Thursday 19 April 2012

All Day Long the Birds Are Singing....

Hello everyone~ I hope you're all having a delightful day! A friend gifted me with a little book of poems called Beneath His Wings

It is a sweet little book filled with lovely verse and paintings by Carolyn Shores Wright. I love this talented artist's paintings of our little feathered friends!

I thought I would share this blessing with you today. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

Painting by Carolyn Shores Wright

All day long the birds are singing
Sweetest songs that seem to rise
From their tiny throats far-reaching,
Even to the distant skies.

Then at night they rest securely,
Nestled close within their nest,
And the Father safely watches
Every little feathered breast.

Likewise we when night approaches,
Lay our weary heads to rest,
For we know that God will watch us
as He does the bird's wee nest.
Josephine Currier

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. love this Sandie b/c beneath His wings is the absolute best place to be. I imagine PEI right now....Lake of shining waters....rolling hills and birds of every kind...hope your day shines just like you do.

  2. Oh how SWEET of her - and what a darling picture and poem.

    Just delightful!!

  3. How sweet Sandi! I have read another of her books. The illustration is beautiful! We spent about 20 mins at the window this morning watching a black capped chickadee gathering materials for a nest this morning as we sat with our tea in the sunroom. So cute!

  4. The painting has charmed me, and the poem; I may want to buy a copy of this book to give as a gift and keep one for me!

  5. The painting is so sweet. You almost never see Clematis in a painting. Lovely verse as well. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Sandi,
    What a lovely blog. I found you from Nikki's by your sweet comment so I thought I'd stop over for a visit...
    I love the song and the illusion of 'Beneath His Wings' I feel safe and comforted!

  7. Lovely poem!
    Lovely YOU!!
    Happy day, dear friend!!

  8. Such a beautiful poem and picture.
    To have Jesus is so comforting and that he gave us the darling birds for us to enjoy is so precious.
    Thanks for reminding us.

  9. Sandi: Very sweet poem and painting. I love finding little poems to add to my blog. It just makes everything come together so nicely, I think..Happy Thursday..Judy

  10. Very sweet poem Sandi. It's late evening and I just read it...It warms my heart. Thanks for posting it.

    Blessings my friend,


  11. Awww, that was so nice, Sandi! I am sipping a cup of tea and enjoying a flickering candle as my daughter does homework nearby..this was nice to read at the ending of the day.

  12. What a precious gift! Love it! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  13. What a wonderful gift. This sounds like a delightful book, and the illustration shown here is so pretty. What a kind friend.

  14. Oh, what a wonderful blog and... your TEAPOTS & CUPS are maaaaarvelous! Kisses from Venice - Italy

  15. Very sweet spring time blog and a bit of a simple break after your fabulous Titanic posting!
    I always appreciate all the time you put into your blog and how generous your are about posting to everyone, like little old me!
    Thank you so much.

  16. LOVE that poem... So true, isn't it?



  17. very nice, Sandi! Have a great weekend.


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.