Sunday 26 January 2014

A Note to My Readers

Hello dear friends. I hope your weekend is going well.

Last week I mentioned that my computer is having issues. Well, unfortunately it is not looking good. We managed to run off our photos {thousands of them}and that's about all we accomplished. I lost everything else. All of my lovely quotes, crafting ideas, and other important info that I had saved are gone.
I do have the laptop but I am not really fond of it as I prefer the desktop.

I have been working all weekend trying to get my pictures into folders {Everything is a real mess right now!} and I'm afraid I'm not very computer savvy. I have also been busy getting my Tea Time Tuesday Party ready for Monday. This is a trial as well because I'm having trouble finding things on the laptop. Whew!

Therefore, until we get our main computer fixed or replaced, I will be cancelling my HOME party indefinitely.

I cannot handle two linky parties at the moment using the laptop.
Thank you to all of you who have been so faithful in linking up to my HOME party. What I hope to do in the meantime is continue to share recipes, crafts, etc. in a post during the week without the link up party. I hope you will continue to stop by for a visit because I sure do enjoy your company.
Have a beautiful day everyone!

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Oh, Sandi -- I feel for you -- computer problems ARE NOT a good thing! But I will see you Tuesday!

  2. It's no fun We all know that.I get a little sad when I lose contact with bloggy friends.We will stick with You no matter parties or not,as We always do. Hugs and blessings Your way Denise

  3. Hang in there, Sandi. We've all been through such frustration at one time or another, myself this past summer, and it was trying, as I missed my visits to favourite blogs, as well as not being able to create.

    Hope you get it all sorted out soon.

    Wishing you a lovely, peaceful day and week ahead.


  4. Computers are wonderful things while they work. Then presto they have "Issues" and your life goes into a tailspin, I have been there so many times. I hope you get its' issues fixed as painlessly as possible. Take care, Jen. xo

  5. Sorry about the computer glitches, Sandi. Very frustrating for you, I'm sure. Hope it straightens out soon. Susan

  6. So sorry to hear about your very frustrating computer problems!! We've been there and certainly understand. Today, your rose pictures are beautiful. Lynda

  7. I've been down this road too Sandi, and with time you should have some organization back. So sorry you lost some things important to you, backing up on a jump drive or memory stick is something I do regularly now.
    I'm glad Tea Time Tuesday is still a go, on my Grow Your Blog post and through comments I've been inviting bloggers to gather with us over tea.

  8. Sorry to hear about your frustrating weekend with computer problems. I see you have your new teapot in your header. I love it with the fire in the background. See you Tuesday!

  9. Sandi,
    So sorry to hear about your computer problems. And so sorry to hear about cancelling the Home Party but I can understand.....
    I thank God that my oldest son is an IT specialist and can fix our computer in the blink of an eye because Joe can barely manage to turn it on!!


  10. I hate computer problems! Hope you get everything worked out!!

  11. That is too bad Sandi, but I understand. You can only do so much at the moment. I'll still be visiting and sharing with Tea Time Tuesday. I hope things get sorted out for you with your computer. Blessings. Pam

  12. So sorry about your computer problems. I have a laptop and it's old and I need a new one. But, every time I get my money saved something else happens and there goes my computer fund.
    Hope you get everything fixed.

  13. Im so sorry about your computer issues. Karen of Valentine Design's suggested to me along time ago to purchase an External harddrive so everything is saved. Mine is getting slow so Im sure glad I did. They can purchased at Best Buy for about $100 and well worth it. Maybe that will help for the next time:)
    Hugs and hope everything gets back to normal soon:)

  14. I feel for you Sandi, that happened to me and it is awful. I hope you get it fixed soon.
    hugs Kay

  15. Oh no, Sandi! What a shame...
    It's a horrible feeling when you lose things that meant a lot to you. Computers are wonderful inventions..but it's sad when they mal-function like that!
    Hope you can recover your favourite quotes in time.
    Bless you, my friend.
    Trish xx

  16. Sandi,I hope you get organized soon. It is so annoying when computers go down. I know I must backup mine soon,as it's getting a little old and might one day just give up the ghost. I will still visit even without the party as I love looking at your pretty china and home.
    xx jeanetteann

  17. Hi Sandi, so sorry to hear about that. Good thing you were able to save your photos. I'm not a computer savvy either, I will probably freak out if I was you. But with a little bit of help from computer doctors and a little bit of patience, hopefully won't be long till you are up and running again.

    Take care and God bless.


  18. Oh Sandi, how frustrating for you! I hope you get it all sorted and figured out. Bless you.

  19. What a shame Sandi.
    I do like to visit your tea parties.
    I get happy when I sea your beautiful tea sets and your table scapes.
    I do hope that you get your desk top sorted.
    I lost many photos about 5 years ago, when i had a bad computer bug. They were on my laptop.
    I too dont have one. I prefer the tablet and my desktop.
    see you soon I hope. val

  20. I'm so sorry to hear about this computer mess, Sandi. Of course it will all be settled in the end, and you'll have everything organised as you like it - but the road between there and where you are now likely seems very bumpy! Just take it one small task at a time.
    Sending warm wishes your way for the week ahead....

  21. hang in there Sandi ... I know how frustrating computer challenges can be- I think most of us have been there unfortunately at one time or another. Try to not let it get the best of you. pour a cup of tea and breathe. Hoping the technical angels are sorting it all out and that it will all be better than it was before. Hugs and Blessings, C. (HHL)

  22. Oh, how sad! I hope everything works out for you! Computer issues can be a frustration!!! I hope that you'll be able to get everything up and running again shortly!


  23. So sorry to hear of the computer issue, and completely understand! I have an older desktop, still like new with all the space, and it is still my favorite to use when I blog, work on listings, websites, pictures, etc. I have a laptop too. Still getting use to it, but do not feel like I can have it do all that the desktop does for me. I know...set in my ways. Laptop is nice to do things with, I am still learning, but I still prefer the desktop over it too. Good Luck to you!!


  24. I' m so sorry for your computer problems. Your tea cup with pearls and roses is just gorgeous

  25. hello
    je suis désolée
    il faut faire des " sauve-garde
    de temps en temps
    comme ça tout est enregistré
    sur un disque externe
    pour des citations je vais vous
    en envoyer de temps en temps
    une première =


    La première tasse humecte mes lèvres et mon gosier,
    La deuxième rompt ma solitude
    La troisième fouille mes entrailles mises à nu et y débusque mille volumes d’étranges idéogrammes
    La quatrième suscite une légère sueur et tout le noir de ma viese dissout à travers mes pores
    A la cinquième tasse, je suis purifié
    La sixième m’expédie au royaume des Immortels ,
    La septième, ah, je ne saurais en absorber davantage !
    Je sens seulement un souffle de vent frais gonfler mes manches.

  26. Good luck with your computer situation. So glad you were able to retain all of your photos. I know your home party has had a lot of participants and it will be missed. Nonetheless, do not stress over these things, Sandi. Take care of yourself and I wish you peace.
    Hugs, Beth


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.