Saturday 2 March 2013

Thank You My Dear Bloggy Friends

Hello dear friends~ I thought I would update you on what has been going on in my life since my last blog post.

But before I do that, I want to thank you all for your lovely comments and well wishes. You have touched my heart and I am very blessed to call you my friends!

Last weekend, I took a little ride in the ambulance to the ER. As some of you know, I have been having excruciating pain in my lower back for several weeks now and by the end of last week, I could not walk.

They suspect I have a herniated disk and I had an MRI this past week. Still waiting for the results and meanwhile, I am taking very potent meds for the pain. These meds are helping control the pain but they also make me very sleepy. So I've been resting a lot these days. Hubby took a couple days off work to be my 'nurse' and he also got me a walker so I can get around a little better now.

For my tea party friends, I have a tea party post already to go on Monday morning which I have been working on most of the week.

Thank you all for your love and your prayers. You all mean so much to me. Have a wonderful weekend and God bless!

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Dear Sandi,
    the best wishes for your health!
    With love and hugs, Siret

  2. Dear Sandi,
    So sorry to read about the serious physical challenges you've been experiencing. Praying that the Great Physician and your Medical Doctors bring about a complete recovery soon!

  3. Good to hear you are on the mend, Sandi. I don't think there is anything more debilitating than back issues. I look forward to your next post. Hugs, Deb

  4. May you be blessed with healing and relief from all of the terrible discomfort you have been experiencing in your back.

    God Bless You, Sandi.

  5. Hello dear Sandi!
    Praying for a complete recovery for you, sweet friend..God will be there, guiding the phisician's hands. Back pains are the hardest!Blessings to you.

  6. Dear Sandi, I'm so sorry to hear of your serious back problems and hope you will get some answers and relief very soon. Praying for your recovery so you will be springing for spring!! Blessings and hugs,

  7. I hope the results will give you an idea of what's wrong with your back. Being in constant pain is tiring and really gets on your nerves. I will keep you in my thoughts, hoping for better days for you.
    I almost forgot! Your teacups are lovely!

  8. Hi Sweet friend,
    Praying for you, and wishing you a speedy recovery! Sandi, those teacups are gorgeous.

  9. I'm thankful that you are on your way to getting some answers. I hope that you are also on your way to getting some permanent relief from your pain. I've missed your posts.

  10. I am glad you at least "know" what may be the problem and hopefully they can help you. I have heard this can be very painful. You are in my prayers.

  11. Oh bless your heart- those hurt so much, you poor lady!

    You are doing the best you can - resting - please keep us posted.

    Ouch. Sending gentle healing prayers and hugs to you.

    If you haven't yet be sure to send me your address please via email.


  12. Oh Sandi, I'm so sorry you have been in so much pain. Thinking of you and praying for God to heal your body. See you Monday! Gina

  13. Sandi,How sweet of you to make sure a post is up and ready to go,you are such a dear person.I am so sorry to hear your in such pain.I will continue to pray for a healing.

  14. I'm so sorry to hear about your back. My husband herniated a disk a couple of years ago. He had to have surgery, but it made all of the difference. Blessings and prayers that you get better soon.

    Amy Jo

  15. Dear Sandi,

    Believe me when I say I DO know what you are going through. I have been there. Take care of yourself. Be careful! Wishing you well.


  16. Sandi,
    You are in my thoughts and prayers, dear friend!
    As one who is no stranger to health problems, I know what you are going through.
    So glad to hear that your sweet hubby is by your side caring for you. Please keep us posted...

    Many Hugs,

  17. Sandi, I am so sorry to hear about your painful back. I know something about that but not to your extent. It can't be fun and I wish for you to get better soon. Take care and don't overdo, or worry about extra things. They will all take care of themselves and it is only important that you get to feeling better..Take care, Judy

  18. What a terrible thing to be going through! I'm sending you all good thoughts for a quick recovery.

  19. I do hope you will be fully recovered very soon. Keep us 'posted'! Chel

  20. Dear Sandi,
    I am so sorry to hear of your back problems. I hope for good results, no pain and only comfort.
    Love the pink teacup tower!
    Feel well and peaceful, Ruthie

  21. Hello Sandi
    Back issues like that are definitely not fun and it's reassuring to hear you have taken measures and are receiving proper treatment. Bless your hubby for nursing you too.
    I took the opportunity to pass on a tea post as I have come down with a nasty cold for the 3rd time in 2 months. I'll work on something myself to join you again next week.
    Take care,

  22. Oh my dear Sandi,

    My heart goes out to you and prayers are with you! A herniated disk is excruciatingly painful.

    Do continue to take it easy and to recover, be comforted and heal by the grace of God. It is surely no fun being in pain... Indeed if you are feeling up to doing so dear lady, then I'll happily see you Monday Sandi as well along with your other very dear blog friends.

    I adore you charmingly pretty pink teacup tower, artistry. So lovely as always.

    Hugs, blessings and cheers from Wanda Lee

  23. Hi Sandi,
    I hope you feel better soon-back pain would be no fun!

    Take care,

  24. Sandi,
    I am so sorry to hear this. May you recover quickly and be good as new.

  25. All my best for quick healing and full recovery. You are in my thoughts and prayers.........

    The French Hutch

  26. Sandi, I'm sorry about your back problems. I hope and pray that you will be up and walking and doing whatever you want to do, without pain, very soon!
    Blessings, Beth

  27. I am so sorry to hear about your back problems. I hope that the dr's can fix whatever is wrong and you will be good as new very soon...hugs, Penny

  28. So sorry to hear of your back pain. Thinking of you during this time.

  29. Welcome back, you have been missed. Sorry to hear about your pain, I'm sure they will get you fixed up fast. You are in my prayers God bless...

  30. bonjour
    bon courage pour tous ce qui
    vous arrive
    je connais toutes ces douleurs invalidante
    j' ai" une Sclérose en plaque"
    et certain jour c' est le lit qui
    me soulage
    prenez beaucoup de repos surtout
    et je reviendras prendre de vos nouvelles
    très bon dimanche entourée de votre
    tendresse ,
    edith (iris)

  31. Sandi,I know exactly how you are feeling. I have had the very same thing,and trust me it does heal. Our bodies are amazing how they can heal themselves. I had a cortisone epidural which assisted in the healing process and pain. While I did have nerve damage in my leg and foot. It is no problem at all now. Hope you will feel better soon. x

  32. Sandi I am so sorry you are in such pain. I do hope you recover quickly. Valerie

  33. I am so sorry to hear about your pain. I hope you recover quickly. I have enjoyed your tea party's. Thank you.

  34. Oh no, I am so sorry. Pain can just be exhausting, rest is what you need. I hope you get to feeling better soon. Will be thinking of you.

  35. Oh Dear, Sandi I just read, hope you are feeling much better and on the mend. I've been so busy with all these lovely grandbabies I haven't been up to date on my blog friends. We left yesterday and are heading back to the Island, 7 days to go. I can only hope your pain eases up soon and you are back to your everyday life. Hugs,

  36. OHMYGOSH Sandi I am sorry to hear about your troubles. See this is what happens when I do not spend enough time visiting blogs. I am sending healing thoughts your way along with a warm hug. Take care my friend. Jen

  37. Hi Sandi,
    I'm so sorry to hear that you are having problems with your back. I hope that you recover soon and return to your chiper self.

    I'll be thinking of you.


  38. Hi Sandi, I was going to write and ask how you were doing, you had been sick with a cold, but I didn't know about your back. I've been there, and I'm sorry for the pain you are experiencing. Don't let it get you down, I know it can. God is watching over you, you're going to be fine.
    Jeannie and Linda

  39. I am sooo sorry. Trusting with you for your Healer to touch and restore your back. [hugs]

  40. I'm so sorry about your ER trip, dear Sandi. Hopefully you'll find out something soon. You're still in my prayers. Hugs and blessings sent your way.

  41. Continued best wishes. I am praying for your complete recovery. Looking forward to you being back to normal!
    Gentle hugs and full out prayers!

  42. Reading backwards, never mind my inquiry on last post.

    Oh you poor DEAR HEART!

    I am so sorry, big healing hugs.

    GET WELL SOON!!!!!! Will be praying for you!!


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.