Monday 2 January 2012

Tea Time Tuesday ~ Happy New Year!

"The birth of a New Year is a time of reflection, bringing with it an opportunity for change....for developing a greater appreciation of what is most important in life." ~ Victoria magazine

Hello dear friends and welcome to my first Tea Time Tuesday of 2012! This little birdie and I have been expecting you and we are simply delighted you have come! 

Little birdie was a Christmas gift. Isn't he sweet?

"Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart." ~ Eleanor Roosevelt 

A brand new year signifies a fresh new beginning in which one can look forward to new dreams, aspirations, and accomplishments as well as making new memories with those you love.

Are you ready for a brand new year of tea parties?

So much has happened since my last tea party! Christmas, a New Year has come, another birthday, and my son's beloved 2 year old black lab, Charlie, who had been very ill since Christmas Day, almost had to be put down this past Friday. He is a most beloved member of the family, so we are very thankful they got him to the  hospital in time for an operation which saved his life. Thank goodness for veterinarians, and I believe Charlie is being released this afternoon! WARNING: Please do not give your doggy a bone!

I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas, and now with the holidays behind us once more, we have our memories and special occasions that we can look back on.

A few days before Christmas, I had hosted a Christmas Tea  for my three nieces. I decided to use my sparkly teacups because it was the Holidays after all and they like anything that sparkles.

So, do come in and make yourself at home as we partake of some hot spicy tea and coffee.
The ambiance of our tea was lovely from the glow of the candlelight and fairy lights with the fire burning in the fireplace. I apologize that some the pictures are dark due to the lighting.

" In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary." ~ Aaron Rose

The tea table served up a lovely Trifle, shortbread cookies, and mincemeat tarts as well as some other confections.  I used my red toile china mugs for the coffee and the white teacups for tea.
Two of the girls had coffee while my other niece and I enjoyed steaming cups of tea.

This pot held the coffee...

"Come and share a pot of tea, My home is warm and my friendship's free." ~ Emilie Barnes

This Florence teapot by Skye McGhie held the tea.

I didn't want my tea to be too fussy so I used some white china as well as the red toile china by Skye McGhie and my red rimmed Kings Crown sherbet dishes.

The Trifle with layers of sponge cake, pudding, whipped cream, and fruit. Yum!

A pretty dish filled with fluffy Trifle and a cup of tea; what could be better?

Happiness is sharing tea with a friend.

"...The carpet was up, the candles burnt bright, the fire blazed and crackled in the hearth, and merry voices and light-hearted laughter rang through the room." ~ Charles Dickens

 My guests...Miss M.

Miss C and L...

We were also joined by a wee fellow only a few weeks old. Little N was as good as gold during our tea time!

Thank you so much for visiting today. I hope you will join me for many more tea parties this year.
Next week I will share a little something which Hubby gifted me with for Christmas and my birthday.

May each new day of 2012 bring you joy, contentment, and all your dreams come true. Remember, "Each new day is fresh with no mistakes in it." {Anne of Green Gables}

"Great is His faithfulness; His mercies begin afresh each morning." ~ Lamentations 3:23

I would love for you to join me for Tea Time Tuesday. All you have to do is share a favourite tea cup or teapot, a coffee mug, or something tea related. If you wish, you may do coffee instead of tea or the following is acceptable too: apple cider, eggnog, iced tea or iced coffee, or hot chocolate.
The TTT button on my sidebar is available for you to use in your post or place on your sidebar if you wish. A poem, tea quote, or scripture verse would be more than welcome!
Please link back to me so that your visitors may find their way here to visit with all my lovely participants.

I am happy to join the following parties as well~

Victoria - A Return to Loveliness

Table Top Tuesday

Teacup Tuesday

Teacup Tuesday

Teapot and Tea Things Tuesday

Wanda Lee~
Tea For Two and Wednesday Tea For Me and Thee

Tea Party Tuesday

Makin' It Sweet

Friends Sharing Tea

Miss Spenser~
Teacup Thursday

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Sandi,
    This is a beautiful tea. I am so sorry about your doggy! Glad he is better. Your trifle looks delicious. Thanks for hosting your lovely tea party!

  2. Hi and welcome back from a momentous 2 weeks! I love your bird! So cute! I am so glad your dog ie recovering. Pets are part of the family...just like another child! Love your photos...especially the snowflake frame! Happy New Year!

  3. dear sandi,
    thank you for leaving a beautiful "footprint on my heart" in 2011. happy new year and abundant blessings to you.

  4. Hello Sandi,
    Happy New Year! You have had an eventful past couple of weeks! How wonderful to come together with such a lovely tea and to encourage one another! Your tea set is so lovely! Thank you for hosting and bringing us together!
    God Bless,

  5. Hi Sandi :) :)
    Happy New Year 2012 to you and your family :) :) I'm looking forward to visiting you for tea this year :) :) I really like that quote from Eleanor Roosevelt, too :) :) Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather ;)

  6. Hello Sandi
    Here we are for tea again and if you're getting the snow we are, it's a good day to be inside.
    Aren't you a nice aunty to have your nieces for tea? I'll bet they just loved how you had everything set up for their arrival and such tasty goodies!
    Hugs from snowy Ontario.

  7. Lovely tea things and your guests all look like they really enjoyed themselves. Happy Teatime Tuesday Sandi. I haven't done a tea this week as I have been busy in the garden. so my post is a gardening one. I have enjoyed taking tea with you though. Glad doggy is on the mend. xx jeanetteann

  8. Sandi, what a perfect afternoon... that trifle looks so yummy!! Hope you don't mind I had a second (little) helping before leaving today's tea party. Happy New Year my friend.. may 2012 be filled with great health and many many blessings! xo HHL

    P.S. I'm so happy to rad that your furbaby is doing fine. It must have been quite a scare for you all...xo

  9. Greetings Sandi ...

    What a sweet little bird to welcome you into the New Year...and such good news about your sweet dog. They're just like your children aren't they!! What a lovely teaparty you had...What fun !!! Thank You for sharing your lovely pictures..It just sort of brings one closer.. Wishing you a renewed sense of love and spirit in 2012....HUGS

  10. Oh that trifle is making me want some, sooo yummy looking!! Great afternoon for such a beautiful tea. So glad your doggie s better, what a worry! Thank you for hosting and have a wonderful New Year!

  11. Happy New Year Sandi: Love your table today. Those cups are some of my favorites. Wishing you God's Blessings this coming year!

  12. A lovely post as always. Happy New Year! May it be filled to overflowing with blessings! I love trifle, but my Brit husband had too much growing up and hates it...I had too much growing up and LOVE it!

  13. Hello Sandi - thanks so much for sharing your beautiful home and tea with us each week and for sharing with A Return to Loveliness,
    God Bless,

  14. Dearest Sandi,

    What a true encouragement, inspiration and blessing you are to many as you faithfully host Tea Time Tuesday each and every week. Many thanks.

    May God's richest blessings be upon you and your precious family, including your nieces, precious grand babe, and little furry doggie that is recovering.

    Everything is lovely as always! I always love your artful vignettes, pinks, tea treats and lovely hospitality..,

    Happy New Year in 2012 dear lady!

    Hugs, Wanda Lee

    P.S. ~ I had copied dear Pam's links when my computer was ailing; (there are still a few computer issues with my own computer, yet thankfully things are improved and much better).., There may still be issues with her links that I copied even yet; Pam says that she has had computer woes also..,

    P.P.S.~ Rest assured they shall be fixed. (My computer is once again very slow at times, 'freezing up' again today, so 'slow and steady' is the order of the day). ~ Thanks in advance for your kind understanding Sandi.

  15. Hello once again Sandi,

    It has been fixed; all the links work!..,(Although, I'm off to 'double check'). Halleluyah!

    So sorry!..,Yet quite honestly my own links list always worked and I thought hers would also..,They were so 'askew'. ~ I was mortified!..,Oh my!

    I'll know better next time and only use my own links list; (even if I have to build the whole list again should my computer go down again)..,

    Although, may God forbid that should happen again Sandi!

    Cheers, WL

  16. Blessing to you and your family in 2012. Your nieces have a sweet aunt! Everything looks lovely.♥♫

  17. What a super great tea party!! Love all the goodies! I am sorry about Charlie. I hope he is ok. I really do look back at some of the things I did with my first dog (pre working as a Vet. Asst.) and i am sooooo glad she had a good long life.
    Happy New Year!
    Hugs, Lisa

  18. Happy New Year Sandi and blessings to you and your family.

    Love the red toile and the trifle looks delicious. You prepared such a wonderful afternoon tea.

  19. What a wonderful tea with your nieces and a delightful presence of a little one. Everything looks so good and pretty. So sorry about the dog but I am glad he is ok now. Happy New Year, Sandi!..Christine

  20. Sandi,
    Thank you for hosting Tea Time Tuesday. Happy New Year. Pat

  21. Thank you for hosting, Sandi! I'm so glad Charlie is recovering! Everything looks lovely, as always, and the trifle looks yummy!
    Happy New Year!

  22. Sorry about the scare w/ your son's lab, pets are truly members of the family and can just make emotions run wild that is for sure! This is a lovely tea time this week, how nice you made it for the girls. I love white tea cups and have made it my mission to collect a few extra whites this year! Enjoy your week, hope it is great, Sandi. Happy New Year, can't wait to share more tea with you this year.

  23. I am guessing the young ladies were very pleased to come for tea. I will be thinking about having a tea time post sometime soon.

  24. Hi Sandi!

    I'm so glad to hear that Charlie is better! i love your tea set, the florence teapot is just stunning and i love the candle holder with laces on the rim, so beautiful! the bird is so adorable, such a precious gift! look forward what your hubby gave you on christmas and your birthday! thank you for hosting and sharing tea time tuesday and how time flies and it's already 2012! Happy New Year, God Bless all of us!


  25. Lovely tea, and the Christmas Tea you had with your nieces was so inspiring, makes a girl want to have tea with the grandchildren.

    So sorry to hear of Charlies bone story and the trauma that everyone must have gone through. Bones are good to stay away from.

    Well Sandi you have out did yourself with layers of sponge cake, pudding and whipped cream, I don't want to say the word "truffle" out loud in the event I'll have a craving. Your photos are always lovely to enjoy, Wishing you all the best in the coming year with friends and tea. hugs

  26. Hi Sandi, Your tea table is so beautiful. I love the reds. I hope and pray that this will be a great New Year for you and your family.
    Blessings, Beth

  27. I am so sorry Charlie had such a close call! Our Emma had one last summer and nearly left us. We are so glad she got the help she needed in time too! I am so glad Charlie got what he needed too!
    Your Christmas tea looks fabulous! Your nieces must have been delighted!
    All your china and treats are amazing.

  28. Such a lovely tea. The trifle looks delicious. Hope your furbaby is well on the way to recovery. Happy Tea Day!

  29. Dear Sandi,
    sorry, that I have left my contribution without any comment. I was in a hurry and now I had time to enjoy your lovely post. I am very happy that I can always join your party. I makes me happy to prepare the post and brings so much nice thoughts. Like a real tea party. You are so right, a new year is like a new day - without mistakes. So hopefully I will not fill the new year with mistakes early. Your toile china is pretty, so bright - just like deep pink. It makes happy like a good tea. And I love the pretty snowflake frames around the photos. Your nieces and the cute baby look all very sympathic. And the little bird is too cute, is it mercury glass or silver/metal? Anyway it has a cute face. Thank you so much again for hosting this wonderful tea events and I will join in, whenever I can.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  30. Hope you are having a great New year. Richard from My Old Historic House

  31. Sandi, you have set a beautiful table with gorgeous china! I am hungry after seeing your delicious looking trifle! It has been a blessing visiting with you.

  32. Sandi, your post are always so inspiring and your pictures are so lovely. YOur china is beautiful, I love the transferware and the trifle looks soooooooooo good. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Happy New Year filled with Tons of Blessings. Hugs, marty

  33. Hi Sandi,
    What a sweet little bird you received for Christmas!
    And your trifle looks delicious!
    I'm glad you're back with this nice tea party.
    Thanks and hugs

  34. Dear Sandi
    A New Year sharing with you a cup of Tea

  35. Hi Sandi, What a beautiful tea with your family. The little one is so cute. Love your setting, your dishes and the dessert looks so yummy. You always set the nicest tea.

    So happy to hear that Charlie did okay and got to the Vet in time to save his life.
    Wishing you a belated happy birthday. Your birdie gift is darling.

    Blessings to you and yours in the new year and beyond. Thank you for sharing such lovely teas. I look forward to many more.
    Big hugs my friend, Celestina Marie

  36. Loved the red toile china by Skye McGhie and the sherbert dishes (the sherbert in them looked pretty yummy as well.) Looked like a great party. ~CJ

  37. You are right that is quite the teapot. Pairing Ruby Flashed Kings Crown Thumbprint Glass with it is utterly delightful!

  38. Hello Sandi, Your lovely tea party is making me want some lovely hot tea right now. What a lovely party for your sweet guests. especially the photo with the wee one. Smile.

    I am so glad you pup is alright. I never give my pup a bone because a similar experience my friend had with her dog. We live and learn don't we?

    Happy New Year Sandi,
    Hugs, Jeanne

  39. A very pretty tea party, and now I am suddenly feeling rather hungry!
    Glad to know your son's dog is on the mend.

  40. Ah, Sandi, what a beautiful setting! I love the adorable candle and the lovely tea set. What little girls doesn't like sparkle?! The Trifle looks so delicious and I wouldn't mind having a spoonful right now. LOL! I wish you many more delightful tea parties.

  41. Such a lovely post! The little bird is so cute.

    Wishing you a warm and blessed New Year!

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  42. Happy New Year, sweet Sandi! Blessings to you! Just a pop in this week with a little fun something in my post - trying to get ready for school tomorrow after a much needed rest. Planning some joyful teas for 2012!

  43. Hi, Sandi! I wish I could attend one of your tea parties in real life!! I'm positive I would have a wonderful time!! I'm glad you had a blessed Christmas and so glad you are back to writing on your blog! Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and leaving a comment! You are a blessing to me!

    In His L♥ve, Ann

  44. Happy New Year, Sandi.
    You gave such a beautiful Christmas Tea. The young ladies will always remember this special time with you.
    Nancy/Two Cottages And Tea

  45. Sandi, I'm new to your blog and enjoyed seeing your lovely tea. "Teatime" is one of my favorite things and that you are from P.E. Island is really the icing on the cake! I was fortunate enough to visit your beautiful island in 200l and it was a trip of a lifetime. Can't get enough of Anne of Green Gables! Looking forward to more teatimes with you.

  46. Dear Sandi,
    Thank you for becoming a follower of my blogspot! I appreciate all your support. I have enjoyed following you and delight in coming here. I just saw on your profile that you live on Prince Edward Island, one of my favorite places via Anne of Green Gables and Avonlea! Take care, Sandi and looking forward to our bloggy friendship in 2012. Many blessings!

  47. Sandi, I am so sorry about having to put your son's precious lab down. Pets can really be considered part of a family, and we hurt and grieve their loss as such.

    I hope he considers perhaps adopting a dog at the rescue - to fill that empty void, and to save the life of a loving and lonely animal most likely destined to be put down for lack of someone to love......tragedy and happens by the hundreds every day.

    May all your grief be quick, however means it passes. God bless you.

  48. Hello Sandi,
    All good wishes for 2012.
    Your Tea Time table looks lovely and your nieces all look relaxed and happy to be sharing that lovely trifle with you.Blessings on the new little bub.
    God Bless
    Barb from Australia

  49. Hi Sandi..first...I'm so glad Charlie's okay. Pups are definite family. And always love your 'teas.'They sort of remind me of Anne and Diane and Green Gables. :)
    I wish you an incredible year.....His absolute best.

  50. What a very lovely tea party! That cup looks like engraved is so gorgeous!! I cant wait to join next tuesday!


  51. Good morning Sandi...finally making my way through my tea time posts. I adore your tea party and so nice to treat the nieces. I love your idea for the little candles with the jars and sweet. Can I steal it away?
    I always enjoy your posts each and every week.
    Much love, Linda

  52. Hi Sandi, what a lovely tea for the girls. I'm sure they had a delightful time enjoying all the beauty surrounding them. Love tea set, I love the pink color. Hope your holidays were wonderful and the best to you and yours in the New Year. Happy Pink Saturday.

    The French Hutch

  53. Very sweet post my dear friend!

  54. Sandi, everything looks so lovely!
    I'm sure your special young guests had a wonderful tea party with you!
    Your photos are simply beautiful :-)
    Thanks for linking up and joining my new venture.
    Much love and prayers for a very blessed new year for you, dear friend!
    Trish xox


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.