Friday 21 December 2012

An Update On My Son

Hello bloggy friends~ Several of you were asking for an update  on my son, some of you even emailed me. You are such a wonderful bunch of friends! 

Well, I heard from a little birdie that all is well! I am thrilled to tell you that his check up went well and he can hear in that ear. He has to go back again in another three weeks for a recheck and by that time the swelling should be down. I don't know if he will ever have 100 percent hearing in that ear but at least he can hear. 
He will still have to take it easy for a little while but everything is going as it should. We're happy!

So thank you so much for your prayers for him. Prayer really does change things! God has heard and we are so very thankful!

Now I'm going to have myself a nice cup of tea and relax! Would you care to join me?

Chocolate Chai is in the pot, the tree is lit and the fire is going. A cup of tea and a wee nosh is just the thing.

Have a fabulous day, my friends. I appreciate you all!

Sharing from my heart~  Sandi


  1. Sandi, what wonderful news!!! Many continued blessings for your son. Prayer is magical ... wishing you and your family a wonderful Merry Christmas... hugs, C. (HHL)

  2. Praise the Lord! I am so thrilled to hear that he is doing well :) Our God is so good.

    Merry Christmas to you, dear friend, and to your family.


  3. wonderful wonderful wonderful! Joy Joy Joy! Hugs--

  4. What wonderful news.
    Happy Christmas to you and yours.

  5. What wonderful news, Sandi! God is so good! As Mothers we can have heavy hearts when our children are hurting even when whe have faith that God is in control. I'm so glad you can now relax and enjoy this special season with a light heart.
    Special blessings to you!

  6. Great news! Praise the Lord! So happy for all of you.
    Hugs, Beth

  7. Have a blessed Christmas Sandi! So glad you had a good report on your son. Enjoy your chocolate chai too. One of my favorites.

  8. Hi Sandi, Great news about your son. Yes God is so good. Thanks for keeping us all posted. Please continue the updates. I know we all care. Have a blessed and Christ filled Christmas.

    Love and Hugs,

    PS Enjoy the tea.

  9. Oh so happy to hear your dear son is on the mend! We know God can restore ALL the hearing and that's what I'm praying! Sandi, I have so enjoyed getting to know you a little this year and count you as my friend. I hope one day to have tea with you and see all of your beautiful tea things. Tea Time Tuesday is a party I always attend even if I don't have an entry! The scripture you have on your blog is so powerful and blesses me so much.

    Merry Christmas!


  10. What news to receive as a "perfect" Christmas gift for you and your Son. Merry Christmas & Warm Wishes for the 2013 New Year, Sandi.

  11. Hello Sandi
    Thank you for sharing your good news, hopefully your son's hearing will improve even more with time.

  12. Wonderful update! Prayers are heard for sure. Wishing you a very MErry Christmas. I so enjoy my visits here. HUGS

  13. Joyful blessings that your son is doing so much better. The Lord is good to all who call on Him to hold them, through all of life's trials.

    Your Christmas tea looks so lovely and inviting by the fireside. How I wish that I could join you!

    Blessings & Hugs!

  14. So happy to hear the good news!
    Have a really blessed Christmas

  15. So happy to hear that your son is doing much better, and that he can hear some in that ear again! Prayers are more powerful than people may realize! Merry Christmas to you and your family over on P.E.I.!


    This is celebration-time news to be sure~! I am SO GLAD of this news, Sandi!

    What a lovely Christmas tea scene you have created for yourself - very very pretty.

    Big hugs.

  17. Sandi, that is great news! What a great miracle for Christmas. Blessings and hugs. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Pamela

  18. Dear Sandi,
    So glad you son is doing well. Yes, prayers do matter and are answered. I can imagine you have a sigh of relief.
    Lovely tea to enjoy and I so enjoyed your party post below too. Everything is beautiful.

    Wishing you a very Merry Christmas my friend and many blessings in the new year.
    Celestina Marie XO

  19. That is wonderful, great news. Merry Christmas You tea post is beautiful as alwys

  20. Wonderful news. I am very happy for you all. Merry Christmas!!

  21. Praise God for such good news...and just in time for Christmas!
    Thank you for sharing, Sandi!
    Carolynn xxx

  22. That's such a blessing! Praise the LORD!

  23. That is excellent news! I hope everything continues to go well for him.
    Happy New Year!

  24. Sandi, I missed this post some how. Glad to hear your son is doing well..Happy Wednesday..Judy


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.