Monday 31 March 2014

A Little Chintz for Tea Time

Like seeds dreaming beneath the snow, your heart dreams of spring. ~ Kahlil Gibran

Welcome friends to my last Tea Time Tuesday in March. I hope you all had a lovely weekend.

Since my last tea party our Island was engulfed by a dangerous blizzard with hurricane force winds and accompanied by almost two feet of snow. Today we are having freezing rain and they are calling for another snow storm tomorrow. Spring, where art thou?

What should be starting to look like spring, is still looking a lot like winter. But winter cannot last forever, can it??

Therefore, I'm feeling like some pretty chintz today. Chintz is a pick-me-upper.

My Maxwell and Williams Rose Bud teapot stands at the ready. I like this teapot because it's very light in weight and easy to handle. The pretty chintz makes it pleasing to look at.

It is holding Cranberry Autumn tea sent to me by a sweet blogging friend and it's delicious!

I am dreaming of springtime. Pink Shasta daisies help lift my spirits.

The flowers of late winter and early spring occupy places in our hearts well out of proportion to their size. ~ Gertrude S. Wister

Rose Chintz made by Gracie China is today's first teacup.

The plate beneath it is Maxwell and Williams Rose Bud, a mate to the teapot and my next teacup. I like the saucer of this set as it is shaped somewhat like a bowl and therefore catches the drips very well.

Chocolate and Strawberries....

These chocolates are really mini chocolate covered cheesecakes and I am going to indulge a bit today. 

Would you like to join me? There is a comfy chair on each side of the fireplace. Please make yourself at home.

A cup of tea, a sweet, and the latest Victoria Bliss magazine helps me to reflect on all things beautiful.

The daintiness and yet elegance of a china teacup focuses one to be gentle, to think warmly and to feel close." ~ Carol and Malcolm Cohen


I am delighted you have stopped by today! If you have a favourite teacup, teapot, coffee cup, tablescape, or a visit to a Tea Room to share, please link up and I will come and visit you.

Have a happy day, dear friends, and I hope it's warm and sunny where you are!

I am joining these parties this week!

A Return to Loveliness ~
Tea Cup Tuesday~
Tea Cup Tuesday ~
Tuesday Cuppa Tea~
Friends Sharing Tea~
Share Your Cup Thursday~
Home Sweet Home~

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. I think Chintz is my favorite of all the it! Have a great week...hugs, Penny

  2. Hi has been a winter, hasn't it? Hope you stay warm and cozy...and the chintz will help...always does! Such a pretty table setting as always! Thanks my dear friend for hosting and hope the storms stop soon and the flowers appear!

  3. I love your chintz dishes, what a gorgeous pattern it is! I once wanted to do something to resemble chintz at our Factory and I had it hand decorated, but unfortunatelly something happened with the kiln and everything came out ruined, so I never tried it again, lol! I hope the weather cooperates, to resemble spring. Someone said that I bet it'll jump to summer directly!
    Thank you sweet lady for hosting this lovely tea party.
    Have a great week.

  4. Nothing to link today, maybe tomorrow!! but wanted to stop by anyway and say hello! Wow, you sure got hit with snow!! But strawberries and chocolate seem a wonderful way to cope!

  5. Lovely tea things today! Stay warm. We too got hit with another snow storm but I think it is already starting to melt a bit. Hope yours goes away soon too. WE ALL NEED SPRING!

  6. I love those pink gerbera daisies! They look so pretty with your rose chintz china, Sandi. We've certainly had quite the stormy weather the past week haven't we? I wish spring weather would move in now. Have a great week. Pam

  7. Hmm, chintz and chocolate make a great combination for tea, and I like the new variety gifted to you.
    The pink gerberas are pretty and will hopefully take your mind off yet another storm to come. Today it is sunny and in the low 40s F which is a start to spring weather.

  8. Dear Sandi,
    thats hard to imagine that you are still waiting for spring. Here spring has already sprung and I love it. Your tea table is so springy with all the pink Chintz pattern, the daisies and the yummy treats. I hope spring will come soon to you too. Thank you for sharing this wonderful tea table and for hosting this sweet party.
    Best greetings,

  9. Love your chintz teaset! It does look like spring with all the pretty flowers. Sounds like we had a winter-spring snow storm like your area! Hopefully it will be the last one! Glad you are enjoying your tea in the pretty teacup! Thank you for hosting and praying you have a wonderful week.

  10. Hi Sandi,
    Your chintz teapot and teacups are so lovely today! Just beautiful pink daisies too! Wish I could try your chocolate treats. I really hope your weather improves this week. It is sunny today for a change from our rain. Thank you for hosting tea time today. Take care,

  11. It's tiresome, I'm sure, to have such a long winter, but it will make your enjoyment of springtime all the sweeter! I hope you'll have a long and glorious spring on PEI, Sandi! Your tea is especially pretty today. The little chocolate-covered cheesecakes sound yummy. You deserve a treat! We have been windy but not hurricane force, thankfully. Blessings, Bess

  12. No, winter can't last forever! I love the pink shasta daisies -- they are such a happy flower. They look wonderful with your beautiful rose china. Lovely tea! Thank you for hosting and Happy Tea Day!

  13. I *love* all your beautiful, cheerful chintz! I used to see the Gracie China every time I went in T.J. Maxx, but then suddenly it disappeared. Your pieces are so lovely -- and I think chintz is the sunniest of all teawares, so it's appropriate you're using it to see you through until better weather arrives!

  14. Hi Sandy,

    So glad you and your family and the citizens of Prince Edward Island are safe and over that terrible storm! Your teascape today is most soothing and pretty and the perfect therapeutic treat.

    Thanks so much for hosting and have a peaceful week!


  15. I am amazed at the snow you have been getting. I remember last year or maybe the year before you were getting so much snow but when spring finally came everything on PEI seemed in bloom sooner than other places. I was so surprised how once it was over it was full blown warm. This is a beautiful posting Sandi!

  16. Hello Sandi,
    Your tea time today is lovely in roses! The flowers bring the spring time to you! I am so sorry about your horrible weather. I do hope spring prevails soon.
    I would love to join you for tea, I'll have some of those beautiful strawberries and a little bite of chocolate cheese cake : )

  17. Hi Sandi! Love your Chintz set! So Spring like! Those patterns always make me happy. It snowed here in NYC yesterday. I am ready for it to stop so I can put away my boots! Your treats look yummy! Thank you for the fun tea fun!

  18. hello
    pas de tasse de thé
    mais nous essairons de vous faire des billets pleins de fleurs pour vous faire oublier
    le mauvais temps
    edith(iris ) France

  19. Sandi thank you so much for the lovely spring inspiration for tea. Thank you for hosting... blessings, C. (HHL)

  20. Good Morning Sandi - Thank you for thinking Spring as we see something else surround us. I can imagine we are close to spring. Lovely tea cup and flowers for tea today

  21. I'm sitting on your chair now...your spring china is so delicious and pretty.

  22. That chintz is a spirit lifter for sure! The cheesecake bites are also a perfect treat! They wouldn't last long around here. Hoping spring finds you soon friend!
    I keep cautiosly thinking it is getting here and then it is freezing again at night! Maybe we are past that...

  23. Hola querida amiga.
    Todo es tan bello siempre, tan lleno de ese ensueño que sólo tú puedes transmitir.
    Un beso grande.

    Pd Tengo los comentarios cerrados por salud, pero igual sigo escribiendo.

    Siempre estoy contigo.

  24. Those are some lovely cups and teapot! Love the roses!

  25. That is a wonderful pattern. Its elegant and pretty. I am in love with China. I am trying to collect Violets but that pink is so wonderfully cheerful

  26. Oh my Sandi. I wish I could send you a little warmth your way. I hope that spring arrives soon. I am really over this long and harsh winter. Love your chintz dishes and pretty flowers. They would brighten any day.



  27. The pink and the roses just makes me smile. How I love the chintz teapot. Gorgeous! And the chocolates and strawberries, you just can't go wrong with that combination of delight.

  28. Your photographs are beautifully done. The rich red of the strawberries is so vibrant, and the pink gerbera daisies look so fresh and lovely. We got only wind from the last Nor'easter, and rain from the last storm. It's hard to imagine Spring finally arriving, but come she will!


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.