Saturday 17 March 2012

Tea Towels from Ireland

Hello everyone~ A few weeks ago I was contacted by Al from Northern Ireland to give my review on these wonderful Irish linen tea towels. Please check out all of these gorgeous tea towels Here. There are so many lovely patterns to choose from and they are all very high quality. They also ship world wide.

Aren't they pretty? That is the first thing I noticed about them! Both towels are a genereous size; 48 cm x 74 cm or 19 in x 29 in. I chose the florals because the season of flowers is coming and they both caught my eye. Besides, you know me and my posies!

These are colourfast, resistant to stains, absorbent, and leave no lint behind. The more they are washed, the more absorbent and soft they become.

I first washed them by hand to rid them of the natural starches as given in the care instructions.
After that, I just threw them in the wash and then air dried them. When I ironed them, they came out nicely.

The first one is Agatha made of 100% Irish linen.  I love the pretty fern green background sprinkled with bright red and pink flowers. Doesn't this just say springtime to you?

The second is Cassandra Rose. Once again, it's a pretty floral design made of 100% Irish linen.

I have washed them a number of times and they have both come out with the stitching strong and intact. Even after several washings, they still have a sheen in the fibers.


They are wonderful for drying my fine china as well as other dishes, pots and pans.

I also tried them out on my silverware. No water spots and no lint left behind.

And my Waterford crystal goblets; they also dried nicely with no trace of water spots or lint.

These tea towels are a wonderful addition to any kitchen. Thank you Al for giving me an oportunity to review your lovely towels. I highly reccommend them! In fact I may just have to order some more. They have some towels with an adorable Christmas Robin motif on them that would make wonderful gifts! Why not check them out!  All Tea Towels from Northern Ireland.

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Hi Sandi, Your tea towels are beautiful. I too love the roses and pretty flowers. Your care instructions make them sound practical and nearly indestructible. Smile. One day I would love to visit Ireland. My father's ancestors are Scottish/Irish.

    Happy st. Patrick's Day.
    Hugs, Jeanne

  2. Oh they are beautiful and the flowers are perfect. Hugs, Marty

  3. Sandi,
    You picked out the same towel I did! I love these towels. I also posted about them this week. Very nice for drying the china and crystal. Great review!
    Your friend,

  4. Hi Sandi,
    Linnen tea towels are the best and you have chosen wonderful designs. Thank you for sharing your experience.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  5. I ordered from there at Christmas for a gift. Beautiful!

  6. These are beautiful tea towels. There's nothing like linen towels is there? I'm looking forward to teatime on Tuesday. See you then. Enjoy the lovely weather this week. Hugs, Pam

  7. Oh Sandi,

    I just went to that site and those towels are AWESOME!

    There lots of birds, and also a neat 60s mod retro one on sale- loved that, so perfect for my daughter's kitchen.

    I gotta figure out how to figure in exchange rates, been a while since I have had to do that. May have to purchase some.

    AWESOME looking tea towels for SURE!

  8. Sandi, these towels are so pretty. There is nothing like a good towel in the kitchen. Thanks for the review.

    Jocelyn @

  9. Sandi; Your Irish linen tea towels are lovely. Grammy Laura always used linen tea towels. The ones that had strips of blue or green on the ends. It took ages to break them in but they were lovely after that.
    A nice post......Auntie P

  10. How lovely those are. Irish linens oh what a treat for sure.

  11. Those are just so beautiful! I'm going to check out that site right now! :)


  12. what lovely towels & an even lovelier blog! so glad I found you! :) chris


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

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