Wednesday 26 February 2014

Chocolate Chip Muffins for HOME

Be grateful for the home you have, knowing that at this moment, all you have is all you need. ~ Sarah Ban Breathnach 

Hello friends! I am delighted you have stopped by for a visit. You are always welcome here at my HOME.

This morning I made chocolate chip muffins for our afternoon tea. These were my youngest son's favourite when he was growing up and I still make sure I have them in the house when he comes home for a visit.

I keep my home made muffins, biscuits, and cookies, etc. in one of these big old bottles.

I have two of them and I have been using them since my children were babies. What do you store your baked goods in?

Here's the recipe:

Chocolate Chip Muffins
Grease muffin tin for 12 muffins

Sift together:
2 cups flour
1/2 cup sugar
3-1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
Add 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips

Beat together:
1 cup milk
1/4 cup oil
1 egg

Make a well in the center and add liquid to dry ingredients and stir only until moistened. Batter should be lumpy. Fill greased muffin cups with batter using an ice cream scoop. Bake in pre-heated 395-400 degree oven and bake for 18-20 minutes. Enjoy.

Thank you for coming by for a visit. I hope you're all enjoying your week and staying well.

Lord, this humble house we'd keep
Sweet with play and calm with sleep.
Help us so that we may give
Beauty to the lives we live.
Let Thy beauty and Thy grace
Shine upon our dwelling place. ~ Edgar A. Guest

I am sharing with these parties~

What's It Wednesday~
Home and Garden Thursday~
Share Your Cup Thursday~
Home Sweet Home~

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Hi Sandi,

    How pretty and practical - muffins in a jar! They look scrumptious and ready to be enjoyed with your cozy, afternoon tea.

    Thanks for sharing the recipe!

    Have a wonderful day!


  2. Very pretty and oh so YUMMY ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  3. Sandy,
    These looks so yummy. I bet they were delish with your tea.

  4. Beautiful table. The muffins look delicious and I've never thought of storing them in a jar.

  5. I store my baked goods on my hips! Haha! I couldn't help popping over to see what you had cooking. Always something yummy. My people would love these too. I have a very small bicuit jar that I keep a few goodies tucked away in. Nobody knows about it but me!

  6. Those looks so delcious, want to make them now! Thank you for sharing the recipe!


  7. Those looks so delcious, want to make them now! Thank you for sharing the recipe!


  8. I would love to have something to store my baked goods in, but alas, we do not have baked goods. We try not to eat flour and sugar so I almost never bake. I miss it. Why do all the things that taste the best hve so many calories.

  9. Hi Sandi...Thanks so much for the recipe.

    I store baked goods on a plate under a very heavy glass cake cover. Susan

  10. The table looks nice Sandi, and the muffins tasty. I keep my cookies in a crystal biscuit jar and muffins under a glass dome on a cake plate.
    Thanks for sharing your recipe.

  11. How pretty to see your muffins in the glass jar. I've always simply stored mine in plastic containers, but I like your idea much, much better!

  12. Love your table,Sandi. The muffins looks good.

  13. Dear Sandi,
    I can't tell you how homey and appealing those muffins look all tumbling about in that big jar. So sweet and your photography is great.
    I have to laugh at where Jacqueline Cabin and Cottage stores hers.
    Nice way to start my day~ Ruthie

  14. I like your big glass jar. We usually eat what we're going to eat and store the rest in the freezer so we're not tempted all the time. Or I put them on a cake stand under a glass dome. Those muffins look delicious.

  15. Hi Sandi, I really like the idea of a glass jar to display those yummy muffins. But I have always used a round tin tub, lined with wax paper!
    And then, I leave a small, tin out on the counter and I put one in the freezer. I do this with scones, muffin, and cookies.
    I made scone yesterday!
    Have a wonderful weekend!
    Thanks so much for following me;
    I just added that button a few weeks back. As I wanted to do a book review and they requested a Follower Button on my sidebar.
    Blessings, Roxy

  16. The muffins sound so tasty and would be perfect for tea time. I can see why they're your son's favorites. I like how you store them. I usually freeze my extras in freezer proof bags and pop them out when needed.
    I loved your pretty table. You always put together the sweetest vignettes, my friend. xo

  17. What a neat storage idea! When I baked (we can't eat that anymore), I used Ziplock baggies because things didn't last very long around here. If I did bake, I'd use the jars - what a great idea!

  18. They Look Yummmy... I like the large Jar.. thank or sharing with love Janice

  19. I made these last night. Halved the recipe for just me and made 12 mini muffins. Yum! They are wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing the recipe!

  20. I made these last night. Halved the recipe for just me and made 12 mini muffins. Yum! They are wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing the recipe!

  21. I will be trying this recipe next week when my 2 college boys are home. Hmmm.... can I get them to sit down and have tea with their Mum (without having ESPN NewsCenter on in the background?)
    Your photos are lovely.

  22. Yummy muffins! And they're easy to make too. Thank you Sandi for sharing your son's favourite recipe. And what practical way to store them.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend.



  23. Your muffins look splendid indeed. I'm home and getting caught up, slowly :-)

    Have a wonderful week,

  24. The muffins look yummy. I guess I will now have to make some.... LOL And all your pretty tea cups! What a lovely table today!

  25. Hello Sandi, your muffins look wonderful! Gorgeous photos - I appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

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