Monday 13 January 2014

Tea With A Lady

A simple cup of tea is far from a simple matter. ~ Mary Lou Heiss

Hello friends and welcome to Tea Time!

Every once in a while I will share a teacup you have seen before because of course I don't have 52 teacups or at least I don't think I do. *smiles*

Today's teacup is made by Royal Albert in England. She's a real lady; Lady Carlyle. Some pink tulips snuggle up to her reminding me that Spring is only ten weeks away.

I do love her graceful shape and elegant handle. She also has a lovely bouquet of flowers just inside her rim and a pretty pedestal base.

She sits upon a beautiful saucer.

She's a beauty! With all this fluctuating winter weather we're having, it's lovely to be sipping hot tea from such a flowery teacup.

I have her sitting on my new tablecloth which was a gift from a friend. I should have ironed it before showing it off.

It's gorgeous with sprigs of open posies, vines, and insets of reindeer and what I think are arctic dogs; I love it!

I picked up these perky spring tulips at the grocery store. They are sitting on my thrifted side table which will be getting a coat of creamy white paint soon. I will show you the before and after when the time comes.

Some fruit cake left over from Christmas and a mincemeat tart are nice to nibble on while enjoying two lovely reads; Victoria's Tea Pleasures magazine and Carolyn's Country Christmas which was a Christmas gift from Hubby. 

Next week, January 20th, is Tea Time Tuesday's 4th Anniversary and I am planning another Tea of Roses to celebrate but you are welcome to share anything you like. I hope you will join me for that.

Pleasure comes from without,
and joy comes from within,
and it is, therefore,
within reach of everyone in the world. ~ Bishop Fulton J. Sheen

I wish you JOY today!

Do you have a beautiful teacup, teapot, or coffee mug you would like to share with us? How about a teascape or tablescape? We would love to see it. I welcome visits to a tea room as well. We tea ladies love a tea room!

I am joining the following parties as well~

A Return to Loveliness ~
Tea Cup Tuesday~
Tea Cup Tuesday ~
Tuesday Cuppa Tea~
Friends Sharing Tea~
Share Your Cup Thursday~
Home Sweet Home~

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Good morning Sandi! I love Lady Carlyle...I always think it's such and elegant but cheerful teacup. The tablecloth is beautiful and I love the tulips. Such a harbinger of spring especially in the frost bitten areas of late! Thanks for hosting!

  2. Your teacup is so lovely, Sandi, and I love your new table covering. Thank you for hosting, dear friend, and I wish JOY, also. xo

  3. Lady Carlyle is indeed gorgeous and even more so on your beautiful linens. And tulips ... I adore tulips. Thank you so much for hosting each week. Such a joy to visit with you.

  4. Lady Carlyle is lovely! Thank you for sharing. And I will be back next week with some roses for your special day!

  5. I love all the Royal Albert patterns...but this one is especially beautiful! Have a great week...hugs, Penny

  6. Hi Sandi, what a pretty teacup you shared with us today. And I see you have some tulips already. I bought a bouquet of yellow ones yesterday, my first of the season. Thank you for hosting and I hope you have a great week. Blessings, Pamela

  7. Hi Sandi, Love your pretty teacup and flowers always cheer me up!

  8. Hello Sandi
    Lady Carlyle is an elegant lady to have for tea and the tulips are the perfect colour for the table. Such a pretty new linen tablecloth - I often forget to iron mine for tea photos too.
    Have a great week, I can't believe four years of gathering has passed already.

  9. Hi Sandi,

    Today's teacup is my favourite! How I love drinking my tea out of it :-)!

    Happy week,

    Madelief x

  10. 'Lady Carlyle' is one of the prettiest teacups I've ever seen. She looks perfect with your pretty pink tulips and beautiful linens. Have a wonderful week, Sandi.
    Blessings, Beth

  11. Lady Carlyle sure is beautiful. I love the graceful look and the colors. Very feminine and romantic...Christine

  12. The teacup . . . the linens . . . the tulips . . . all lovely.

  13. This is one of the prettiest cup of tea i' ve never seen! Very adorable and romantic. Your tablecloth is so elegant

  14. It's so nice to see such a flowery tea-cup and saucer today. It is so dreary, wet and cold outside here. I love lacy table cloths and yours is so pretty. Tulips....oh, aren't they gorgeous. Have a nice evening, Sandi. Hugs, Deb

  15. Hi Sandi,
    I love that teacup ~ I have a similar one but not quite as pretty.
    Your hubby is one smart shopper!(he!he!).
    It is rather nice to have a break in the weather ~ feels like spring!

    p.s. thanks for the mention and link

  16. Dearest Sandi.. Thank you for hosting and sharing a lovely tea with us. I too have a Lady Carlyle teacup and saucer set and a teapot - and it is one of my favs. Hugs and blessings, C. (HHL)

  17. Hi Sandi,
    I love that Lady Carlyle teacup. I have one too! Your pics are so perfect! I wish I knew how to take such professional photos as you do. The colours are outstanding. Thank you for hosting Tea time today. Have a happy week! Karen

  18. Hi Sandi: I love the Lady Carlyle tea cup. That pattern is one of my favorites. Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha

  19. Oh my, Lady Carlyle is one of my favorites. So beautiful. And your new linen tablecloth is gorgeous. Thank you for hosting.

  20. What a pretty cup and saucer. I have seen this one before but not lately and it does remind us of spring! Your table topper is pretty as well with the little lace deer. Have a great week on PEI.

  21. The Lady Carlyle pattern is popular with so many. I have the tea set with a couple of luncheon plates. Your photos showcasing the teacup are beautiful. Your white linen tablecloth is lovely too.
    ~ Phyllis

  22. Hi Sandi,

    Such a beautiful teacup. I hope to join you for tea soon.

  23. That is one of the most beautiful teacups around. It is truly stunning, and indeed a lady! Just like her owner!

    I don't know how I missed CArolyn's Christmas book. Sheesh. I think I need to own that too - she is a dear and takes such lovely pics.

    Thank you so much for hosting, I am happy I could (finally) j oin in the fun - it's been much too long.

    Blessings be yours today, Sandi.

  24. What a beautiful cup Sandi! It has such pretty colors! I always love Royal Albert. They are the prettiest cups! Thanks for hosting! See you next week.

  25. I wish you joy too Sandi!
    Your Lady Carlyle is lovely...I have her sister! This is just one of those patterns one does not tire of. She is beautiful. Your gifted table cloth is very nice! What a lovely gift from a kind giver.

  26. Visiting from Miss Celia's High Heeled Life and so glad I did. What a gorgeous tea cup! Reading your post is so peaceful!!

  27. Blessings multiplied to you, Sandi, and much joy as we take our weekly respite with teatime. Actually - it's teatime everyday in my house. Though - not always quite so elegant as with your Lady, here. She is a beauty! I have a similar cup in shades of green. So much frill - I always feel like I need to dress up to drink from it. Your lace tablecloth is a keeper - I have a lot of them and should start including some of my linens each week, too.

  28. Dear Sandi,
    I love to see the tea cups again. I don't have so many different tea cups either. And Lady Carlyle is really a Lady. She looks so sweet with the tender tulips. Thank you for this wonderful tea time with spring feelings and yummy treats. I will join you on your birthday party, too.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  29. That is a beautiful teacup Sandi, but I love even more the tablecloth, especially with the reindeer ! ( We have contemplated raising reindeer )I always love tea-time Tuesdays with you , thank-you .

  30. So pretty! I've been feeling very 'pink & white' winter lately. So fun to have Teacup Tuesday = )

  31. I have loved Lady Carlyle for a long time. Even wanted the whole set of china. But this year I decided that I would be very happy to have just one cup and saucer. So that's what my daughter and son-in-law gave me for Christmas. I just feel so elegant drinking my tea from it!

  32. The Lady Carlile teacup is stunning, I just have a three tier server that I also love! I have a teaset ready in this table setting, so we will have tea after lunch tomorrow, lol!
    Thank you for hosting sweet Sandi. May this year that just started be amazing for you and yours.

  33. hello
    Proverbe anglais :

    « Dans la vie, la gravité d’une situation est diminué de moitié après une bonne tasse de thé! »
    bonne journée
    edith (iris) France

  34. Oh my goodness Sandi... I thought at first I was signing up for your Home Party and then discovered I signed up on the tea party! I didn't know how to delete on the tea party and thought "oh I wish I would have put my tea service on there!" So sorry I totally messed this up. I'm sure I've posted on your tea party before incorrectly... I didn't mean to spoil the tea party! Thanks for being so kind in pointing it out Sandi. Now I'm off to the HOME party LOL hugs, Edie

  35. Sandi, you have so many beautiful teacups. I never tire of them! Thanks for sharing with SYC.


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.