Thursday 22 September 2011

I Am Loving White

Hello bloggy friends~
Do you love white? If someone was to walk through my home, they would almost get the impression that I loved white! Being a lover of romantic cottage decorating, I am loving white! And if it's shabbied up a bit, even better.

I'm sure the furniture guys thought I liked white when they delivered my new bedroom set the other day!

White coffee table and accent tables, white fireplace, etc. as they passed through the living room and down the hallway....

Wanna see?
OK, first I will show you the old set. This is over thirty years old and it was falling apart.

The headboard...

The dresser and other pieces looked like this. The colour of the headboard above is the true colour of the set. Very masculine and heavy. The mirror to the set is still in good shape so I will keep it and paint it along with the headboard. Both could be used in another room.

I have had my eye on this antique white set for quite some time {over a year}. I saw it in the store window and fell instantly in love! Much to my delight, Hubby surprised me by getting it for me a couple of weeks ago. Totally unexpected and I am thrilled!

The new mirror. Love the curves and the beveled glass....

The new headboard...

The new dresser. I really like the hardware....

What a difference the white makes! Our room is rather small so the white furniture just brightens it right up. Now, I just have to find the perfect bedspread and curtains. The spread and curtains are quite old so it's time for new ones. I am hoping to find something in toile. I'll let you know when I find them.

I'm joining Sherry today for her Home Sweet Home meme. Thanks for hosting Sherry!

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Yes, I love your new bedroom set. I am amazed at how different the old dressers look though after they've been painted white! I am even imagining how neat your old headboard would look painted white. ;-)

  2. Oh, how I love the new bedroom white set. I also love white, do not have a white bedroom set, however, it's brown but all my accessories are white, I am also a pink person. Have to have a little touch of pink everywhere. Hugs...Lu

  3. I love how you decorated....very soft and beautiful....and Sandie....what you said...that life had been hard lately....the tough stuff passes.....sometimes it seems like it won't....but it really does. Praying for you.....

  4. Hello Sandi,
    Love your new white furniture and how sweet your hubby surprised you with it
    Enjoy it and I can't wait to see your new bedspread and curtains you pick out.
    Suzann ~xoxo~

  5. Hi Sandi
    Yes, I could do white but everything we have is dark wood.
    Your new bedroom set is nice, good choice and I'll bet it does brighten the room.
    We still have most of our original bedroom suite and it is similar to yours.

  6. Thank you Sandi for visiting me today.How exciting for you to get a new bedroom set.It is soft and pretty:)

  7. Hi Sandi
    Your new bedroom furniture looks great! A few years ago we painted our old set white and added a new headboard and shelf and made a world of differnce.

  8. Hi Sandi...

    My friend, I am just tickled pink for you! What a sweet honey you surprise you with the bedroom set that you have been wanting! I would have loved to see the look on your face when you found out about his surprise! Hehe! How exciting!!!

    Girlfriend, it's GORGEOUS! Of course, you know how I love cottage chic! This beautiful bedroom set is sooo perfect for you and your lovely home! Thank you so much for sharing it with us...what a treat! Can't wait to see what you come up with for new bed linens, etc.! Have fun and enjoy, dear friend!!!

    Warmest wishes,

  9. How fun it is to get something that you have wanted for a long time! It is beautiful and we will want to see what you find for a new bedspread.

  10. Dear Sandi,
    Your new bedroom looks fantastic. White furniture is really perfect for small rooms. The curtains and cushions have such a wonderful design with romantic roses. I like that very much. I hope you find again something wonderful when you buy new beadspread and curtains.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  11. I love white you know Sandi! Very lovely set...xo, Janet

  12. Sandi, the white is just lovely. It is so fresh and gives you a whole new feel, doesn't it?

    Your bedroom is serene and restful...just charming.

    Barb ♥

  13. Hi Sandy,
    I love your new bedroom suite! Beautiful! A toile bedspread sounds wonderful, too! You must love going into your bedroom now.
    Hugs, Cindy

  14. Oh so much better white! You've done a marvelous job - love the floral decor too! So beautiful and feminine.

  15. What a beautiful surpriseand what a difference! I think the white definitly works for this smaller room - so much brighter. The dresser and mirror are very pretty. I hope you find something toile for the bedding! Blessings, Pamela

  16. Soooo much brighter and I love all the little details in the white.
    Love your color combination of yellow and purples, 2 of my favorite colors!
    The room is lovely and hope you have nothing but sweet dreams in it.

  17. are so talented. I just love the white dresser.
    You have such a sweet and gentle touch. I love reading your posts.

  18. Oh my,I'm loving your new white bedroom set,Sandi.I have a dark wood set and this post is making me want a lighter set as well... so much brighter! And a toile bedspread will look so romantic and chic...will be looking forward to it.Your autumn tea was so very inspiring.... loved all the gorgeous pictures. Beautiful tea set and I loved that shabby white tray of candles... so soothing and relaxing!Thanks for your sweet thoughts on my fall luminaries.I really appreciate it and enjoyed visiting with you. Have a beautiful day!~Poppy

  19. That is beautiful Sandi! I love the new bedroom set. It looks perfect with your linens! Thank you for linking it up at Home Sweet Home!

  20. Your new bedroom set is beautiful! I'm loving white these days, too - I'm redecorating my bedroom in shabby chic. Thank you for stopping by my blog and becoming a follower! Hugs,

  21. Sandi, What a beautiful bedroom set! I also like white, and we have a white fireplace, and white woodwork throughout (that I painted myself!). I'm so happy for your nice surprise!
    Blessings, Beth


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

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