Monday 23 March 2015

Tea Time and Confession Time

There is no trouble so great or grave that cannot be much diminished by a nice cup of tea. ~ Bernard-Paul Heroux

Welcome Spring and welcome friends to Tea Time Tuesday

Spring has arrived but it is disguised as winter here on PEI. I know it's only a matter of time and the snow will be gone, the grass will be green and the birds will be singing once again. Something to look forward to for sure after this long winter fraught with record breaking snowfalls and blizzards.

A beautiful bouquet can perk things up.

Mine will be a different tea time today as I have been laid up all weekend with a bad hip and haven't been able to put a proper tea together. 

I hope you will indulge me as I showcase some of my tea wares..... while I make a confession. 

Maxwell and Williams - Rose Bud

Yes, I have a confession to make and I hope I am not ostracized by all my tea friends after my revelation.  

Taking a deep breath here....

I am just now getting hooked on Downton Abbey.

"Pardon me, I must have read you wrong! How can that be? It's been on for five seasons!"

I am without a doubt, the only one in Blogland, especially among my dear tea friends, who hasn't been seduced by this popular British series. 

Aynsley & Royal Albert - Veronica

To be honest with you, I have tried to watch it on several occasions after the raving reviews you have all given the series. But it simply didn't appeal to me. 

Then one evening I made up my mind to watch one full episode. Unfortunately, that was the episode where poor Anna was assaulted and, needless to say, I was turned off but good after watching that.

Well, the feeling of being an oddity for not watching this most beloved series when everyone else seemed smitten by it, haunted me. And I came to the conclusion that the problem lies with me. So I talked myself into watching at least three episodes in a row, even if I was bored to tears. 

Rose of England

As I was pondering this decision, I thought perhaps I would enjoy it more if I had someone to watch it with me. But who could I rope into watching it? 

My dear sweet husband who didn't much care for British TV was the Guinea pig.

So in January, we both sat down to watch it. I had warned him ahead of time that he probably wouldn't like the show and I would understand if he didn't want to watch it again.

Isobel and Violet at tea - Courtesy of the Internet

To my surprise, I rather enjoyed it although it was difficult trying to catch on to all of the characters. There were so many! I must admit, I have grown quite fond of Isobel's character. She is a lady with a very big heart or so she appears in the fifth season.

Even more of a surprise, I think my hubby enjoyed the show more than I did!

Royal Albert - Blossom Time

And so we continued to watch it until the end of the fifth season. Now like everyone else, we're hooked on it! 

So, what with nursing my sore hip and not able to get around much, how did I spend my weekend? We rented Season 1 of Downton Abbey, of course.

Matthew and Lady Mary - Courtesy of the Internet

Good thing Hubby and I were already hooked on the show and wanted to watch it from its genesis because once we saw one rather shocking scene in the first episode, that would have most certainly put the kibosh on watching any more of it. 

Royal Albert-  Lavender Rose
The flow of tea from the spout is important. When purchasing a teapot, check to make sure that the top of the spout is level with the top of the pot. More oval shaped spouts are less likely to drip than rounded ones. ~ 

Anyway, now you know! The cat is out of the bag, so to speak! I am after all, like all of you, hooked, and looking forward to the sixth season of this most entertaining series filled with history, rich characters, wonderful costumes, and tea scenes. 

And what about you? Did you embrace the show right away or like me, did it take you a little while? Do you have a favourite character?

*sigh* There now, I feel better having confided in you my little secret!

In the meantime, Hubby and I will watch all of the episodes on DVD until we are caught up with the rest of you. 

Next week is the last week in March and it will be leading up to Easter, one of the most important holidays on the Christian calendar. Hopefully, I will be up to hosting an Easter Tea and I do hope you can join me for that. Have a lovely day everyone!

I am joining the following parties as well~

 A Return to Loveliness
 Tuesday Cuppa Tea
 Friends Sharing Tea
 Tea Cup Tuesday
 Share Your Cup Thursday
 Home Sweet Home

Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi


  1. Hi Sandi, So sorry to hear you are having hip problems. I will remember you in my prayers. My dear blogger friend, let me tell you that you were not the only blogger out there not watching Downton Abbey, I have tried to watch it too but just could not get into it so I am still not watching it. So now that probably leaves me as being the only blogger not watching it. :)
    Take care and know that Spring will be on your wonderful island before you know it.

  2. I am so sorry to hear about your hip...well, we are over 35, I guess...Lol! I was into Downton when it was sown in the UK prior to the US...Being Brits & Victoriana/Edwardian lovers, it was a done deed. Even my outdoors guy son got started in season 3 after we nagged them to try...and they then have watched the rest of the series. I will pray for a fast recovery for you. Thakks for osting and have a great week!

  3. Sandi, sorry to read about your hip. I hope you feel better soon so you can enjoy the Easter season. I absolutely love Downton and I'm so glad you gave it more chances. I'm already dreading the end of the series. Thank you for hosting and best wishes for Spring to arrive on the Island. Take care of yourself and keep watching Downton, Nora

  4. Sandi, So sorry to read about your hip. I went through the trouble with my knees. Thankfully they are fixed. I hope you are up and around feeling better soon. I will be including you in my prayers! I watched the first couple of episodes of Downton Abbey but couldn't watch anymore. I am not much of a tv watcher any more. I much prefer to read and so I do.... So don't feel like you were alone. It probably makes some of my friends wonder since I worked in Television for many years. But just don't watch much any more. And you know I love Vintage things since I have an antique store. But just couldn't seem to get into the show. I never missed Upstairs Downstairs back in the day. But this one didn't do it for me. Beth

  5. Goodmorning! Hope your hip will be better soon... I came back and added my post on how to make a tea cup wreath...hope that's ok! hugs....

  6. So sorry to hear about your fun! At least you had an "excuse" to find out about Downton Abbey. I came late to the series ... started the third year and then went back to see what I missed. I love your roses with carnations and your teacups are gorgeous. Stay well. Thanks for hosting and Happy Tea Day!

  7. That is so funny...not your hurting hip, but your confession regarding "Downton Abbey". I got hooked just prior to the 3rd season, and had to watch all the previous seasons before I could watch the 3rd, and I've been hooked ever since...and YES, my husband sounds like yours! Although he pretends he's not at all interested, but I noticed that he keeps coming back and watching...Yes, some has been a little shocking for my taste as well, but the overall series is so captivating that we can't seem to pull away. Anyway, I love your tea time pictures, including the D.A. photos. I do pray you will soon be back up to par. I don't get too involved in the tea times each week because I work and don't have the time to indulge as I'd like, but I always enjoy reading about yours and the others. Keep up the fun and wonderful "work" that you do...helping us to savor the good moments of life with friends and loved ones...and a "cuppa tea". Blessings to you today. Spring is on its way...we are enjoying it here in Florida for you!

  8. I'm so glad that you are enjoying watching Downton Abbey. I sooo look forward to seeing the series every year. I sure hope your hip feels better soon, Sandi. Your tea pictures were so pretty and I loved your bougquet of flowers. I had to make the pistachio dessert after seeing yours last week. Thank you for hosting your lovely tea party.

  9. Hi Sandi,
    I am sorry to hear about your bad hip. That sounds very difficult to move around and display your treasures. I hope the weather improves for you too. I must confess that I have never watched Downtown Abbey. I must see if I can get hooked on it. I think my hubby would watch it with me since he's such a good sport. It is always a pleasure to visit your blog and see your tea wares, gorgeous flower arrangements and yummy sandwiches or desserts. Take care and rest Dear friend! Thank you for hosting Tea Time today! Karen

  10. Sorry to hear about your hip . I do hope you feel and get better soon ! Oh I love Downton Abby I am waiting for their 6th season as we can down load it from the website and I am all caught up . I have always been a British TV fan and have watched a lot of Brit TV for years we get the BBC channel and I love WNED TV channel .Everything here looks soo pretty and YUMMY ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good and restful week

  11. So funny Sandi; I made a "confession" in my post today, too. I know a couple people after watching Anna being assaulted who never watched it again. I have to say, I didn't watch this last season, got a little tired of it. But it does have some gorgeous costumes and scenery! Love Violet, too.
    So sorry to hear about your hip. Hope you will soon be on the mend. And that Spring will arrive soon for you!
    Your tea treats look so tempting! Yummy! xo Deborah

  12. Sandi,
    I had to chuckle when i read your post because I, unfortunately , missed watching Downton Abbey from the onset so i bought Season 1 and Season 2 on DVD. I tried watching it but made it only past half of Season one. I vowed that someday when I had the time to devote to it , I would watch it. i have since bought Season 3and 4 with money cards gifted to me for various occasions and STILL have not watched it!!!! I am waiting until , like I said before, I have the time to sit , watch it on the big TV in the Living Room and totally get into it!! So I am right there with you on now falling for it right off the bat!!!

    I do like Mr. Selfridge and have watched that one since the first Season. Season 3 will be starting on PBS this coming Sunday.....

    Thanks so much for the party!! We had more snow here last Friday!! I hope you are starting to feel better......


  13. I can't believe with your love of tea that you haven't watched Downton before now! I watch mainly for the tea scenes, the dinner scenes -- the drama -- oh, well, it's the backdrops and the clothes and taking tea that I enjoy! I'm thinking of rewetting and fast forwarding through any scene that doesn't have a meal or a tea! Hope you get better -- it's no fun not feeling well!

  14. I would agree that the episode with Anna's nightmare with Green was by the far the lowest point. As time goes by some of the characters I didn't particularly light have softened for one reason or another. My husband and I also like Mr. Selfridge and The Paradise. I enjoyed your posting!

  15. Hi Sandi,

    I hope that your hip is doing better now.

    I found out about Downton Abbey from a work friend who told me that the show made her think of me and I should check it check it out. So I watched the first season on dvd and fell in love with all the beautiful tea scenes. I've been watching the show air on PBS since its second season. Have fun catching up on the earlier seasons!

  16. We watch DA regularly...I found Episode One quite disturbing, as well as Anna's experience with Green. I think the writers are portraying life as it was, even though I would like it to be all tea and Christmas scenes. I read one article which pointed out that a major flaw in the series is that there is little mention of faith matters, which was a major part in the lives of the English during that time period.
    I liked your photos today, and I do hope your hip problem clears up soon.

  17. Sandi I hope your hip is feeling better soon, the cold of winter is not helping it. We need sun, warmth and spring!
    Glad you started to watch Down Abbey and will be caught up in time for the last episode to start next January. You'll love all the tea scenes and dresses. :-)

  18. Sandi,
    I also haven't watched it. I started with the first episode and it didn't really grab me so I have never watched it. Your teas are lovely. I hope you get well soon!

  19. I hope you feel better soon! I can predict the weather with my right hip! It gives me such grief! I do not Downtown Abbey but I do have some Blackberry tea I purchased from Republic of Tea. It is quite good. It is in a canister showcasing the show. . We will undoubtedly get snow until April sometime . I am use to it in Colorful Colorado! I love your tea and all those dessert choices. Lovely! Have a beautiful week and heal quickly! Hugs, Anne

  20. Well, well. I am happy to report I am EXACTLY like you! I was turned off by a couple of episodes, particularly the shocking ones and stopped watching. After joining blog land this year and EVERYONE talking about it, I decided to give it another go. I jumped into season 5 and really enjoyed it. My favorites are Isobel and Violet by far. Their friendship and banter have me hooked. I understand enough of the back history from the few snippets I had seen before that I don't intend to go back and watch all the other seasons, but I look forward to Season 6. I love your teacup: Rose of England. That one really speaks to me! Blessings to you!
    ~Heather Elizabeth

  21. Well, better late than never my friend! lol! Hubby started watching it with me but soon got bored. I think the last one he watched was when Anna was attacked. That did it for him as well. Now I watch it as I visit SYC links. Sorry to hear that you have had a bad hip! Wishing for a speed recovery!

  22. Very pretty this week! I really like all the lavender and roses, especially with that pretty lady. I'll let you in on a little secret--I still haven't watched downton abbey! I've been told numerous times that I would probably like it, but I just haven't given it much of a chance yet. Isn't binge watching a show when there are loads of episodes fun?

  23. Beautiful post,Sandi. Hope you feel better soon.

  24. Hi Sandi, Sorry to read you've been laid up with a bad hip. Hope you're on the mend now. As for Downton Abbey, I've watched it from the beginning [in spite of the two scenes that Julian Fellowes could have left out], and I'll hate to see the series permanently come to an end. I love the costumes and tea scenes. So glad you've joined the ranks of Downton lovers. Take care!

  25. Oh, Sandy, you are not alone in your late discovery of "Downton Abbey." I never watched a single episode myself until last year. The first one was iffy for me, but after that I became quite addicted. Hope your hip heals fast and well and that you are soon up and about again!

  26. Love your tea pictures - the beautiful strawberry cake and yummy looking sandwiches! I hope you are healed up soon from your sore hip.. Yes, lets all hope for warmer temps so we can get rid of all this snow and ice. Take care - Patty/NS

  27. dés le début de la série j'ai adoré Downton Abbey,
    pas temps pour l'histoire
    mais surtout pour la déco , les vétements ; l'époque Victorienne
    j'espère que la santé va beaucoup mieux
    le temps guéri les bléssures
    mais c'est difficile de s'adapter , le manque d'autonomie est difficile à surmonter
    bon courage
    toute ma tendresse
    edith (iris) France

  28. Love your outdoor tea table at the top up there - beautiful! I have a confession to make, too. I've never seen the show and it is doubtful I ever will. Nothing against the show but we don't watch much television. Am I ostracized now?

  29. I enjoyed your lovely post. I have never seen Downton Abbey. So now I am the only one....

  30. The beauty of getting hooked on Downton Abbey so late in the game is that you have so many wonderful seasons to watch, while the rest of us have to wait, impatiently, for the next season, a year from now!

  31. Don't feel bad, I still haven't watched, and I watch British TV, lol....but it's usually Antiques Roadshow I'm peeking in on. I will say, there is so much chat about it, it does make me curious....perhaps I'll give it a look-see. Gorgeous flowers, so romantic, and I love your chintz!!

  32. You have a lovely blog! And we haven't watched Downton at all. Well, maybe we peeked a bit when someone else was watching...

  33. As always,,, my afternoon tea time is spent browsing with your lovely site. Be blessed - to you and all good ladies!

  34. Sandi, so sorry you've been laid up, but that it has afforded you the time to really get into Downton Abbey. Of course, your confession shocked me to the core! ;-)

  35. I'm so sorry to read that you have been laid up. I hope by now that you are feeling better. Downton Abbey? I was a fan from the first episode and family members have take. Turns giving me the DVDS as they've come out - perfect birthday gifts for me!


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.