Monday 23 September 2013

Guess Who's Coming for Tea?

"In autumn when the leaves are brown
The little leaves come tumbling down
They do not make the slightest sound
But lie so quietly on the ground
Until the wind comes puffing by
And blows them off towards the sky." ~ Unknown

Happy Autumn and welcome to my first Tea Time of the new season, lovely friends! 

Autumn has arrived and there is just a tint of colour coming upon the leaves around Rose Chintz Cottage. One can see pumpkins everywhere as well as mums and pink sedum.

Here at my cottage, a yellow-peach rose is making friends with a pumpkin on my table.

A little birdie joins us.

Do you like my centrepiece? I made it with pieces of cedar cut from our tree, some baby's breath, and a yellow-peach  rose. I thought it looked just right for an Autumn tea time. 

When I was a little girl, the Island was a-buzz with the news that HM Queen Elizabeth was coming for a visit. She and Prince Phillip were scheduled to drive down our street and you can just imagine the excitement and expectation of having a chance to see the Queen in real life.

I remember I was wearing my very best dress and my shoes were shined as I waited on the sidewalk with my parents and little brother to see her.

Folks were clapping and waving their Union Jacks as the limousine slowly made its way down the street. At that time, Canadians still used the British flag as their own.

A big smile was on my face as the car drove right in front of me. I was so excited because the Queen smiled at me and waved, making me a happy little girl!

It was 1959 and my mother had a silver spoon to commemorate the occasion. Now this spoon is part of my collection. The engraving on the spoon reads "Queen Elizabeth 2 Visits Canada 1959."

Also to commemorate this special occasion I have this lovely teacup.

It is made by Colclough of England with a slightly flared rim trimmed in gold and adorned with Canada's maple leaf and HM Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip.

Anytime is a good time for David's Tea Pumpkin Chai. But it is especially tasty sipped from this teacup.

This teacup is special for a couple of reasons. 

You see, back in the Spring, a dear and thoughtful blogger friend was cleaning out her cabinets and this was one of her teacups. She decided that I should have it because she knew the story of the Queen waving to me as a little girl.

So today, for this first tea time of Autumn, I am sharing this special teacup sent to me all the way from Colorado from Bernideen. Beneath it is a large doilie also from Bernideen which I had won  in her Giveaway several years ago.

Thank you, my friend, for helping to make today's Tea Time very special and bringing back some fond memories.

Happiness is sharing tea with a friend.

Now, let's have a wee nosh with our tea, shall we? I  made an Apple Crisp Pizza and I have served it with a couple of scoops of ice cream on the side.
Wednesday I will share the recipe at my HOME party.

I'm so happy you could join me for tea today! If you have a favourite teacup/teapot, coffee mug, or a tablescape you would like to share, please link up below and I will be happy to come and visit you.

If you would like to share coffee instead of tea, you are welcome to. You may also share any of the following as well~ Hot chocolate, hot apple cider, lemonade, iced tea or coffee, or punch in a lovely bowl.

"Decide that Joy is the hue you want your heart to be. Then start making the little and large choices that over time will paint your heart Happy." ~ Thomas Kinkade

Wishing you all a beautiful Autumn day!

As a courtesy, please link back to me so that your visitors may find their way here to visit with all my lovely participants.

I am joining the following parties as well~

A Return to Loveliness ~
Tea Cup Tuesday~
Tea Cup Tuesday ~
Tuesday Cuppa Tea~
Friends Sharing Tea ~
What's It Wednesday ~
Share Your Cup Thursday~
Home Sweet Home~

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. That apple pizza looks yummy...can't wait to get the recipe! Hugs, Penny

  2. It was thoughtful of Bernideen to send you the teacup as a memento of that special visit of the queen back in '59. I served pumpkin chai yesterday when a friend dropped in for tea, it's definitely an autumn favourite.
    Apple crisp in a pizza pan - sounds yummy, I make big chocolate chip cookies like that so look forward to your recipe.
    Happy Autumn Sandi.

  3. What a lovely memory of the Queen's visit when you were a little girl. The teacup is so pretty with the maple leaf. I'm looking forward to seeing that recipe on Wednesday. I'll be joining your party then. Happy Fall! Blessings, Pamela

  4. What a special teacup from our friend Bernideen, Sandi! That was so thoughtful of her and I know you're enjoying your pumpkin chai tea out of your pretty cup. Your dessert looks so tasty and perfect for a fall tea time treat. xo

  5. Sandi, this was the perfect post for Autumn. Loved your story about the Queen's visit and the commemorative cup is lovely -- what a special gift. Lovely peach rose with the pumpkin. Great start to fall. Happy Tea Day and thank you for hosting.

  6. Dear Sandi,
    you know how to please your guests. I enjoyed the sweet story and can imagine, how you felt as a little girl, seeing the Queen. I would have been as exited as you. All the fairy tales we heared as child would come true with a real Queen. So I totally understand why you love the generous gift of Bernideen so much. This is so sweet of her. The spoos and the tea cup are wonderful memories to this big event. And so I am very happy that you share those prrecious things with us in a wonderful tea time. Thank you also for hosting this great event.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  7. Lovely post , photos and wonderful tea cup gift. When I was 6 years old I met the Queens mum and shook her hand when she came here to our small farming town at the time as she was there for the annual fall Rose parade . My mum had a lot of things she brought from England when she came here after the war and when traveled back and forth to visit family . When mum passed my older sister got most of the tea sets and plates my mum had . For us here any day and time of year is perfect for tea lol . Thanks for sharing . Have a lovely day !

  8. Sandi, Your post today is just delightful! The florals, the teacup, and the story - wonderful! The apple crisp and ice cream look great too.
    Blessings, Beth

  9. What a wonderful memory. And to have your mothers spoon to keep it fresh in your mind is so sweet. The teacup set is perfect for this stroll down memory lane! thank you for hosting.

  10. Happy Autumn to you too:
    Was happy to send the cup and saucer to you as it seemed a natural fit after reading on your blog some time back that the Queen waved to you! It belongs with you!
    Lovely posting and that Apple crisp is a winner!

  11. What a pretty tea cup to remember your visit by! Your Apple Crisp Pizza looks delicious! Thank you for hosting and for joining me at Home Sweet Home!

  12. What a wonderful story! I love the teacup set and the spoon. I always love anything historical...Christine

  13. What a wonderful memory. Your tea cup is very special and your apple pizza is very original and tasty

  14. That's such a sweet story, Sandi - love that someone thought to givey you that fantastic teacup - the Apple Crips pizza sounds intriguing! Love anything with apples! I am delighted to join your party this week and I appreciate you sharing,

  15. Hi Sandi,
    Your tea time today is lovely once again. I wish that I could come for tea and try your apple crisp. Bernideen is so sweet to give you such a special teacup. Thank you for hosting such a fun party. Have a wonderful week!

  16. Hello Sandi

    I love your chosen cup today from Bernideen - what a kind soul she is and it's lovely that you two "tea girls" are friends!

    I'm intrigued with your apple pizza - I've never heard of a sweet pizza before!
    I wonder if you would share your recipe - I would love to try it!

    Thank you for hosting 'Tea Time' with us today.

  17. Oh that is such a sweet account of seeing the queen! I can only imagine how special that was to you, and how special your mother's spoon is. Now Berideen has been so very kind and generous to fill out your experience with this fine commemorative Colclough! Yay! I am thrilled for you.
    Bernideen is a dear!
    Your entire tea looks so lovely. Thank you so much for sharing and hosting.

  18. hello
    un très joli cadeau
    et une très belle representation
    d'un automne tout en couleur
    Salut ! bois couronnés d'un reste de verdure !
    Feuillages jaunissants sur les gazons épars !
    Salut, derniers beaux jours ! Le deuil de la nature
    Convient à la douleur et plaît à mes regards !"LAMARTINE
    bonne journée
    edith (iris) France

  19. Dear Sandi,
    I love your centerpiece. The one rose really stands out and the bird makes it oh, so sweet.
    I love your very special teacup too. Lady B will love it too. She collects commemoratives.
    Lovely post!
    Best, Ruthie

  20. Hi Sandi,
    Yes, I love your centerpiece! And that pumpkin with that rose is gorgeous! Cute story about you seeing the queen, and what a wonderful souvenir spoon for your remembrance.
    Thanks for sharing,

  21. Hola Sandi
    Feliz otoño amiga!!!
    Precioso los arreglos de otoño, los colores de las flores, la taza siempre tan elegante. Te felicito por ser tan sutil, tan fina y por presentarnos un mundo soñado a través de tus post.

    Siempre te visito aunque no dejo comentario.
    Un beso grande.

  22. Happy autumn my friend. Hard to believe summer is gone... but I'm looking forward to the more structured time of fall and sharing tea regularly. Thank you for hosting.

    Your dessert looks delicious and your center piece is such a creative idea. What a lovely gift - beautiful teacup. Hugs and blessings, C. (HHL)

  23. Oh Sandi, what a lovely teacup you were gifted by Bernideen, so generous of her, as you both share the love for teacups. The Apple pizza sounds just great and that with pumpkin-chai tea, perfect! Thank you for hosting this lovely party. Big hugs,

  24. Blessings, Sandy, and joyful Autumn to you, too! I loved your post today! I was standing right there with you in your best dress waving at the Queen! A lovely keepsake spoon and Bernideen's gift of the teacup was the icing on the cake! An Autumn leaf, too! So blessed when we are gifted such precious things. My post tells a similar story . . . no Queen though . . .

  25. Dear Sandi,

    Oh yes, your centerpiece is perfect for an early fall teatime! You did a beautiful job on it.

    That was SO THOUGHTFUL of Bernideen! She is the best, isn't she? (True friend kinda lady!)

    It's weird to think of my being in my Momma's tummy when HRM waved at you. I was born October of that year!

    Lovely tea time, and thank you so much for hosting!


  26. Beautiful tea cups, I love it! I am your new follower.

  27. Such pretty tea cups. Such a treasure to have. And the apple pizza looks super delish. Happy autumn.

  28. What did we ever do before shops like David's tea? I love popping in there and just trying something new and then getting a small container of it if I like it. What a wonderful idea their promotions company came up with.
    Your centrepiece looks beautiful Sandi and I bet it smells wonderfully too. There's nothing like the fresh scent of cedar, is there? And it burns beautifully in the fireplace. Last year Robert and I had some spectacular open fires with cedar logs. Now that autumn is upon is, it's time to think lovely cozy fires again. :)

  29. The cup & doily are precious gifts especially because Bernideen knew your story and thought to give them to you. I have discovered there are so many thoughtful bloggers and this is a very nice community.

    I love your centerpiece, the rose is beautiful.

    What a surprise to see you've posted a Colclough teacup !

  30. Such a sweet story! You have a very special friend in Bernideen!Such a pretty gift with beautiful memories to celebrate it!Lovely autumn tea post and that apple pizza truly looks scrumptious! Beautiful yellow-peach rose so perfect for an autumn tea centerpiece:) Happy Autumn! Hugs, Poppy


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.