Monday 1 July 2013

Tea Time Tuesday

"I don't know how anyone can live without some small place of enchantment to turn to." ~ Marjorie Rawlings

Hello my dear bloggy friends and Happy Canada Day to all my Canadian friends! We live in a great country!

Here on the Island we have been rained in for much of our long holiday weekend and poor Hubby had caught the flu bug. So, what's one to do? Why have some tea, of course!

"Come along inside ... And we'll see if tea and buns can make the world a better place." ~ Kenneth Grahame- 'The Wind in the Willows'' 

I know - it's pink again! 

But I couldn't let those luscious peonies go to waste without having a tea time in their presence now could I?

I was hoping to do a red and white tea for Canada Day but the colours just didn't compliment the  flowers.

These beautiful flowers have inspired me and for this moment in time, this is my little place of enchantment. 

"To be overcome by the fragrance of flowers is a delectable form of defeat."~ Beverley Nichols

I promise next week, there will be no pink!

"The very sight of a teapot puts a smile on the face of most people. One cannot help but think of more serene and genteel times....They are a subtle reminder of all that is good in the world." ~ Barbara Roberts 

Please join me for a cup of tea and some dessert, won't you?

Rhubarb pudding and a cup of hot tea make for a  lovely repast on a rainy afternoon. And I have plenty so please help yourself.

"The spirit of the tea beverage is one of peace, comfort, and refinement." ~ Arthur Gray

By the way, Hubby is feeling much better and we've been able to get out and enjoy the holiday a little.

I'm so happy you could drop by and I invite you to share something pretty from your collection of tea things today. Perhaps it's sunny where you are and you can enjoy tea in the garden. Wherever you find yourself today, I hope you can join me. Simply create a post around your tea things and link up below. Have a beautiful day everyone and God bless you!

Patterns I have used today:
Rose Bud by Maxwell & Williams
Rose Chintz by Gracie China
Evening Star silverware by Oneida

"Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust Him, and He will help you." ~ Psalm 37:5 {NLT}

As a courtesy, please link back to me so that your visitors may find their way here to visit with all my lovely participants.

I am joining the following parties as well~

Inspire Me Tuesday ~
A Return to Loveliness ~
Tea Cup Tuesday~
Tea Cup Tuesday ~
Tuesday Cuppa Tea~
Tea In The Garden ~
Share Your Cup Thursday~
Home Sweet Home~

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Well lol I'm perfectly fine with Pink, I'm in a hugs Pink mood. I love Love your Tea Pot and cups and saucers you peonies are beautiful and I think I need to go out and buy my some. Mom got some in the hospital from my niece deep red and like a multi colored deep orange with red very pretty. but I'm liking those pretty pink one and white.. Lovely post .. Happy new week with love Janice

  2. I would enjoy pink EVERY week! Thanks for hosting and have a great week...hugs, Penny

  3. I adore pink dear Sandi and have a lot in my china sets, but I'm into the R,W&B this week, lol.. Your tea set is to die for, I'm swooning! Thank you so much for hosting this ever lovely tea party. Have a nice, safe and happy Fourth weekend ahead.

  4. Happy Canada Day Sandi!
    Too much pink? Never... Glad to hear your Sweetie is feeling better. Take care.


  5. Wishing you a Happy Canada Day! Your tea service is so beautiful. I always LOVE the pink :-)

    Jocelyn @

  6. And Happy Canada Day to you! I hope your honey is feeling better. I love your peonies and chintz. Lovely! Have a wonderful day and thanks for hosting.

  7. Happy Canada Day to you too, Sandi! Just love "Tea Time Tuesday", maybe someday I'll join in. :o)

  8. Hello Sandi - we don't mind pink! I hope your husband gets well soon. We are in for a lot of rain this week - I need a few days of sun to get outdoors!
    I appreciate you sharing and hosting,

  9. Thanks for the beautiful Picture, I can feel the harmony of this teatime. I love the pattern.

    Greetings from Munich/Bavaria

  10. How I enjoy your thoughts on having tea each week! Sorry your husband was under the weather. Your pink roses cups and saucers and teapot ate so lovely with the beautiful bouquet of flowers. Glad you like pink and roses for what could be better! It is wonderful you and your husband did enjoy some of the celebration in Canada for that is always the fun of a holiday weekend!


  11. Sandi, I never get tired of pink flowers! Beautiful post today. I'm glad your hubby is feeling better so you can enjoy the holiday. I hope you don't catch it though! :) It's very warm and humid here 27C (feels like 34). I'm melting. But not complaining as it was only 10 a few days ago! Enjoy the holiday. Hugs. Pamela

  12. Oh Sandi! Your peonies are so lovely. I don't get tired of your pinks they are always pleasing to look at. Thank you for sharing a beautiful post.

  13. Sandi, we all know you're a pink gal at heart and look forward to this colour at your tea parties.
    The pink peonies are pretty and a favourite flower, ours are just about finished.
    Glad your hubby is feeling better and I'm sure a cup of tea and some of your rhubarb dessert will help him along.
    Thanks for hosting.

  14. Pink is always pretty!...and your setting and peonies are lovely.

  15. No, I'll never get tired of your pretty pink, Sandi! Your teacups and teapot are so perfect for tea today. Happy Canada Day to you and thank you for hosting. It's good to know that your hubby is feeling better. xo

  16. This is so beautiful, Sandi, and, of course, I love the pink!

    Wishing you and yours a very Happy Canada Day!


  17. NO no no, don't stop with the pink. Love all the pink roses.

  18. Hi Sandi,
    A lovely tea with all your pinks! I never tire of pink tea items and yours are always so beautiful! You rhubarb pudding looks so delicious! My rhubarb is just about ready to pick so will be making some by this weekend. Yum! Thank you for hosting and happy Canada's Day!

  19. Happy Canada Day! Glad to hear your hubby is feeling better. Love your PINK! Happy Tea Day and Thank YOU for hosting!

  20. Happy Canada Day to you as your southern neighbors celebrate our own July 4th festivities decked out in red, white, and blue! But, I daresay there is plenty of room for all your pretty pink flowers in such a delicious setting today! A truly elegant pattern to blend with your rhubarb pudding which looks delicious, too! Now - just a spoonful of honey mixed with cinnamon might send those flu symptoms on the run and perhaps the sun will come out after all!

  21. Sandi, Your floral bouquet is just stunning! The rhubarb dessert looks great as well. Your pink is beautiful, nothing at all wrong with pink! Happy Canada Day, Sandi.
    Hugs, Beth

  22. Oh Sandi, I love your flower arrangement. I adore all your pink! How are you doing with your back and all?
    Happy Canada Day! I love your should be so proud to be a Canadian.

  23. No one does pink prettier than you do, so I'm fine with you using it as much as you like!

  24. Your Peonies are so beautiful. Of course you needed to use them. Pink is beautiful any way.
    Have a wonderful day.

  25. Who doesn't love pink Sandi. I adore your tea set. It is so delicate and beautiful. I also love all your delicious recipes each week. Thanks for hosting and Happy Canada Day.



  26. Sandi,
    Happy Canada Day to you and your family!!
    Thanks so much for stopping by all the time and for having such nice things to say!!
    Thanks too for your support and encouragement as I continue on my weight loss journey!!


  27. Dear Sandi,

    Well I never EVER tire of your gorgeous PINK! It's so beautiful and definately says "tea time" more than any colour in the world to me at least!

    I am so sorry hubs is feeling poorly - the moulds and pollens don't help either.

    You are in my prayers.

    Thanks for hosting.

  28. Your tea is beautiful in pink! I don't mind at all, I always enjoy stopping to visit you. Your flowers are indeed stunning!
    I also love the image where you are pouring tea.
    Have a wonderful holiday and I hope your hubby is fully recovered so he can enjoy too : )

  29. Dear Sandi,
    there is nothing wrong with pink for a tea post. I would love to add more pink into my life. It represents happiness and summertime for me. I love your china with roses. It is sooo pretty. And the peonies are gorgeous, too. Thank you for sharing this pink delight and for hosting this sweet event.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  30. No need to apologize for your pink tea. It's gorgeous! I love everything about it!

  31. Hi Sandi,
    Thank you so much for hosting!
    I love pink too so please keep showing your lovely pink teacups and yours are absolutely delightful always. I hope that you have a wonderful week.
    Take care,

  32. You know Sandi, I love coming to your blog because I love the pink! Your little rosy cups are so sweet and girly. In this world of high power and skateboards, it's really nice to have pink, rosy, girly things. :) I'm so glad your man is feeling better and I hope no one else in your family gets the bug. Summer bugs are so boring! Have a lovely rest of the week and I'll see you soon. :)

  33. Your Rhubarb Pudding sounds wonderful and I do not tire of your pink chintz as it is lovely! So many pretty things. I am trying again with my camera and will link up then! Late but linking just the same....

  34. Hi Sandi,
    You can never have too much pink!
    Glad your hubby is feeling better just in time for some nice weather.

    Thank you for hosting,

  35. Love your peonies and all your pink! Hope your hubby's feeling better, not very pleasant getting a summer flu.

  36. Luscious Peonies indeed! I totally missed mine this year. They came and went when we were on our vacation. Happy belated Canada day. Glad hubby is feeling better. We have gotten some badly needed rain lately. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  37. Hello Sandi,I think your life must be full of pink. Pink is pretty..I love pink!

    Oolong Tea


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.