Monday 23 April 2012

Tea Time Tuesday

" But what on earth is half so dear-
So longed for - as the hearth of home?" ~ Emily Bronte - "A Little While"

Hello everyone and welcome to another Tea Time Tuesday! I have company this week so I will be a little slower getting around for my visits. 

My boys are all home to help us celebrate our upcoming Wedding Anniversary. More about that at a later date.....

I have been very busy preparing for their arrival; cleaning, baking cookies, muffins, etc: and making lots of spaghetti sauce....

Sugar cookies were one of the staples of the cookie jar
when they were growing up.


Made with love for my boys!

And because of my very hectic schedule, today's tea will be short and sweet. So, do come in and I'll pour us some tea.

White roses and transferware teacups....

The teacups were made in England and I wonder about the tea parties they attended. My sweet cousin found them at a thrift shop and gave them to me. I cherish them because of that. I have paired them with saucers from another set because these don't have their mates. 

"A friend is the sugar bowl in the tea party of life,
Sweet and satisfying to the soul." ~ Unknown 

Happiness is sharing tea with a friend.

My teapot holds a nice Dargeeling tea.

Tea is a symbol of friendship and hospitality around the world.

Cookie with your tea?

Vintage tea spoons...

A little feathered friend joins us. This little tweeter was once dark brown with a mustard coloured breast and I gave him a coat of white paint. He's happier dressed in white!

"Life is a cup to be filled, not drained." ~ Anonymous

I am thinking of making some changes to Tea Time Tuesday for the Summer months. I'll tell you more about it next week. See you then.

"If possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men." ~ Romans 12:18 {NAS}

I am delighted you have stopped by today for a visit. Your presence always make my tea party that much more special! Do you have a favourite teacup/teapot or mug that you would like to share with us? I would love to see it and I'm sure others would too!

If you wish, you may do coffee instead of tea or the following is acceptable too:
Hot Apple Cider
Hot Chocolate
Iced Tea or iced coffee
Punch in a lovely bowl.
No alcoholic beverages please.

The Tea Time Tuesday button on my sidebar is available for you to use in your post or place on your sidebar if you wish. A poem, tea quote, or scripture verse would be more than welcome!
To be sure everyone has a visit, it would be nice if you visited the participant before and after your name. Inlinkz is available below for you to sign up for my tea party.

Please link back to me so that your visitors may find their way here to visit with all my lovely participants.

A Return to Loveliness ~

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. You always set up such a lovely tea for us to share, thank you so much, Sandi!

    Enjoy your visitors - it is always so nice to have loved ones in our homes!

    Have a wonderful week and God's blessings to you and yours!

  2. Your tea party was beautiful and Congratulations on the wedding anniversary.

  3. Happy upcoming anniversary Sandi! Your transferware cups are so pretty. And I love the teapot set. thank you for hosting and have a wonderful day!

  4. Hi Sandi,
    what an exiting event to have an upcoming wedding anniversary. I am so curious about that. Your transfer teacups look gorgeous with the white saucers and the teapot and creamer set is great. And your cookies are so tempting. Thank you for the sweet tea time and for hosting this nice event.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  5. How nice to have the kids home! Especially for a special day. A lovely tea awaits them. Look forward to hearing more!

  6. Hi Sandi, It sounds like you have a busy anniversary celebration coming up. I hope you enjoy all the festivities! Your tea time today is lovely. I really like the matching teapot, creamer and sugar dish. Enjoy your family! (I'm still in Fort McMurray so won't be joining for a couple more weeks) Hugs, Pamela

  7. Hi Sandi!
    Happy Anniversary! Beautiful post. Thank you for hosting.

  8. What a yummy special tea!!! Happy anniversary to you!!! Let ME pour us some tea and tell you how incredibly gorgeous you setting is today! I am "IN LOVE" with that teapot and it's accessories. I LOVE the raised flowers on it in TONE on TONE. That is always something that draws my FULL attention...Do you know the pattern name of your 2 transferware cups??? MAYBE I have your lost saucers.
    Big Hugs to you,

  9. Oh, a memory jog! Great Grama used to put raisins in the middle of her rolled sugar cookies!


  10. Hello Sandi,
    I can understand those happy whirlwind days! Congratulations on your upcoming wedding anniversary - may God bless you with many, many more! I do so love sharing tea at the beginning of the week with you all! I mentioned you and Carolyn in my post!
    Thank you for hosting and for sharing with A Return to Loveliness,

  11. Hi Sandy:
    Your post is especially beautiful today. I love white dishes and yours are gorgeous. All of them are exquisite. I would love to send you the little tea-cup that you like, Sandy. I bid on 3 tea-cups at an auction and they gave me a box with 8 more in the bottom. I was hoping to pass some of them on to those who really love them. Please send me your mailing address and I will be most happy to send this tea-cup and saucer to you. Thanks for having another party. They are so much fun and take up way too much of my time but WHO CARES! Hugs, Deb

  12. Love your white tea set, and so glad your boys are home. Hope the grands and d-i-ls made it home as well.
    Hugs, Beth

  13. Enjoy your boys! I tried to link up again to your Tea party,I do not know what I am doing wrong!

  14. OH, thanks for the lovely tea things, Sandi :) :) Enjoy this time with your family, too :) :)

    I really enjoyed seeing the pics of your white china tea things. I have my grandmothers ivory Wedgwood wedding beautiful...a grapevine pattern :) :)

    Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :) :) :)

  15. I know you'll be busy with your family, but I just wanted to say that I always love coming to your posts. Your pics and words always make me say..."Ah-h-h-h"! When you said that tea is a sign of friendship and hospitality, that is so sure, Sandi! Thanks for your sweetness and for hosting. p.s. I love your vintage tea spoons.

  16. Hello Sandi
    Always a dainty and feminine tea at your place, very pretty too.
    How exciting to have your family all home for your anniversary. We have a milestone anniversary this summer ourselves, where does the time go?

  17. Good for you Sandi - enjoy your family and upcoming Wedding Anniversary - an early Congrats! I love your sugar cookies - you have a lovely "heart" that is for sure. Darjeeling is a favorite that is for sure, lately I have been enjoying coffee with sugar free white chocolate is so so tasty!!

  18. You must be happy to have your family home. i hope your upcoming annivesary is a wonderful one!

  19. Sandi, all your dishes are so lovely! The cookies look scrumptious- my son and I enjoy making sugar cookies together and decoratng them and NOT just at Christmas...very pretty!

  20. Hi Sandi,
    You done such a wonderful job in preparing for your family visiting. How perfect to come home to sugar cookies and homemade meals. Such a pretty Tea you made. Your teapot goes so well with your transferware.
    Praying you have a blessed time with your company.

  21. Sandi: First of all let me say Happy Anniversary and thank you for the beautiful tea. What sweet cups your cousin got for you and the little birdie looks very proud in his white coat..Happy Monday..Judy

  22. Happy Anniversary Sandi ...
    What a special milestone...How many years? Isn't it nice to have family around to celebrate... Love those sweet rose tipped vintage spoons... Friends always seem to come up with such special surprises too.. Lovely teacups..Have a wonderful time together...Hugs

  23. Nice time anniversaries,to get the family together. Hope they like their cookies,Im sure boys being boys,they will be swallowed up in one day:)
    I have saucers similar to your pink cups,awaiting their mate too.

  24. Hi Sandi,
    Have a lovely time with your family, and congrats on your anniversary. Your pics are lovely and inspiring as usual. What a good idea to paint the birdie white!!

  25. Sandi- How nice that your family is coming! Bet those boys will be loving all the home cooking and especially those cookies! Very sweet tea cups and love the little bird!
    Enjoy your family and happy anniversary. So nice to visit you again, Blessings, L

  26. How wonderful that the family gathered. Baking and cleaning for a family gathering is so much more fun than doing the normal weekly cleaning. The cakes look good. I like the subtle sweet pattern on the teapot, sugar bowl and creamer gig. sheer white long time since I drank Dajeeling. That I will drink today afternoon. I wish you a great week! Zinnia

  27. Happy Anniversary! Love all the white and mixing the lovely red transferware with the white saucers. Sometimes I think all the cups and saucers should be a mix! Fun! The heart cookies look so yummy. Happy Tea Day and thank you for hosting.

  28. Hello Sandi,
    Your table looks lovely again today. The cups your friend gave you are really pretty. Such a kind gesture!
    Happy Anniversary to you and your husband. Have a wonderful visit with your boys! Lucky you!

  29. Oh wow, how beautiful! Love your little birdie too! Happy Anniversary too! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  30. Happy Anniversary Sandi. Your teacups and white roses are so pretty together. I love your little bird painted white. Have a wonderful week with your family.


  31. Hello Sandi! It seems like forever since I have joined in with your lovely tea party. Thanks so much for having me today. Hope your week is wonderful!

    Best wishes,

  32. What a beautiful table for a loving mother. You deserve a break after all of that cooking!

  33. Yummy! those cookies look delicious.


  34. Beautiful as always, Sandi.
    I hope you have a wonderful time with your precious family!
    Thank you so much for faithfully hosting each week.
    Many blessings..Trish

  35. Lovely tea party. Your little bird adds just the right touch. Love the pattern on the silver spoons.

  36. Thank you for hosting, Sandi! LOVELY table, lovely dishes. The white roses and white sugar cookies are so elegant. What a gorgeous tea set, too! Special times, blessed to spend it with family~

  37. cheering that your boys are home with you. Can't wait to hear more about that but there's nothing like having the people you love the most close to you. We're flying to Europe in a few hours...but wanted to stop by before we do and wish you a happy thursday.

  38. Happy happy to you Sandi. Your post has such a lovely soft pastel quality to it. I really like your teapot. I guess I like teapots as much as I like teacups.
    Enjoy it all!


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.