Monday 30 December 2013

Tea Time Tuesday

The birth of a New Year is a time of reflection, bringing with it an opportunity for change....for developing a greater appreciation of what is most important in life.~ Victoria magazine

Welcome friends to my last Tea Time Tuesday of 2013!

Don't you wish that Christmas
Was a Currier and Ives scene
Where the snow was falling softly
In the woods of evergreen
Where horses pulled the sleighs
Through the village and the fields. ~ Roger Turner

Our Christmas on the Island truly was like a Currier and Ives scene. It was a beautiful day with softly falling snow flakes. The snow is so deep right now that it has completely covered the bird bath on our front lawn. The snow is almost half way up our maple tree! That's a lot of snow!

I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas holiday and all your dreams came true.

My sweet grandson Brent enjoying his day. Like his daddy and his nanny, he's a critter lover!

Joanna London-Watts's photo.

Please come in and make yourself at home and keep me company, won't you.

For my tea today, I am sharing a delightful floral centerpiece arranged in a festive teacup I won in Michele's giveaway. It arrived two days before Christmas; perfect timing!

The green doily and angel pin were included; just lovely! Thank you Michele. I think most of you know Michele but if you don't you can find her lovely blog, The Nest at Finch Rest here.

Gifts of time and love are surely the basis of a truly merry Christmas. ~ Peg Bracken

The tea is steeping and there is shortbread on the table for a wee nosh. The teapot was a gift from Hubby a few years ago.

PG Tips is my choice of tea today. This is a nice orange pekoe served in my Royal Stafford teacup. Made in England, this teacup has no gold on it but instead a Christmas green trim and holly berries adorn the cup and saucer.

I found this teacup at a yard sale a couple of years ago. It is my only Christmas teacup. I would love to find other Christmas teacups.

A shortbread cookie is just right. See the holly berries?

Winter is the time for comfort - it is the time for home. ~ Edith Sitwell

Come and share a pot of tea,
My home is warm and my friendship's free. ~ Emilie Barnes

Wednesday is New Year's Day; a brand new year, a fresh new beginning, and my birthday.
I want to thank all of you, my dear blogging friends, for blessing me with your visits, comments, and joining me for my tea parties and my HOME party each week. You are the ones who make my blogging experience so enjoyable and I am so thankful for all of you! I will resume my HOME party next week on the 8th.

From my heart to yours, I wish you a Happy and Healthy New Year! May the new year bring you many blessings and much joy. Love to you all!

I am joining the following parties as well~

A Return to Loveliness ~
Tea Cup Tuesday~
Tea Cup Tuesday ~
Tuesday Cuppa Tea~
Friends Sharing Tea~
Home Sweet Home~

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Hi Sandi. I know you had a wonderful Christmas! We were with friends in Mexico. Nice to be home and catching up with friends. Lovely photos and congratulations winning Michelle's drawing! May you have a blessed New Year filled with Grace and love!
    Oh...and thanks for hosting! :)

  2. Your Christmas sounds like it was picture-perfect. I love where you live and have visited twice over the years. Your husband sure knows how to pick out a tea-pot. It is gorgeous. I'll wish you now a very Happy Birthday and a Joyful New Year. I hope to be back today to join your party. Off to kitty-sit...hugs, Deb

  3. Sandi, it sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas. Thank you for hosting this party week after week. I hope you and your family have a very happy, healthy and blessed new year!

  4. Hi Sandy, I have been just too busy to do much blog visiting but I always have you in my heart. No Mr Linky today, just a post to say I hope you had a lovely Christmas and I am wishing you a very Happy New Year with better health.
    Much love always,

  5. What a beautiful post, Sandi. It makes me want to stop with getting my house back in order and drink a cup of tea.

  6. What a lovely win from Michele, Sandi!
    Thank YOU for welcoming us to your tea party and your HOME each week. Happy New Year blessings and love to you for a wonderful 2014.

  7. Hello Sandi
    Another year gone by again! At least the weekly group is doing their part to keep the tea industry alive! It sounds like you have much more snow than we do, but I'm sure we'll get lots more before long.
    Those are sweet items in the giveaway from Michele, I like the colour of the doily.
    A hug across the miles from me to you for hosting and added wishes for a happy and healthy 2014.

  8. Beautiful Christmas cup and pot! Happy. New Year, Sandi!...Christine

  9. HAPPY NEW YEAR to yuo and your family! Your tea time is always a great pleasure for my eyes

  10. Your Christmas Day sounds wonderful,I just read it to my husband and told him that is the kind of Christmas I want! Ours was wonderful but 70 degree weather and white sand at the beach does not compare to snow. Happy Birthday !

  11. Sandi,
    Your angel pin is so beautiful! Thank you for hosting and enjoy your week off. Your tea is lovely!
    Have a Happy New Year!

  12. Hi Sandi,
    Your grandson shown today is just adorable and I meant to tell you last week that I believe it was Zachary is so precious too! I am wondering if they are visiting from B.C. I don't have any grandchildren yet but am hoping that my son who gets married this June will be ready soon. Thank you for hosting Tea Time Tuesday again this busy week! I look forward to joining you again in the New Year. Wishing you a Wonderful 2014!

  13. Hi Sandi: Happy Birthday! Thank you so much for always being such a wonderful host and for the eye candy you share each week. Wishing God's blessings of good health to you and yours this 2014. Hugs, Martha

  14. Very beautiful post sweet Sandi and what a great C'mas you had. Thank you for been such a generous and kind hostess through 2013 and for having me. Looking forward to joining in 2014. Here to wish you only the best for you and yours in the New Year.

  15. Une très bonne nouvelle année, c'est ce que je te souhaite de tout

    mon coeur, une année toute en tendresse et en douceur pour

    toi et pour tous ceux qui te sont chers!

    Avec toute mon amitié,

  16. Tea and Shortbread's truly a favourite of mine. Yes, the snow and grandchildren both bring delight each time we see them. I do wish you a Happy Birthday tomorrow. And all the best in the coming New Year. Happy New Year best wishes and blogs for the 2014 coming new year, blessings my friend

  17. A very beautiful post for the last one of 2013!
    Happy New Year to you and your family, and Happy Birthday to YOU!
    May this coming year bring you more opportunities for joy!

  18. I missed you last week to wish you a Merry Christmas , we might be catching up with you with the snow today. Love your green doily very pretty, as always an inspiring post happy New Years to you and your family. God bless...

  19. I missed you last week to wish you a Merry Christmas , we might be catching up with you with the snow today. Love your green doily very pretty, as always an inspiring post happy New Years to you and your family. God bless...

  20. This is my first time joining your Tea Time Tuesday party. Thank you so much for the opportunity to share in this beautiful corner of blogland. And Happy birthday to you.

  21. Happy New Year dearest and much love and happiness for 2014. I love your tea cup and, would you believe, I have the same little birdie, except mine is golden. Thank you so much for hosting this past year; I treasure each Tuesday with everyone. :)

  22. Hi Sandi,
    I love the teapot from your hubby and the Christmas teacup too.Glad you had a nice Christmas and I wish you and your family all the best for the New Year.


  23. That is a beautiful Christmas teacup . A Currier & Ives scene outside would be lovely here where cold, gray, and drizzly is the reality. However, being warm inside and enjoying tea while reading some of my favorite blogs is a nice way to enjoy the last few hours of 2013. Happy New Year Sandi and thank-you so much for hosting these online tea parties I look forward to.

  24. Hi Sandy,
    Wishing you and yours a Happy New year!

  25. What pretty pictures. It looks like you had a magical Christmas. Have a healthy and happy New Year Sandi.

  26. What a pretty tea time setting Sandi. The teacup floral arrangement from Michele is perfect. I hope you enjoyed a blessed Christmas and wish you all the best for this new year. Hugs, Pam

  27. Wishing you a new year filled with joy and peace. And, delicious tea and shortbread shared with friends.

    Thank you for being a bright light to all.♥

  28. What a lovely, grace-filled blog! So glad I found you today. I can just feel the warmth and welcome in your heart...and, oh, the lovely pictures! God bless you in this new year!

  29. Hi Sandi...I think about you in PEI where the cold is even colder than here. Stay warm, stay safe.....and praying the hydro stays on. Only 3 months to April!!!! Happy 2014's going to be an amazing year and the pic of your grandson....he's adorable. Hugs from my heart to yours.

  30. THank you so much for the wonderful words of encouragement...I do realize that my emtoions are all over the place right now and I shouldnt make too many hasty decisions, but I am truly thinking of making some positive changes in my life and blogging may be affected in some manner... if only in for what ever purpose it continues to serve for me and others.... chasing the perfect tablescape in my household and trying to keep up with ever changing decor ideals in living is not going to be it for sure... but teatime is a major love of mine and I do look forward to spending more happy tkimes ewlebrating the beauty of tea... Have you seen this months Teatime on downton Abbey.. a very fine edition!
    God bless!

  31. Dear Sandi,
    I had a blog break so I visit you late. I just want o wish you a Happy New Year. May be I can put a Tea Time together for this week.
    Best greetings, Johanna


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.