Saturday 20 October 2012

A New Party

Hello everyone! I hope you're all enjoying your weekend.

Well, it's happened! During the Summer months, I am always busy but once the Autumn and Winter set in, I am at home more and I tend to get bored restless.

I have been hosting tea parties for close to three years now and for almost two years, I have been wanting to make some changes.....

Now all my tea friends, please don't go and get all nervous on me, I'm not shutting down Tea Time Tuesday
I just want to do something different.

Ever since I was a little girl, all I ever wanted to be was a home maker. And even though I have worn several hats, nothing has ever brought me the joy and contentment that staying at home being a mom and home maker has brought me.
I am a domestic diva, you see. My home is my domain; the heart of my environment. I guess you could call me ''Little Susie Sandi Home Maker.'' *smiles*

Over the years, as a home maker, a mom, and a pastor's wife, I have done a lot of entertaining, and I have oodles of recipes and ideas to share with you such as this easy Black Forest Torte.

I have been pondering this for quite some time as I have already mentioned and several of you already have these kinds of parties but I really do feel led to start one of my own up. I hope my blogger friends who already host these types of parties will forgive me for starting up yet another one.

I feel the need to express my creativity more in my blogging and I always operate better in a structured environment.
So, I am starting up a new HOME Party.


HOME is where your story begins....

Picture this.... There is a nip in the air and frost is beginning to  paint lovely pictures on the windows but inside all is warm and cozy. A crackling fire is dancing in the fireplace and sugar cookies are fresh from the oven. Big mugs of hot chocolate topped with whipped cream are being savoured by those within. Mom has made HOME a nice place to be.

When my children were growing up I took great pains in doing  special things for my family. My nesting instincts brought me joy.
They still do.
Favourite cookies and pies were baked, warm beds were made up for everyone, and there was always a HOME cooked meal ready for hungry tummies.
I relished having the smell of cookies fresh from the oven or the spicy scent of a freshly baked apple pie greet their noses when they came home from school and work!

There was always a kiss good night and every day of their lives, they were told they were loved.
I longed to make my HOME a haven and for the most part it was, or so I've been told by my family. *smiles again!*

Now, I want to give each of you a chance to share what you are creating in your HOME to make it a delightful place for your loved ones to come HOME to. You are under no obligation to join my party but if you would like to, you may share any of the following:

Cooking and baking, recipes, antiquing, artwork, home decor, ceramics, crafts, crocheting/knitting, quilting/sewing, floral arranging, homemaking tips, hospitality, refinishing furniture, renos, tea time, tablescapes, thrift shopping etc.... 
Whew, well, you get the picture! Anything and everything which makes your HOME more enjoyable to come  HOME to, for your family, your friends, and yourself.

So, beginning next week, Tea Time Tuesday will go up on Mondays at 11:00 AM instead of the afternoon and my new HOME party will go up on Wednesday October 24th at 1:00 PM.

This will be my new HOME button and you are welcome to take it for your post or sidebar if you wish. Just copy and paste.

I would love it if you joined me! Enjoy your day everyone.

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Well golly Sandi, I think that is delightful, truly - and from your heart is the way to go.

    I love it and so will everyone else - but thinking, why make it so hard on yourself?

    Why not combine them? Tea parties and decor is definately part of HOME in my opinion - ??? Can y a just rename your party? You know a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.....I say two parties is a lot to handle, just make it ONE, we'll be delighted it is a little more open to just tea but includes tea, too!

    Just a thought is all.

    I wish you luck with this any way you go with it - people really enjoy your wonderful blog and wonderful YOU.

    Hugs and respect,


  2. Sandi, this is so exciting! You sure do like a challenge with creating another 'party'. This one sounds great and I know I'll be participating with you. All the best! Now if I can just remember how to put your link badge on my sidebar....

  3. Oh, that sounds like it will be great! I can always use some inspiration in that area. Good idea!

  4. You always share such beauty in all you do. I will be peeking to see but I am a struggling domestic diva wanna be so I will watch from the sidelines cheering on admiringly and absorbing it all! Hugs!

  5. Awe, that sounds like such a lovely idea! I think you will be blessed by this and others, too! I will be looking forward to your party!

  6. Hi Sandi
    Sounds like a nice theme for another party. This way if I can't make it for tea, I can at least do a Home post.
    Have a great weekend.

  7. Hi Sandi,
    Your new HOME party sounds great! I'm looking forward to join the fun.

  8. Thank you Sandi. This sounds like a great idea and I'm sure everyone will love it..Happy Weekend..Judy

  9. How exciting, Sandi! This new party sounds like it will be delightful! Speaking of delightful, your post was so lovely to read - thank you for what you wrote! Anyway, I look forward to your new party :) Enjoy your Sunday!


  10. WOW, the deliciousness and beautiful settings are lovely! :D


  11. Sandi, this is a lovely idea and I'm sure it will be a success for you!
    It gives me two chances to join you now :-)
    God bless..Trish xx

  12. Hi Sandi,
    great idea. Thats a great possibility to share so much more to share than pretty cups. I will be there.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  13. Sandi,
    Great idea!! Count me in!!
    I have always wanted to be a home maker too but I have had to do that as another full time job along with working full time as an RN.
    I long for the days when I can stay home. I so enjoy being home and my home is also my haven.
    I will be linking up weekly!!


  14. Hi Sandi
    You describ a beautiful home.
    Your new "home party" sounds great!

  15. I came across your lovely blog quite by chance this morning, happy to follow you and help you edge closer to 1,000 followers. How impressive I have only just topped 400 and thought that was an achievement! A lovely idea but I doubt I will be able to join in as my blog does not really cover HOME much. :)

  16. Love the idea. So much of modern society is trying to steal away a home maker's joy saying it isn't enough, it isn't important. I believe it is the most important thing a woman can do...make her house a welcoming haven called, home.
    I really like the 'Home'-sign you made.

  17. What a lovely idea Sandi. I keep telling myself to join your teaparties but I never get to it. I must write it down, lol. I also just entered your give away. I am going to put the link on my sidebar right now. Have a nice Sunday.

  18. I really like this idea as home has always been the centre of my life - like you a homemaker was all I ever wanted to be:) I think I shall see what other people post to begin with as I don't usually join in with parties but I'm looking forward to reading the contributions.

  19. Good luck with your new party, Sandi! I look forward to reading participants' posts for HOME, and linking up when I can. The focus of my blog, and my friend's title for his new book make me think of what I might post for your party. The book title: A Garden Makes a House a Home, by Elvin McDonald.
    I cook too, but my blog is primarily about gardening. I have always enjoyed tea with you on Tuesdays, Sandi, and I wish you continued joy and success blogging and making new friends!
    Hugs, Beth

  20. Hi Sandi: This sounds like fun and I think I'm going to learn a lot popping over for this party. Looking forward to joining in. You can bet my posts will have a cat or two most times but I love all aspects of 'Home' so this should be easy. Deb

  21. I think your HOME party is an excellent idea, I just love visiting all the talented folks in blogland who join in on the decor parties. I will be nosing around in your new party too! Diane

  22. Sandi,
    This is fantastic idea for a party and I can't think of anyone more perfect to host it than you. Your tea is always warm and welcoming! I also took great pride in doing these simple things for my family and have an idea of what you are saying about this party theme. I will be there! Let me go mark it down.

  23. such a refreshing post!! i too love the privilege of being at home and strive to make it a home of love...
    good for you!!
    what a great idea!

  24. Oh, I just love visiting your blog!!! Yummy tart! Take care and have a lovely week!! xoxo

  25. Joining in the fun..I am brand new to blogging., thank you for inviting me to your Home Party

  26. Do you share your recipes?
    Do you share the brand maker names of your china and things that are on your photos? I love the feminine and graceful touch in all you photograph--so pretty!


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.