Sunday 11 January 2015

Thoughts On A Sunday Morning

Hello friends ~ I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend.

For Christmas my son sent me a couple of glass blown birds with glitter on them. 

He knows how much I love the little birdies, especially gold finches and cardinals, so when he saw these he sent them to me because he loves me.

They are beautiful!

"Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they?" ~ Matthew 6:26

I usually leave my mantel decorated for a little while after the holidays and having these sweet little birdies are a lovely reminder of not only my son's love for me but also that of my heavenly Father.

And He loves you too! Have a beautiful day everyone.

Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi


  1. What a great gift, Sandi. I have the red one. The verse is encouraging to me today since I am sick with a cold and sinus infection. I know my Lord cares for me. Have a blessed Sunday.

  2. So touching Sandi :) such a beautiful and sweet gift from Your Son.I also love song birds

  3. Oh these are so precious and such a special gift.

  4. What a special gift! I absolutely love your mantle. So pretty and perfect for winter. I would have never thought to use the birds this way it is so clever. I love it!

  5. What a lovely gift Sandi! Those birds are just beautiful and I love the arrangement you have put together. Just beautiful. Happy and blessed Sunday to you. xo

  6. sweet birdies and lovely gesture from your son.

  7. What a beautiful gift your dear son send you, they are so sweet ;-)


  8. What a dear, dear son you have. Such a beautiful gift. Thank you for sharing it with us

  9. I love your birds! They are beautiful...and yes, I would leave them out also. I always hate to put everything away so soon after Christmas. It's nice to have a few little reminders of God's watchcare over us...through the gifts of others...and also because "His eye is on the sparrow (goldfinch, cardinal), and I know He watches me!" Enjoy!!!

  10. What a sweet gift from your son, Sandi, and a lovely reminder of his love for you and God's love, also. I keep wintry greenery on my mantle through January, too, with candles.
    Happy Sunday blessings to you!

  11. Those are lovely little birds. Yes, He cares for us.

  12. Lovely little birds! And what a sweet reminder!

  13. They really are sweet birds and you have a very thoughtful son. I like the goldfinch. Have a blessed week Sandi.

  14. Hi Sandi,
    I love your pretty birds. Isn't it wonderful that our sons can just melt our hearts with the gifts they give.
    Happy New Year to you sweet friend.


  15. Hi Sandi, I am a new follower you have delightful blog. It warmed my heart to see that your Son loves you so much. I have 3 Sons and when they do something like that I feel a love deep down in my bones that we are still attached to my heart strings no matter where they are. XX Jo

  16. Such a lovely gift fron your son! Your birds are very sweet and romantic.

  17. Sandi, what lovely things! I've not seen the green Staffordshire before! My link shows one of my favorite teacups. I have just four cups, saucers and tea plates in this pattern. So glad to "meet" another tea friend AND one with a Green Gables connection!

  18. Forgot to mention I'm doing an afternoon tea tomorrow for four, two of whom are dear 90-year-old ladies. Doing a red and white hearts and flowers theme.

  19. Thank you for sharing your Faith, the beauties of your life and teatimes!! You ever so bless me and make my heart skip happily through another day, no matter what horrid things are happening in the world!!!
    Phil 4:8...thinking on lovely things, YOUR PAGE INSPIRES,each time....
    Thank you,dear Sister in Christ!!!hugs from this South Texas girl basking in the 4 seasons beauty of The Blue Ridge Mountains,VA,USA!

  20. Thank you for sharing this. It is very inspiring. And thank you for doing the Tea Time Tuesday. I found your great blog through it. I love looking at your tea and tea cup photos.... Please keep posting.


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

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