Monday 4 May 2015

First Tea Time in May

What is so sweet and dear
As a prosperous morn in May,
The confident prime of the day,
And the dauntless youth of the year...? - William Watson

Welcome friends to my first Tea Time in May!

May is our family's month for celebrating anniversaries, birthdays, and of course, Mother's Day. This week, Hubby and I will celebrate our anniversary on the 6th and his birthday later in the week.

An anniversary is a time to celebrate the joy of today, the memories of yesterday, and the hopes of tomorrow. ~ Unknown

This picture of us was taken just a few months before we were married. It's very faded and crinkled but oh, the memories it holds!

I would like to thank a couple of ladies for featuring my Memories post. Kathy at A Delightsome Life and Sherry at The Charm of Home, I am honoured that you both enjoyed my story enough to feature it at your parties. It was written from my heart and if any of you, my friends, have not read it and you would like to, you can read it here.

"I feel as if I had opened a book and found roses of yesterday sweet and fragrant, between its leaves." ~ L.M. Montgomery- "Anne of the Island."

For a week with special occasions in it, I am featuring my favourite china.

You all know of course that Johnson Bros. Rose Chintz is my signature pattern and it is perfect for this time of year. It is fresh and girly, reminding one of days gone by; a nod to my childhood and my sweet Auntie P who gifted me with most of these dishes.

Who would not be delighted by a bouquet of old-fashioned roses accompanied by rose buds and little blue posies, all on a creamy white background? 

I am serving tea in my coffee pot today. I know you won't mind. It also holds more tea. Isn't it charming?

Vintage teacups and spoons.

A lovely cup of Lady Grey tea....

and a jam tart....

A wonderful start to a busy month of celebrations!

Tea time is me time, a time to savour and reflect. It's a time to share a cup with friends, a time of  comfort, camaraderie, and closeness. ~ Sandi 

If you have something tea or coffee related, I would love it if you shared it with us. Teacups/coffee cups, teapots/coffee pots, chocolate pots, creamers, tea spoons, tea time recipes, tablescapes, a visit to a Tea Shop; all are welcome here at Tea Time.

Thank you for joining me today and I wish you a fabulous day.

I am joining the following parties as well~

A Return to Loveliness
Tuesday Cuppa Tea
Friends Sharing Tea
Tea Cup Tuesday
Share Your Cup Thursday
Home Sweet Home

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. love the tea/coffee set. Jam tarts are one of dh's favourite.

  2. That is a WONDERFUL picture of the two of you. Happy Anniversary!!!!!

  3. All so pretty to ! I have seen so many of these tea cups saucers and tea sets at antique shops and wish I had the space for them as I do love them so ! Lovely post and photos ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good week !

  4. Happy Anniversary and happy birthday to your husband! I am so glad you shared more pieces of your Rose Chintz collection. It is such a pretty pattern. I really like vintage coffee pots. Sometimes I think they are more elegant looking with their tall spouts than some teapots. Thanks for hosting and enjoy your Lady Grey tea! ~Nora

  5. Ahhhhh...young love! What a sweet pic of you and your hubby, Sandi. Happy Anniversary to both of you. You are so blessed to have each other.
    Your tea with your favorite pattern is always so pretty and the jam tart makes it more special. Thank you for hosting, my friend.

  6. What a photograph to treasure, it's awesome! Happy Anniversary! I must say, that is such a sweet pattern, love it!
    Thanks for sharing~

  7. Happy anniversary, and Happy Mother's Day Sandi! Your Rose Chintz is a beautiful pattern and I now have some, because of you introducing it to me! I also adore the Bloom Time that you showed in a couple of posts awhile back. Enjoy your tea time! Your blog is always a delight to visit. Enjoy this month of celebrations.
    Blessings and hugs, Beth

  8. Lovely post, and Happy Anniversary! I love the faded pics. I am a huge sentimental softie, so I love looking at old photos, especially those that hold memories of when my children were very little or when my sister, brother, and I were. Good memories. Your gorgeous flowers blend so wonderfully with the pretty rose chintz pattern! Thank you so much for hosting and sharing!

  9. Happy Anniversary, Sandi! I always enjoy seeing your signature teawares and I hope to have one of my own rose chintz teacups one day!

  10. A busy month ahead for you Sandi, definitely true love in your old photo. Happy anniversary to you and your hubby, hope you have a wonderful day on Sunday for Mother's Day.

  11. What a great picture Sandi! Happy anniversary to you. I've been so busy I just did a quick post today and didn't link up, but still wanted to visit all my tea friends! Your tea times always look so lovely.

  12. What a lovely couple in seventies' mood! :)
    Happy anniversary, dear friend and thanks for sharing another sweet tea party!

  13. Hi Sandi,
    I love the pic of you and hubby! You both look like movie stars! Happy Anniversary to you both! I do love Johnson Brother's Rose Chintz and after seeing it's beauty on your blogspot I had to search to find some precious pieces. It does look beautiful with your roses too! My lilac is in bloom and it looks lovely with lilacs as well because there is a mauve colour in the pattern. Happy Tea Day and Thank you for hosting! Karen

  14. I loved your "vintage" picture! I love the way you are looking at one another, as if the two of you know all the secrets that are important! I do like Johnson Brothers but am still more partial to my Haviland! Happy Anniversary.

  15. Happy Anniversary and i hope you have a wonderful day. I love the the picture wrinkled and all.Have a wonderful month of celebrations.

  16. Dear Sandi,
    Happy Anniversary to the both of you. Thats a sweet photo from ancient times. My photos of this time are also very faded and yellowish. What a luck, that china doesn't fade out. Your pretty set looks like new. With the pretty roses it makes always a wonderful setting. I wish you that your love don't fade in many ucoming decades. Thank you for sharing this wonderful tea time and for hosting this sweet event.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  17. Sandi, I have been away from blogging for a while but I have returned. So lovely to visit your beautiful blog! Blessings, Gina

  18. Hello Sandi - this is my first visit to your blog and what a lovely post.

    May is certainly a busy month for you - but one that will make many more treasured memories.

    I do like your 'vintage' photo ... photo's are precious.

    Take Care

    All the best Jan

  19. Sandi, you know that I love your Rose Chintz china! Your memories post was precious and it touched my heart! Congrats on being featured. The picture of you and hubby is too cute! Happy Mother's Day and thanks for sharing with SYC.

  20. Happy Anniversary to both of you. Love the picture. I'm sure it brings tons of memories back. And that you are still in love with each other is beautiful. Going to read your memories post. Hugs and wishes for a beautiful fun weekend.

  21. Hi Sandi,
    Hope you enjoyed your anniversary and also wishing you a Happy Mother's Day.
    I have been busy in the garden lately .....finally,spring!
    Take care,

  22. Sandi I loved the old photo! How fun! Happy Anniversary! Our anniversary was May 4th!


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.