Monday 11 June 2012

Tea Time Tuesday

"The light is what guides you home, the warmth is what keeps you there. " ~ Ellie Rodriguez

Hello dear friends and welcome to my home here at Rose Chintz Cottage! I hope you will find friendship here and the warmth of hospitality. This is my second  Tea Time Tuesday for the month of June. 

Before I share this week's teacup, I must thank you all once again for your lovely comments on my magazine feature. You have all made me feel so special and that I am contributing something worthwhile in this big land of Blog! 

"My favourite weather is bird-chirping weather." ~ Terri Guillemets  

The yellow rose evokes all the sunny, cheerful feelings of warmth and happiness. It is known purely for its symbol of friendship.

I have a new teacup to share with you this week and it has a yellow rose on it. I didn't have a teacup with yellow roses and this one was such a good buy at less than ten dollars.

It's a vintage teacup made by Royal Albert called Tea Rose, made in England. Not a scratch, ding or chip on her. She's in perfect condition.

This pretty teacup is in the Countess shape with a pure white background. It is adorned with a warm yellow rose motif which has been kissed with just a hint of pink and the leaves are lush and green. The cup and saucer have a lovely brushed gilt trim and the cup itself is footed with a double band of gold trim and an elegant handle. 

Every time I look at this cup, I smile. It just makes me happy! The saucer is as pretty as the cup itself.

I love the bloom inside the cup too. This cup has it all.

Isn't it lovely? This is the mark on the bottom.

Another lovely treasure for my collection.

Happiness is sharing tea with a friend.

Now, let's enjoy a cup of tea with some freshly made rhubarb muffins ... 

Lemon curd is in the little white pot waiting to spread its tart goodness. Delightful!

I hope you are planning to join me next week on June 18th, for my seasonal tea ~ "Savour the Summer" Tea Party! I am going to have a dessert tea as well as share a couple of my new found teacups with you. 

My tea party button is available for you to use on your sidebar or in your tea post if you wish. I'm looking forward to seeing all your lovely tea things as we welcome Summer with tea and dessert.

Tea is an international symbol of friendship and hospitality.~ Unknown

I have just finished reading another Tea Shop Mystery penned by Laura Childs called Oolong Dead. If you enjoy a good mystery which is centered around a tea shop and its delightful characters, then this series is a good one. There are wonderful recipes at the back of each book too. 

Before I end this post, I want to wish my oldest grandson Cameron, a very Happy 11th Birthday! I love you, Sweetheart!

"This is the day which the Lord has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it." ~ Psalm 118:24

Enjoy your cup of tea and have a beautiful day everyone!

I am happy to see all your tea things, whether you have shared them before or not. This tea party is all about sharing your joy of tea time and any thoughts you might have on the subject. And for the summer months, I would love to see your teacups and teapots indoors as well as out in the garden, at the beach, on a park bench, etc... Also I would enjoy seeing your teacup and teapot crafts as well as recipes and any stories you might have to share about tea time. So, let's have fun this summer with our teas. Get out there and be as creative, fancy, or as laid back as you wish!

I am delighted you have stopped by for a visit today. Your presence always make my tea party that much more special! Do you have a favourite teacup/teapot or mug that you would like to share with us today? I would love to see it and I'm sure others would too!

If you wish, you may do coffee instead of tea or the following is acceptable too:
Hot apple cider
Hot chocolate
Iced tea or coffee
Punch in a lovely bowl.
No alcoholic beverages please.

The Tea Time Tuesday button on my sidebar is available for you to use in your post or place on your sidebar if you wish. A poem, tea quote, or scripture verse would be more than welcome! To be sure everyone has a visit, it would be nice if you visited the participant before and after your name.

Inlinkz is available below for you to sign up for my tea party. 

As a courtesy, please link back to me so all your visitors may find their way back here and visit with all my lovely participants. God bless you!

I am joining the following parties as well~

Thrifty Things Friday~
Home Sweet Home~
Heart and Home ~
A Return to Loveliness ~ 
Tea Cup Tuesday ~
Tea Cup Tuesday~
Tuesday Cuppa Tea~
Tea Cup Thursday~

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Happy birthday to your grandson. Your teacup/saucer is lovely. Love looking at all your tea stuff. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  2. Hello Sandi, Happy Birthday to Cameron. He is a good-looking young man. I love your cup and saucer and the first photo with the birdcage, little birdies and tea cup is adorable. Your rhubarb muffins look great! I enjoyed visiting you for tea today.

  3. Very pretty tea-cup, Sandi. I love the shape of it. "Happy Birthday" to your cute, young grandson. We share a June birthday. Thanks for having your fun tea party. Hugs, Deb

  4. Hey Sandi, It has been so long since I had a tea post to share, and I saved posting these photos especially to link up today...We had a Bday here this weekend too.
    Blessings Kelsie

  5. So nice to see pretty yellow roses - what a beautiful RA teacup set!

    Your sweets and the curd look delicious.

    Happy Birthday Cameron, sure is a cute boy!

    Thank you for hosting a lovely party, Sandi!

  6. Hello Sandi, Your new teacup is absolutely beautiful - a perfect sunny, yellow rose! Happy Birthday to your grandson Cameron - so special! I just love Laura Child's books - fun tea-time reading. I appreciate you hosting!

  7. Hi Sandi!
    I love your new teacup. I've been looking for a teacup with yellow roses myself. I have a few plates with yellow roses and not a cup to go with them. Happy birthday to your grandson. They grow up so fast.

  8. That is a gorgeous teacup Sandi and your rhubarb muffins look very tasty.
    Our oldest grandson's name is Cameron too, but to Grandma, he's Cammie. Happy Birthday to this sweet young man.

  9. Happy Birthday to your handsome grandson! And a big hug to "Our Own personal Celebrity, that it SO WELL DESERVED"! You always make me smile and feel so good about life!
    Love that cup and saucer, and OH those muffins look so yummy! As I write this I have Lynn(More Fun than a Pig in Mud) Rhubarb Butter SIMMERING! so I can SMELL THE GOODNESS!
    Have a fun week,
    Big Hugs,

  10. Hi Sandi!
    yellow roses stir up serious memories for me. When my mom was in her early 50's she was driving to work and started having serious heart racing and it was bad enough that she drove herself to the hospital. Come to find out, had she not went then and there to the ER more than likely whe would have died from a massive stroke. It was caught in time but, they discovered things that needed to be dealt with and she ended up spending 6 weeks in 3 different hospitals. After awhile, flowers began to depress her. They became a symbol of not being home with her family and almost dying. The day she was finally getting out of the hospital, I went over to my parents house and set the table for the two of them and had a meal all ready. In the center of the table I had one yellow rose. I left a little note stating that the yeallow rose represented "Joy, New Beginnings and Welcome Back". Every year on that same date since then I take my mom out to lunch and give her a yellow rose. (Wow, didn't mean to write all that but, sometimes our memories really kick in!)Thanks for hosting and have a great day!

  11. Happy birthday Cameron! And a lovely Royal Albert design. I love their teacups! A shame they are not made in the US now. Thanks for hosting and linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

  12. Happy Birthday to your grandson! Your teacup is so pretty, Sandi, and with that muffin...mmmmmm! Congratulations on being featured in Romantic Homes. Yea!!!!

  13. Congratulations Sandi!
    I'm so happy to hear how you've been featured in such a lovely magazine. I don't subscribe to it, but think I must now!
    Thank you for always being there and faithful in your post.
    I love your teacup! That is a color I don't have. Will have to be on the hunt for one!

  14. Hi Sandi,
    Your tea cup is gorgeous... and so is the birthday boy!
    Congratulations to him!
    Thanks for the lovely tea with muffins and all!!!
    Have a great week.

  15. Your sweet cup is really a bargain. One summer, cup and friendly cup. Perfect for the summer months. Rhubarb Muffins are so good. Sweet and acidic at the same time. Congratulations to your grandson birthday! I wish you a great week! Zinnia

  16. sandi, I have the same teacup, and it says" Sonshine" to me !! Your grandson is ahandsome guy !! God Bless !! Carol

  17. Hi Sandi,

    Just checking to see what you have for today. I love the tea cup display with the little bird. I love to love to hear the birds singing. Thank also for sharing your faith. I too am a Christian. I noticed yu quoted from Proverbs. Proverbs and Ruth are two of my faovrite Old Testament books. Ephesians in the New testament is also a favorite. Of course the whole Bible is wonderful and inspirational.

    Please come by my two blogs and visit. My blog addresses are:

    Well have a great evening. Talk to you soon.

    Hugs and God Bless,

  18. Hi: That is one handsome Grandson. I hope he has a wonderful birthday. Love your yellow cup, I own one too. It is one of my favorites. Have a wonderful week. Hope all is well at your home. Hugs, Martha

  19. Hi Sandi. I just wanted to pop in and tell you I love your new teacup. The yellow roses are beautiful. Your grandson is a handsome young guy. Enjoy the beautiful weather this week! Lots of sunny warm days coming. :) Hugs, Pamela

  20. Awww, Happy Birthday to your sweet grandson! and love the teacup! it looks very pretty sitting next to the white rose!

  21. Hi Sandi: Lovely teacup and happy birthday to your cutie pie grandson. I am joining Tea Time Tuesday and thank you so much for hosting..Happy Monday..Judy

  22. Happy birthday to your handsome grandson!! Your teacup is so lovely and the yellow roses bring a calmness with them. Can't wait to see what other lovelies you'll be sharing next week. I'm learning one can never have too many teacups...wishing you a beautiful and blessed week..xo C. (HHL)

  23. I love your Yellow Rose teacup. They seem to be pretty rare, at least around here. I have the one that belonged to my BFF. Although the handle was broken, I was able to glue it back on. So it's just for display, but I think of my very special friend every time I see it.

    Thanks so much for always hosting such a delightful party.

    Jocelyn @

  24. Such a lovely tea cup,golden roses are such a change. We don't post very much about them do we?
    Cameron is a really handsome little man. Happy Birthday x

  25. Thanks for sharing your beautiful yellow rose tea cup and saucer. It is always lovely to visit you.

  26. I love your Royal Albert yellow rose teacup! Very pretty! Happy birthday to your grandson!!

  27. Dear Sandi,
    in the last weeks I am always a bit late with posting and with readings the news at the blogs. So I missed the exiting story. Thats really great that they featured your blog. But not amazing, as your blog ist really outstanding. The Tea rose tea cup is a new wonderful addition to your collection and the rhubarb muffins makes the tea time perfect. Happy birthday to your handsome grandson. Thank you very much for sharing your treasures and for hosting this sweet event.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  28. The muffins and lemon curd look so good. The china is pretty too but I never feel quite so enthusiastic about yellow roses somehow, my heart belongs to the red and pink ones:) A very happy birthday to your grandson - hope he has a lovely day.

  29. Hello Sandi,
    Your post today is just as lovely as always : ) You spread beauty and love each time!
    Your new tea cup is one of my favorite patterns. I love the yellow roses with just the one little rose of pink! So beautiful! Perfect for tea in a rose garden.
    Congratulations on your magazine feature! Yay for you!

  30. Hi Sandi! Bless you and your sweet yellow roses today - a lovely addition to your collection to be sure! Our South Jersey roses are all in bloom these days - but rarely do I see yellow roses. Most people prefer the reds and pinks. But, I agree - the sunshine feel of your yellow roses does make one happy. Congrats on your 11 year old grand! Time does fly, I daresay. Would love the rhubarb recipe - why didn't you print it out?

  31. Hi Sandi! I love your beautiful yellow rose tea cup! What a great deal! Looking forward to your special tea party. Denise

  32. Hi Sandi, it's Pink from Casapinka. What a lovely post! I love tea as does Husband who is from Ireland. I also love your yellow rose teacup. How fun to be in Romantic Homes together! Your blog is superb and I love your quotations. Tea with friends is always wonderful in my book!

  33. Greetings Sandi ....
    Happy Birthday to your handsome grandson, Cameron..They grow so fast !!! Such a memorable cup and saucer..It is intact a set that my mother had during my I'm very fond of the pattern.

    Yummy muffins... I'm overgrown with rhubarb this year , so will put it to work in the muffins... mm-m-m-GOOD.

  34. Happy Birthday to your sweet 'grand'! Handsome fella. What a coiindink...I am also highlighting a pink and yellow R.Albert cup! lol~ LOVELY pics, yummy repast. I hope you have a great week, Sandi. THX for hosting~

  35. I love your blog! I found you through Deb at "Just Cats". Your teacup pictures are lovely!

  36. Happy Birthday to Cameron!
    Sandi, your yellow rose teacup is lovely.
    My MIL always chose a yellow rose setting for her tea, so this brings back nice memories for me :-)
    I can't wait for next month's Romantic Homes edition - even if we do get it a month or more late here in Oz!
    Thanks for linking up.
    Have a wonderful week of blessings my friend.
    love..Trish xx

  37. Hi Sandi,
    Happy Birthday to your Grandson.
    Your teacup is beautiful. I love yellow roses.
    I like the table setting with the made me smile
    God Bless
    Barb from Australia

  38. Hi Sandi,
    Happy Birthday to your Grandson...Cameron! I would love one of your rhubarb muffins... looks delicious. I love your Royal Albert teacup. I love the yellow roses! Have a wonderful week.

  39. A huge happy b-day to Cameron and Sandie.....that quote "The light is what guides you home, the warmth is what keeps you there. " is the best. It took me a long time and His grace to find its truth but now that I feels so good. There's no place like home. Sending you a ton of hugs and wishes for a fabulous day.....

  40. Hello from England, Sandi ~

    It's lovely to 'meet' you as well and I'm glad you stopped by my blog. It's great to be blogging again about our mutually shared passion: tea!

    I'm looking forward to looking through your links to other tea blogs. I can see already that we 'know' some of the same people. :-)

    BTW I have an 11-year old grandsons, as well. Two of them, actually - twins!

    Cheers for now,


  41. Hi Sandi, Oh how I love this cup with yellow roses. Yellow was my favorite color for over 20 yrs. till I found pink. Still have a special place in my heart for yellow, in fact, just bought a summer skirt in yellow. Thank you for visiting. Hugs...Lu

  42. Thankyou for sharing your new tea cup set. It's lovely. Actually I bought an 8 trio setting for my daughter in the same pattern, but made in China. So now I've seen yours I know where the Chinese copy got their idea. Thanks for sharing.

  43. Hi Sandi, I have been taking much needed time away from my computer but I feel like I've missed so much. First of all, congratulations on Romantic Homes magazine! I am not at all surprised because you have a lovely and charming blog. Your yellow teacup is so pretty, it is a lovely addition to your collection. And, Happy Birthday to your handsome young grandson.

  44. Hi sweet blogger friend. You amaze me with your loyalty! I have noticed a bit of a funny thing about my tea bloggers. You are one of the only ones who faithfully comes by my blog and leaves a post weekly! It means so much to me and I think of you as a very special friend. If I am gone or don't have time to post on my tea friend's blogs, they don't come by my blog. None of my other blogger friends are like that and this puzzles me a bit. Then I have an army of friends and family members who will never leave a comment????
    I guess they don't understand the blogging world and that's ok. I keep a blog as a journal for myself anyway...that's why I started blogging. I never dreamed it would connect me with such lovely women all over the world. Have a great week~I still have to pick up the magazine to read your article!
    Much JOY to you....hugs, Linda

  45. PS....I forgot to mention I love your yellow teacup! A nice change for you and so sunny and perfect for summer.

  46. Those are all so beautiful! You set such a lovely table :) I'm almost embarrassed to even post mine next week :/

    Happy Birthday to your Cameron! A very fine looking young man, he is.

  47. What a lovely little teacup. I just found you through The Thrifty Groove. I am a collector of teapots and lover of vintage and antique china and glass. I will link up at your next party. And I'm happy to be your newest follower!

  48. Hello Sandi, I enjoy your site very much. I love all your roses, teacups and references to faith. Thank you for hosting such a lovely site. Blessings, Robin


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.