Friday 10 August 2012

The "Secret" Garden Tour Part 2

Welcome back to the "Secret" Garden Tour. Today I will take you in behind the home which stands on this beautiful property.

The pictures I am about to show you was Hubby's favourite spot.

This is the duck pond. Isn't it lovely? I love how the trees are reflected in the water.

My hubby grew up on the water so this was especially appealing to him. 

So peaceful! I could sit there for hours and sip on my tea.

Hubby could have spent the rest of the evening here but there was so much more to enjoy. Now let's go up the slope toward the house....


Clematis, vines, and myriads of flowers showcased this charming home.

There is such a bounty of blooms everywhere....

Another birdhouse....Our little feathered friends really live in style here!

"Don't wear perfume in the garden - unless you want to be pollinated by bees." ~ Anne Raver

This is one of several hammocks on the property. Ahh...this is the life!

The little cottage garden I am about to share with you is called Martha's Garden, named for the lovely lady statue which is the centerpiece of it.

Would you care to sit for a spell and enjoy the beauty in this darling spot? See the squirrel? He is enjoying Martha's Garden as well. Such an enchanting spot!

I am so happy you have joined me today! Perhaps some of you may have guessed where it is I have taken you. 

Please come back again tomorrow as we finish up our "Secret" Garden Tour and I will reveal whose garden this belongs to. Have a lovely day everyone!

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Oh yes I know who's garden this is! Thank you for sharing! We can never get enough of this beautiful garden!

  2. I too could sit by that water for hours. I don't think I would want to read, or do anything but soak up the beautiful surroundings. What an absolutely stunning garden.

  3. I'm thinking I recognize this lovely spot on your island! Please tell me visitors are welcome to come and tour! If not, I can enjoy your lovely pictures.♥♫

  4. Adoro il giardino di Carolyne!Si riconosce ovunque!Rosetta

  5. I know the garden, but have not been fortunate enough to tour it.

  6. Mi querida Sandi, he venido a darme un paseo por tu lindo jardín.
    Dejarte un beso y desearte Feliz fin de semana

  7. Of course we all know - but will keep our mouths shut! I am so glad you could visit there again!

  8. Really beautiful garden! I can see why your husband liked the pond. It's so peaceful.

  9. Hi Sandi
    I think we could all live very comfortably at this house and I know the plants and views very well.
    It would be a pleasure to sip tea on the dock, all 3 of us.
    ( I'm sure there's another chair around)

  10. Another joyful tour around the beautiful garden. I loved Marthas garden.

  11. What a beautiful place Sandi! You are very lucky.
    Thanks for sharing.

  12. When I saw the adirondack chairs on the dock, and then the house, and the famous Martha's garden...I knew! Lucky you to visit this wonderful home and garden!
    Hugs and blessings, Beth

  13. Hi Sandy, I just discovered your beautiful blog and I have to say this garden really Does look like something out of a fairytale or novel! It's absolutely stunning!

  14. Wow what a beautiful garden. I love the chairs at the water photo it is gorgeous, like they all are really.

  15. Sandi,
    Yes, I know whose garden you visited!! Your childhood friends whose name I will not utter!!
    Her garden is just so stunning and I am totally in love with Martha's Garden!!



I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.