Wednesday 3 April 2013


"You can never go home again, but the truth is you can never leave home, so it's all right." ~ Maya Angelou

Welcome HOME my lovely friends!

It is finally beginning to look like Spring here. It's rather cool here today but the snow is slowly going away. How about where you are? My heart is longing to see my beloved Gold Finches again. It won't be long now.

This week, I shared a Tea using my Rose Chintz china and some pretty tulips.

You can see my bunny under glass in the background and a wee bird's nest with eggs in it.

I also had a cake from the bakery which I added a wee chickie and some Easter eggs to.

I have been working on a topiary for some time  now using my supply of dried roses and I'm just about finished.

These roses I have saved and dried over time.

The perfect dried rose with a tint of pink.

I love the ambiance at nighttime!

I have a few more roses to tuck in as well as some Baby's Breath but you get the idea. I know the Victorian lovers out there will like this.
Please excuse the cords. I usually have these hidden but moved the topiary out so you could get a good look at it.

Before I feature a few posts from last week, I have a report on my progress for you....

I am happy to tell you that I can walk without my walker now and I am healing well. My P-therapist is confident that I won't require surgery on my back and so is my doctor. I am thrilled with how well I am coming along! Thank you so much to those of you who have been praying for me.

Now, onto some posts which caught my eye last week...

Janet @ Rosemary-Thyme shared her Easter tablescape. I just love her pretty china and chargers with those darling bunnies at each place setting. The bunnies are too cute! I love the fresh green and pink colour theme.

And who wouldn't want to feast on these lovely rolls which Kitty @ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen made. I could probably eat several. Yum!

Another lovely table I wouldn't mind dining at is
Jocelyne's @ Just A Little Southern Hospitality. She used her beautiful china and pink depression glass as well as adorable bunny s&p shakers to set her table for Easter. Note the cute cloche holding eggs in the center.

Of course Easter could not be celebrated at all without the real 'reason for the season.'
Linda @ Coastal Charm shared her DIY cross which her husband built and set up in their front yard. The cross says it all. Isn't it wonderful!

Bernideen @  Bernideen's Tea Time Blog     received the most views on her post last week. Congratulations, Bernideen! If you are into thrifting and treasure hunting, then you will want to tag along with her. She finds the most beautiful things!

Thank you ladies for your fabulous posts every week. I appreciate each one of you who participates and leaves a comment.

If you have something HOME related, I invite you to link up with me. And if you're one of my tea friends and you missed out on sharing at this week's tea party then you are welcome to link up your tea here. I hope you all have a beautiful rest of the week.

As a courtesy, please link back to me so that your visitors may find their way here to visit with all my lovely participants.

I am joining the following parties as well~
Homemaking Link Up ~
Home and Garden Thursday ~
Share Your Cup Thursday~
Cottage Style Linky Party~
Tutorials Tips and Tidbits ~
Home Sweet Home~
Open House~

Sharing from my heart ~ Sandi


  1. Thank you so much for hosting "Home", Sandi. I can't believe that I am the first one. I'm always late to the parties!! I'm so glad you are feeling better. Now don't overdo right away and mess anything up! Have you ever said how you dry your roses. They are so beautiful and don't look at all like they would fall apart like mine mostly do..Happy Wednesday..Judy

  2. Sandi,
    So glad to hear that you are feeling better!!

    Thanks so much for hosting my friend!!


  3. Your topiary is gorgeous---what a neat idea and special way to save your flowers! I'm so glad to hear you are feeling better and healing.

    Mrs. Sarah Coller

  4. Glad you are feeling better! Have a wonderful week...hugs, Penny

  5. Hi Sandi! It is so good to hear that you are walking without the walker, Praise the Lord!
    You are right, this Victorian lover, is quite taken with your beautiful topiary, the roses dried so nicely.
    Thanks for hosting!

  6. Hi Sandi, I'm so glad that you're feeling better! That is such great news. You are still in my nightly prayers. I love your beautiful topiary. What a great job you did. Thank you so much for featuring my rolls. I am honored. Have a wonderful week, dear friend, and thank you for hosting. xo

  7. HI Sandi, I'm so happy to hear that you are feeling much stronger now and the physio is working for you. Now if we could just get some warmer air around here to make us all feel better and green things up that would be great. Blessings, Pam

  8. Hello Sandi!
    I'm so glad you are doing and feeling much better. A very pretty post as usual and I love your dried roses and the pretty topiary tree. Thank you for hosting.

  9. No Goldfinches yet? We have been blessed with many. I hope your feeder is filled with these sweet birds soon!
    Your topiary is lovely...what a wonderful way to save your flowers.
    Best wishes for continued healing!

  10. Sandi, it is always such a pleasure to visit your HOME linky. Thank you for the feature from my last post. I am so glad you are on the mend. I too am doing better since my wrist surgery. My Hand Therapist discharged me last week, and I am working on my own at home. Still a long way to go, but I've come a long way too, as you have by putting the walker to the side. Many blessings as you continue to heal.

    Jocelyn @

  11. Sandi, thank you for featuring my Easter Tablescape. I am so happy and delighted. Your topiaries are very pretty. I love the lights that you've added. Thank you for hosting.

  12. Sandi so glad that yo are feeling better. Love the topiarie - its beautiful.
    Take care of your self.

  13. So pleased you are feeling much better Sandi.
    I love the colours in your topiary tree. I can't dry roses as well as that,they seem to shrivel up a little. xx

  14. Dear Sandi, so happy to hear you are recovering wonderfully! Those are wonderful news!
    I have the same topiary you have, but yours looks 100% better! want to trade??? lol...Take care sweet Sandi and keep the good progress going!

  15. bonjour
    je suis très heureuse que vous alliez mieux
    ce topière à fleurs de roses
    est superbe
    c' est une très bonne idée qui doit
    représenter beaucoup de patience

  16. Sandi, I'm so glad you are getting better. No surgery! Praise God!

    I love your topiary! I just happen to have lots of dried roses.

    Thanks for hosting another lovely party.

    Pray for Jeannie. She's having some vision problems.

    Linda and Jeannie at The French Hens Nest

  17. Sandi, that's wonderful news on your health! So glad to hear you are feeing better.
    I do so love your dishes. Lovely features, too.

  18. Your topiary is beautiful and to think you dried the roses yourself! Glad to hear that you are feeling better. Have great day!
    Blessings from Still Woods Farmhouse

  19. Thank you for such a lovely link up - I enjoy this one AND your delightful tea party. And what lovely news to hear of your getting better! It's so often a slow process as my family well knows and it's always a joy to hear about friends getting better! I pray you will continue to heal quickly.

  20. Sandi I am so happy to hear that you are improving so well! Back pain is horrible. You will continure to be in my prayers. Thanks for letting us share!

  21. Hello Sandi, Always love seeing the Rose Chintz china! Your bunny and chick are adorable! Marveous features and I am so glad you're feeling better!
    Hope you have a blessed weekend,

  22. Dearest Sandi....I am soooo thankful that you are doing better and let's keep praying that you can avoid surgery!
    You must have a great bakery!

  23. it's all so beautiful and love the purple over the cross. Sandie...wishing you a beautiful April 5th....the temps here are stunning. Hope it's the same for you. Be well and healthy gotta pinky swear with me for that. :)

  24. Hi Sandi,
    I enjoyed to see your beautiful post. The toiary with fried roses is phantastic. Thank you for sharing this great project.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  25. Hi Sandi,
    LOVE your Topiary!!
    It's beautiful. :)


  26. Sandi,
    Just wanted to stop in to thanks you for your visits and words of encouragement on my weight loss. I did lose another 2.4 pounds last week!!


  27. Sandi - This rose topiary is so beautiful you did an amazing job, I can imagine it in the evening. I've been sick since being back home and just coming to find out you haven't been doing well. However, I'm glad to hear you are doing better, what happened? So wishing your week to be filled with beauti


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.