Saturday 11 June 2011

Spiritual Sundays

Hello dear blogging friends and welcome to another Spiritual Sundays with Charlotte and Ginger.

Last week I shared about some health problems I have been having and you have all been so kind and compassionate. Thank you for your prayers on my behalf. I believe it has made a difference because the pain is more bearable the last few days.

I am still waiting to get in to see the specialist so I don't have anything new to report. However I do have a scripture verse I would like to share with you. This verse always helps me stay focused.

"Whatever is true, whatever is honourable,whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good report, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things." ~ Philippians 4:8

For many years, Philippians 4:8, has been one of my favourite verses of scripture. Life isn't always beautiful and it isn't always fair. There are trials and disappointmernts at every bend in the road. But it's how we handle those trials and disappointments that shows us and others who we really are. Even in the midst of a trial, we can find something beautiful or lovely to dwell on. He never promised any of us a rose garden. But He promised He would be with us always. Therefore we can always find something to praise Him for!

You see the beautiful rose in the photo above? It is exquisite but should you handle it, you will more than likely get pricked by the thorns. Sometimes you have to get past the thorns to appreciate the beauty!

The God who sustains the universe sustains me.~
Thank you for your visit today. I hope you will visit Spiritual Sundays. You will be inspired and encouraged. Just click the link:  

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Good Morning Sandi, Thank you for sharing these verses today. I continue to pray for you.

  2. Hi sweetie!

    What a great verse...a fav of mine as well. I have continued to keep you in constant prayers since you wrote.
    Another passage that God gave me these past years is Psalms 121...he watches over you and is a constant by our side through trials in our life.

    May you be comforted by the Lord who heals!
    Hugs, love and prayers!

  3. Love the verse! A favorite of mine too! I also love 2 Cor:12:9 My grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness."
    I will always pray for you and I hope you get to the bottom of this ailment soon. Have a wonderful weekend. Anne

  4. Thank you for the lovely verse..I hope you continue to improve.


  5. Hi Sandi!
    I love that verse. It's a perfect reminder of His glorious hope, given to us because He loves us so.

  6. Dear Sandi:
    Thank you for this...I needed that. I will be back to read more inspiration. Been keeping you in my thoughts and prayers :)

  7. Keep asking, keep praying, keep singing. Thank you for the scripture and the encouraging words. Lifting you up in prayer.

  8. Hi, Sandi,

    Good luck with your health issues. I recently went through an unexpected health crisis myself, which resulted in surgery that was a little frightening to contemplate. The good news is it's completed and I've healed and my doctors say I'm fine - so I am wishing similar results for you, if that is in your future.

    Sharing online is a delicate issue. One thing I learned when I did share my situation is how many other folks out there had similar experience, and I learned so much from them, and received so much wonderful support

    Keep your attitude as positive as you have been, and I know you'll come through fine.

    Have a lovely Pink Saturday.

  9. Sandi,
    You are in my prayers always!
    I hope a specialist can give you some answers..


  10. Sandi..thank you so much for sharing this verse. I will refer to it often! I have copied and pasted it to have always. Hugs

  11. Sandi... This is so true& I love what you said, The God who sustains the universe sustains me. He really does. Stay strong...and I'm praying for you

  12. Hi Sandi. A favorite and encouraging word for a difficult time. I will be praying with your other blogging sisters that you receive some answers. A verse I have a hate/love relationship is: "Count it all joy when you encounter diverse trials knowing that the trying of your faith produces great gain and you will be perfect and whole, requiring nothing" James 1:2-4

  13. This is a beautiful post, Sandi. I'm glad you are feeling some better. My prayers and thoughts are with you my friend.

  14. I am glad the pain is better, I will continue to pray for you. Your picture with the scripture is so sweet and simple I love it.
    God Bless,

  15. Ann Johnson Flint wrote these words. They have helped me many times going through hard places.

    God hath not promised skies always blue,
    Flower-strewn pathways all our lives through;
    God hath not promised sun without rain,
    Joy without sorrow, peace without pain.

    But God hath promised strength for the day,
    Rest for the labor, light for the way,
    Grace for the trials, help from above,
    Unfailing sympathy, undying love.

    Still praying,

  16. Sandi,I share your love for this verse (as you know), and one of the 'lovely' and 'good' things I'm thinking of, is a strong and healthy you!!
    Keeping you in prayer, my friend.

  17. Hello dear Sandi,

    I love this verse. I hadn't seen that you were feeling ill, but I am sending warm thoughts and prayers your way. Thank you for the inspiration you give to us.


  18. Hi Sandi, Have missed your beautiful blog since I had stopped doing the weekly parties due to a break in blogging. I am having a "pruning season" from the Lord, I believe in order to be ready for something wonderful I can do to serve Him in my life. For instance, when seeing Spirtual Sundays button on a friend's blog after midnight on Sunday morning, the Lord told me to join that group and exactly what I should post. Such a long post for my very first time ever on SS but HE had a reason, I may never know for asking me to do this, so I did without question. I was so happy to your blog listed and get to visit you again today. I am going to try to get back to your post of last Sunday so I know how to pray for your health issues. Until then, I will just ask Him to guide me in praying for you. May your week be blessed and may HE give you renewed strength and health.

  19. PS When I submit my post on SS, I received an error message, but my blog name is highlighted and if you click on that it will take you to the correct post. I am holding off posting anything new until Wed. per HIS guidance.


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.