Monday 20 May 2013

A Victorian Tea For Tea Time Tuesday

"That it will never come again is what makes life so sweet." ~ Emily Dickinson

Happy Victoria Day to all my Canadian friends and welcome for tea everyone! I hope you all enjoyed your weekend.

Did the title of my tea get your attention? I'm sure for many of you it did. We Canadians are enjoying our Victoria Day weekend; our first long weekend of the Summer. Yay!

File:Dronning victoria.jpg

Queen Victoria's birthday is a statutory holiday observed here in Canada which celebrates the sovereign's actual birthday on May 24 as well as that of our reigning Queen Elizabeth whose birthday is really on April 21.  

Many of us celebrate the holiday by firing up the barbecues and visiting the garden centres. 
Hubby is cleaning out the beds today. Our tulips are out and the Weeping Caragana is in bud at our side door. I can't wait till it's spilling over with  bright green leaves!

So how am I sharing tea today? With a wee bit of  Victorian, of course!

I shopped my house and put this little tea together for us to enjoy. So please make yourselves at home and join me for a cuppa tea won't you?

The Victorians loved their flowers.  My mercury glass rose bowl holds an arrangement of dried roses.

I brought out my lace parasol; another fashionable accessory during Victorian times.

Did you know that the term tussie-mussie or nosegay comes from the reign of Queen Victoria (1837–1901)? These little bouquets were first introduced to mask the unpleasant odours of the day and quickly became a popular fashion accessory. The term "nosegay" refers to the bouquet's ability to keep the nose happy. 

The Victorian ladies loved their lavender so I've included my lavender sachet which Kathy made. I won it in one of her giveaways. Its scent is as lovely today as it was when I received it about a year ago.

The teapot stands on a mercury glass cake stand. 

"May your life always be like a teapot...overflowing to warm the soul." ~ Irish Blessing

All my china today was made in England except for the teapot. The teacups and silver c/s were thrift finds. 

A nameless Royal Albert teacup sprinkled with tiny rosebuds. 

My Windsor teacup, beautiful in pink and gold. Sorry some of the pictures are dark. It was very dreary and rainy out when I took them.

"Serenity is a solitary cup of tea; pleasure is sharing it with another." ~ Victoria magazine

I am using my silver cream and sugar. They have a little patina on them and I rather liked it with my other pieces today.

My dessert plate is called Rose of England and it holds my short version of Victoria's favourite tea treat, sponge cake.

I used pound cake and sandwiched it with real whipped cream and my own strawberry preserves. My hubby said it was delicious! I thought it made a pretty presentation with the strawberry preserves pooling around the bottom.

A nice orange pekoe tea, some cake, and your company, what could be better on a cool Spring day?

I am delighted you have come for tea! Your presence always makes my tea party that much more special. I wish you all a beautiful day, my dear friends.

"This is the day which the Lord has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it." ~ Psalm 118:24

Thank you for including a link back to my party when you link up.

I am joining the following parties as well~

A Return to Loveliness ~
Amaze Me Monday
Tea Cup Tuesday~
Tea Cup Tuesday ~
Tuesday Cuppa Tea~
Tea In The Garden ~
Homemaking Link Up ~
Pearls and Lace Thursday ~
Share Your Cup Thursday~
Home Sweet Home~

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Your Victorian vignette is beautiful, Sandi. Love the parasol and hat! Your cake looks fabulous, Sandi, and the plate it's served on is beautiful too. Time for me to get some fresh strawberries at the store...and soon, from my garden.
    Hugs, Beth

  2. All of your tea things are so pretty. Love your silver pieces. Thank you for hosting!

  3. Hello Sandi,

    Your tea is is just lovely with all of the lace and pearls, quite dreamy :) Your tea time was also very informative about the Victorian ladies - thank you for sharing. Your sponge cake with strawberry preserve looks so delicious!

    Hugs to you!

  4. Hi Sandi. I'm back, with a new URL for my blog and Tuesday Cuppa Tea. I mentioned Queen Victoria as well... I love your post, as I am a Victorian lover! Your photos are wonderful! The shortcake looks so tempting, and I love your teacups! Happy Victoria Day....

  5. Beautiful post Sandi, every detail was gorgeous! Thank you for hosting another wonderful tea party...hugs, Penny

  6. My word, that sponge cake looks good. I love your china today. So pretty. I'll take time today for tea and join your party. Have a wonderful holiday today, Sandi. Hugs, Deb

  7. Hi Sandi!
    I was delighted to see that you were featuring Queen Victoria on your blog! I too, posted one about her and have joined your party. I do not have a teacup pictured though only a tumbler, I hope you don't mind.
    Your Victorian Tea is absolutely gorgeous! Thanks for hosting and Happy Victoria Day to you!

  8. Sandi, I would love to join you for tea on this cool and rainy Victoria Day. The dessert looks so yummy too. Thanks for hosting this delightful tea time and I hope you have a great week. Hugs, Pam

  9. Such a lovely setting; all your teacups are beautiful! I know I'd feel so spoiled if I was taking tea with you. Thanks for sharing!

  10. What a lovely Victorian tea, Sandi. I wish I could share tea time with you in person!! This is the next best thing, though, so thanks for hosting your wonderful party. xo

  11. I so enjoyed your Victorian tea party today. I always said that I was born in the wrong time. I love all things victorian, your teacups and teapot. The cake looks so yummy! Thanks for having me.

  12. Hi Sandi,
    Your Victorian Tea Time Display is magnificent! I just love all of your perfect details! Your photos are amazing - what a delight to visit your blogspot! Thank you so much for sharing!
    Take care,

  13. Oh everything is delightful - I love the teacup with little roses - and the flowered plate - divine.

  14. Dear Sandi,
    I enjoyed your Viactorian tea and I am sure Queen Victoria would have enjoyed it,too. Your cake looks delicious. The setting is so romantic as the Victorian era was. Thank you so much for this lovely tea time and for hosting this romantic event.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  15. Hi Sandi
    I love a Victorian tea, especially with a sponge cake. (I only use Bernideen's recipe now)
    The weather has been wonderful the whole weekend and I've puttered in the gardens to my heart's content.
    Hope you had a nice long weekend.

  16. Your Tea Time Tuesday post is lovely!
    I love the saying about being grateful for a lawn because it means you have a home. After our brown lawn all winter - the color green is very lovely to all! All your teacups and that lovely teapot are Wonderful and that strawberry dessert - oh yummy!

  17. Beautiful Victorian vignette, such a gorgeous setting for tea, wish I could go there! I have no tea this week, but wanted to come and check the party, just the same. Thanks and have a nice week.

  18. Very elegant and romantic setting. Your silver pieces are just gorgeous.
    Beautiful shots as always!
    Thanks for sharing.
    Hope to see you on my blog:)

    Greetings from Singapore...

  19. How great to celebrate Victoria Day! I love your dessert with the cake, cream and strawberry jam. We have a dessert prepared in a similar manner called strawberry shortcake! Have you had a one crust pie filled with fresh strawberries covered with red strawberry pie filling and then served with whipped crean on top? Your Victorian tea is so beautiful and thanks for hosting this special party!


  20. Dear Sandi,
    I think that Queen Victoria would have been really happy to know that so many lovely ladies celebrating Her birthday with such grace :-)
    The Victoria Sandwich look fantastic (gnam!) and the roses are fabulous.
    Thanks for hosting :-)

  21. Looks like the perfect celebration.

    - The Tablescaper

  22. Happy Victoria Day (sorry I am late.)

    I think your tea party is delightful and so beautiful. I am certain Queen Victoria would approve such feminine loveliness!

    I especially love how thoughtful you were to pick such pieces for this special holiday.

    Your info on things was once again very appreciated.

  23. What a lovely Victoria Day post! I found you thru Victorian Wanna Be... such beautiful settings.

  24. Hi Sandi, I love your parasol. Isn't that a great word...parasol, parasol. It's one of those words which is so fun to say. I really should dig up my silver tea service; it's in a box somewhere. I use my grandmother's plated sugar holder, but it's seen better days and probably can't be polished any more. (I still love it to pieces though) Thank you so much for hosting and I hope you have a lovely week. :)

  25. Hello Sandi,
    Your Victorian tea celebrating Queen Victoria is wonderful! Everything you shared is fab! Love those tea cups of yours too : )

  26. Hi Sandi,
    I enjoyed your Victorian tea with pretty tea cups and I love your hat!

    Hopefully it warms up here soon.

    Thank you for hosting,

  27. What a lovely Victorian tea! Your tea table is so pretty with all your beautiful teacups and teapot! What a cute parasol and hat! Thank you for inviting us to your tea party!
    Blessings to you,

  28. I love this post Sandi. It is lovely and delicate. The lace ans pearls add the perfect feminine touch. Happt Tuesday..

  29. Lovely, as always, Sandi. And I have to tell you, "The Secret Garden" is one of my all-time favorite stories. I've been in love with it since I was in elementary school!

    The white roses look fresh. If you hadn't said so, I would never have known they were dried.

    Have a great day,

  30. Sandi,
    What a beautiful post that is perfect for Victoria Day!!
    Love the tea pot!!


  31. Beautiful, each and every single piece you shared here!
    You provided a nice setting, too, I loved the touch of "The Secret Garden" being in there :)

  32. Looks like a sweet tea for sure! Thanks so much for sharing at Amaze Me Monday...

  33. Hi Sandi, I have never heard of Victoria Day. What a lovely celebration! Everything looks just perfect. Thanks for sharing with SYC. That strawberry pound cake has my mouth watering.

  34. I like your fashionable accessories. Thank you for joining Home Sweet Home.


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.