosting! Karen

  29. Royal Albert is one of my favorites - I have Old Country Roses and Tea Rose - so pretty! I have my grandmother's chocolate pot (don't know who it is) and Alpha Hubby's mother's chocolate pot and tea set - I wish I could drink hot chocolate (smile!).

  30. Absolutely beautiful post! Lovely! Lovely! Really enjoyed it !

  31. So pretty! I love Royal Albert china and have several Old Country Roses tea cups and many of their variations of Old Country Roses tea cups!

  32. Sandi, the photo in my link shows (barely) the saucer of one of my favorite patterns, Blue Danube, being used as a cupcake plate. I have a genetic love of blue and white china!

  33. Absolutely beautiful tea, Sandi - I do admire Queen Victoria - I will be featuring your post in this week's A Return to Loveliness,

  34. Your Old Country Roses is just beautiful Sandi. Happy Victoria Day! Thanks for joining Home Sweet Home!


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.