Monday 29 April 2013

Tea Time Tuesday

"Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom." ~ Marcel Proust 

Welcome dear friends to my last Tea Time in the month of April ~ I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Do you like my green carnations? They smell as good as they look! They had so many lovely colours to choose from at the grocery store and I was tantalized by the peach, the pink, the white, and the green. I chose the green just for a change.

A couple of weeks ago when I visited Fabby, she had shared a pretty new teapot. And as always, Fabby had set a lovely table but on this particular day she had also shared her tea chest. It inspired me to share mine with you.

So today's tea is a little chintz I set up with the wonderful tea chest that I won in Bernideen's Giveaway a couple of years ago.

Some pretty teacups and a teapot are accompanied by the tea chest which holds a variety of tea. This chest keeps my tea fresh and handy at all times. The chest is a beautiful burgundy and on the lid is a lovely cameo. The interior is lined with a gold sateen with the Victorian Trading Co. emblem.

A Rose Chintz teacup by Gracie china.

Rose Bud teapot by Maxwell and Williams. Earl Grey is steeping.

"The very sight of a teapot puts a smile on the face of most people. One cannot help but think of more serene and genteel times. From a whimsical child's teapot to an elegant English Teapot, to collectible teapots that adorn some homes, they are a subtle reminder of all that is good in the world." ~ Barbara Roberts

Rose Bud teacup by Maxwell and Williams.

For our tea treat today I have some home made cornbread with some delectable New Brunswick maple syrup.

Mmm! I think Mountain Maples maple syrup is the very best. If you live in the Maritimes, I'm sure you will agree. Unless of course, you are enjoying it right in the sugar woods!

You may wonder why cornbread. Well, when I visited Millie a few weeks ago, she had made cornbread and I've been craving it ever since!

So, please help yourselves because I have plenty.

Thank you to both Fabby and Millie today for their inspiration, and to Bernideen for the lovely tea chest. I would also like to thank Kathy for her directions on how to apply the copyright symbol to my photos.

I know my photos are not exactly magazine worthy, however after the scraping ordeal some of our friends went through, I am applying this to my photos from now on. Like all of you, I go to a lot of work to get my post ready and I would not appreciate it being stolen.

Now I'm wondering what you have to share today. Have you been inspired by anyone or anything lately? 

"We know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God..."~ Romans 8:28 {NLT Bible}

I would love for you to join me by simply sharing a favourite teacup/teapot or coffee cup and then create a post around it. Perhaps you have a special tablescape you would like to share with us or you have had the pleasure of visiting a Tea Room recently. We would all love to hear about it. Please find the Linky below and I would be very happy to come and visit you!

To be sure everyone has a visit, it would be nice if you visited the participant before and after your name. And please be sure to have a link back to this post so your visitors can find their way here.

I am joining the following parties as well~

A Return to Loveliness ~
Tea Cup Tuesday~
Tea Cup Tuesday ~
Tuesday Cuppa Tea~
Friends Sharing Tea ~
Homemaking Link Up ~
Share Your Cup Thursday~
Cottage Style Linky Party~
Home Sweet Home~

Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi


  1. I love your post! The cornbread looks so good and yummy.

  2. Hi dearest Sandi, whenever I enter your blog, it's like coming into your home for a warm hug! I just feel the gentleness that you exude. I always love reading your quotes and seeing your pretty tea loveliness and what you're serving. I have never had maple syrup on cornbread, but oh my, that sounds so yummy! Thank you for hosting and have a blessed week. xo

  3. Sandi:

    Corn Bread !, I have some recipes.
    Someday, I will make it for my children.

    As always, beautiful pictures in your entries.

    Be happy !


  4. The chintz tea set is so pretty. And that cornbread with syrup looks so yummy! My post today is kind of different/ Its a family dinner post using a vintage tea/coffee pot and simple vintage cups. thank you for hosting and have a wonderful day!

  5. Dear Sandi,
    what a pretty post. The green carnations look like ice cream, so pretty, luscious and fresh. I love Chintz patterns. The two patterns matches so pretty together. And the tea chest is such a beauty. It looks precious like a jewel case. Your corn bread with maple siryp makes my mouth watering. Thank you so much for this wonderful tea time and for hosting this sweet event. You do right to mark your photos. Its a shame what happened to all the concerned bloggers.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  6. All of the elements for your tea party are gorgeous! Thank you for hosting!

  7. Hi Sandi. Your cornbread looks delicious. Thanks for mentioning my blog today.
    Those green carnations make for a beautiful fresh and spring-like, and of course as usual the china you are using is gorgeous.
    Thanks again for brightening our week with your tea party!

  8. Beautiful flowers and the cups are so cute.


  9. I love the pale chartreuse carnations Sandi and how you prettied up their photo.
    If I bring my own Rosebud teacup, may I have a piece of the cornbread - with syrup? Like you, I'd not heard of this way to eat cornbread but will be trying it soon.
    It is time consuming watermarking photos, isn't it?
    I see a number of our tea photos on Pinterest and the ones that have been watermarked, lead a trail to the blogger.
    I don't do all of mine - depends on what the picture includes.
    Have a good week, and thanks for hosting.

  10. Yes, dear Sandi, teapots are such pretty and homey items And these chintz sets are so lovely!
    But what I found really spectacular were the green carnations!It's such an unusual colour! And so elegant! What a beautiful bouquet to start the post!
    And to crown it all you offer us a delicious treat! Maple syrup is something we don't have in Portugal, but it has a delicious look! :)
    Thanks for hosting this wonderful tea.

  11. Hi Sandi:
    I will be linking tomorrow as I just returned from a week trip to Virginia to visit my Mom and Step Father. It was very difficult as I Mom has had a lot of strokes and to me - the symptoms of alzheimer's.

    I especially took note of that milk glass cake platter - lovely! Very sweet post and very MAGAZINE WORTHY!

  12. Mmmm...your cornbread looks very tasty :) As always, your tea time is very lovely. It's always a blessing to visit you, dear Sandi. Your pictures are just beautiful - thanks for sharing!

    Hugs to you,

  13. Beautiful china with a yummy corn bread..I'm drooling for a piece right now!! I love your party as you make me feel I'm going for tea at Downton Abbey...even better! Thank you for having me. Have a nice week.

  14. Your corn bread looks so de-liah! What a smart idea. :)
    Everything looks so pretty.
    Thank you for hosting. :)


  15. Thanks for the cuppa and corn bread it was lovely.

  16. what a lovely post and lovely tea set- i think your photos are very magazine worthy! :)

  17. The cornmeal bread looks delicious. I've never tried it with maple syrup, but being a Cape Bretoner, I always had it with butter and molasses. Now that's a treat too!

  18. Sandi, I really like the new rose chintz patterned tea set. I should look for a tea caddy some time. It makes a great way to share tea with company without getting all the separate boxes out of the cupboard. Have a beautiful week. Hugs, Pam

  19. Oh your cornbread looks so good! Thank you for hosting!

  20. Hi Sandi, have I ever told you how pretty I think your blog is? Every time I see it, I think, how lovely! Thank you for hosting such a nice tea party. And the cornbread looks great too.

  21. Hi Sandi, have I ever told you how pretty I think your blog is? Every time I see it, I think, how lovely! Thank you for hosting such a nice tea party. And the cornbread looks great too.

  22. Dear Sandy
    Having a cup of tea
    with you is always a pleasure

  23. Hola Sandi
    Precioso toda tu vajilla, tan fina y elegante. Los claveles verdes nunca los vi en argentina.
    Que decir de los dulces, me encantan.
    Todo perfecto en tu fiesta del té. Te felicito y te admiro.

    Besos grandes.

  24. Such a beautiful tea scene. I love all the pink roses! My son gave me a tea chest for Mother's Day one year --- and I use it every day. I never realized how handy one could be. I enjoyed your post so much today. Thank you for blessing those around you!

    Gracious Hospitality

  25. Hello Sandi, Your post is beautiful. I do love the green carnations. That is such a delicate shade.
    Your rosey tea cups are so pretty. And your tea chest is just wonderful! I do not have one, but I drink mostly loose leaf tea, so I am not sure it would work for me. But it looks so lovely!
    I would love pure maple syrup on cornbread. Sounds like a delicious treat to me.

  26. Hi Sandi, just a quick to let you know I'm still about, lurking and reading and trying to get used to being with out my google reader while trying to get use to The old reader.

    I so love green and your carnations are a perfect colour for this time of year, sort of cheery. Wonderful cornbread as well another favourite of mine. We helped the kids tap over 200 taps in the sugar bush this year and have enjoyed the work of our labour, maple syrup is yummy.

  27. Dear Sandi,
    Love your china and green carnations! The tea caddy is beautiful. I haven't tried cornbread with maple syrup...sounds delicious. I will have to give it a try! Thanks for hosting,

  28. Sandi, your tea time is awesome. I love that china!

    How sweet of Bernideen to have that valuable giveaway - that was before my time blogging though!

    I didn't realize you met Fabby, oh what a dream to actually MEET in real life blogging friends.

    You asked what inspires us? Well YOU inspire me to enjoy a pretty teatime whenever life allows it. Thank you for that.

    Big hugs, ~Michele

  29. Hi Sandi, that is a lovely tea set. It reminds me of those crazy chintz patterns, and maybe that's what it is, I really can't tell, except that I love it. Quite a few of my friends have given up sugar for maple syrup or honey or even Stevia. It might be for the best health wise. I'm not much for sugar, except for in my tea, but maybe I should start substituting a little more. Hugs to you and have a lovely day.

  30. Hi Sandi,
    I just love the deep colours in your chintz teapot and teacups! You have the most beautiful collection! It is such a pleasure to visit your blogspot. I am still looking for Rosebud Chintz teacup for you.

    Take care,

  31. Hi Sandi,
    What a beautiful chintz teaset you have! It is perfect for this time of year. Your tea is so lovely with the carnations and the corn bread with syrup sounds so yummy! I love cornbread and now I have another way to enjoy it! Thank you for hosting your tea party and wishing you a wonderful week!

  32. Dear Sandi,
    What a win that was. That is such a pretty tea box. A treasure chest.
    I can just smell those carnations. What a pretty perfume they have and flirty little edges on the flower's petticoats.
    Beautiful tea and yummy treats.
    xox Ruthie from:

  33. Just stopping by to say hi! and tell you that your cornbread and maple syrup looks delicious. I love maple syrup on many things so I know I would love this. Your china is gorgeous today. I'll try to join in next week as I have had a busy one and it got away on me. Hugs, Deb


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.