Saturday 4 June 2011

Spiritual Sundays

Good morning my friends~ Today I am joining Charlotte and Ginger for Spiritual Sundays

HOPE~ turns every raindrop into the power to bloom like never before...

I hope you all have been enjoying a wonderful week. I have been on a blogging break from SS and there are reasons for it which I won't go into at this time but I'm back today to share.

I have been going through some troubles which I have been keeping to myself. I have never been one to dwell on unpleasant circumstances on my blog because I prefer to keep it as positive as possible and I feel there are enough troubles in this world without me adding to them with my own. My goal with this blog has always been to encourage and bring a little pleasant respite into your day. But a need has arisen and I am asking you for prayer.

Even in the midst of the uncertainty, I can turn to my God and His Word for comfort.

"Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Don't be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with My victorious right hand." - Isaiah 41:10

I have been in some pain the past several months and yesterday I got the results from some ultrasounds I had done a week ago. I can't go into any specifics because I really don't know all the details myself yet. I am just asking you to pray for me. 

"Our present troubles are small and won't last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever." - 2 Corinthians 4:17 

Our God is a big God and He has my best interests at heart as well as yours. I hope you all have a blessed weekend.

Please visit Spiritual Sundays for inspiration @

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy." ~ Romans 15:13
See you on Monday for Tea Time Tuesday.

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. Sandi, my prayers are with you. I know you must be scared and frustrated. We are here to brighten your day as you do to mine and so many others. I wish I could do something for you! Keep your face to God. xo Trish

  2. Sandi, sending love and prayers to you!

  3. Dearest Sandi,

    Your tea on Tuesday was so lovely; I especially loved the delicate roses and creamy white teacup!

    Thanks so much for joining us for TTTT and also for the 84th, Tuesday Tea For Two this week..,(Pam is back from attending and celebrating her son's wedding with her family and friends. She says she should be back to resuming blogging by next Tuesday)..,

    I have been quite unwell myself and unable therefore to get by sooner; my prayers are definately with you dear Sandi! You are such an encouragement and so very precious to us all!

    Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee

  4. I will be praying for you. I am a new follower from Spiritual Sundays. Your blog is beautiful and I love the scriptures you chose for this post :)

  5. Sandi, I am so sorry to hear this news and will be praying for you for the all peace, comfort and healing that our God can give you. You are an encourager in your blog and your personality shines through every post. I wish you well my friend and hope you will keep us updated so we may continue to pray. My email is God bless you. Love and hugs, Pamela

  6. Dear Sandi, Please know that I am keeping you close in my heart and prayers. As Christian women bloggers from all over the world, it is a blessing to be able to support one another through the difficult times as well as the good. God bless you.

  7. Sandi, my prayers are with you. Thank you for the beautiful photos and scriptures.

    - Joy

  8. Sandi,

    I am sending prayers your way and hope everything will be just fine. Keep a positive attitude!

  9. I pray that God will help you with what you behöver.Guds blessing on you! Zinnia

  10. Hello dear friend,
    I have been wondering how things were going with you. Seems to be a year with a lot of people going through tests and trials - we do have a God who cares and who knows best for us and our deepest concerns - I have been praying for you and will continue - we all share what we can but we can be there for each other too!
    Love in Christ,

  11. Hi Sandi:

    You've been on my mind lately. I will certainly pray for you and glad to "see" you on Spiritual Sundays.


  12. Dear Sandi,
    My prayers will be lifted for you and whatever your burden or care, I know HE will see you through.
    Your post is lovely and the encouragement you give to others will surely follow you now.

    Have a peaceful weekend and may God ease your pain.
    Many prayers,
    Your friend from Texas,
    Celestina Marie

  13. My prayers are joining with the others in prayer for you. I'm praying for peace in spite of the circumstances, and the clear presence of God each day.


  14. Praying for you, dear Sandi, that all will be well with you.

    Big TX Hugs and Prayers,
    Angelic Accents

  15. Dear Sandi:
    I will pray for you sweet friend. Your positive attitude is inspiring. Don't be afraid to turn to friends and share your fears, we are here for you. I hope you get answers you need soon and some of the weight lifted off your mind.

  16. my prayers for you are here and will continue...i am grateful you have asked...
    with love,

  17. Sandi,
    My prayers will be with you too. May the grace of God be with you through this trial and I know He will see you through.

  18. God loves you so much, Sandi. You need to know He has kept you on my heart for months so you get prayed for in my morning times. I respect you for keeping your blog upbeat, but we love you and are honored to storm the heavens for your victory in Christ! Get well, soon, precious sister in Christ!

  19. My goodness, Sandi. Welcome back to S.S. I'm praying for you. I am always inspired by your beautiful blog. Love the pink and the Rose Chintz.
    I was just reading the other comments and realized even more than ever what a wonderful group of people share on Spiritual Sundays. I thank God for that blog and for everyone who shares and right now I'm especially thanking Him for you and your friendship.

  20. Dear Sandi~
    I have just found your blog and shall indeed be praying for you.
    Five years ago I suddenly found out that I had a heart valve that was failing-turns out that I had a genetic birth defect that had only recently been discovered. I needed surgery to gave it replaced which meant a lifetime on medication. I knew whatever would befall me, God would see me through.
    The surgeon was able to repair the valve and I was home on three days with no medications needed since. It has been five years now and God has allowed me to use this event in my life to encourage others and pray for heir needs.
    I do pray that the doctors will give you quick answers and proper treatment very soon.

  21. Thanks for sharing from your heart about where you are in life and what you are going through. I WILL PRAY FOR YOU!

  22. you got my prayers Sandi...stay strong and whatever it is you're going through...He's there in your corner...and through everything...He's got a purpose and a plan and is in total control. ☺

  23. Sandi, I will be praying for you daily.I'm so glad that you shared this with us so that we can pray for you.I know that we sometimes tend to keep things like this to ourselves,but I'm glad we can pray for you.
    God Bless,

  24. Psalms 77:14 You are the God of miracles and wonders! You still demonstrate your awesome power.

    I will pray for you tonight...if you would like to receive cards of encouragement, email me your address.

  25. Dearest Sandi,
    I am so sorry to hear that you are not feeling well and going through a rough time. I don't like to talk about the unpleasantness and uncertainites in lef on my blog too much either.
    Know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and If you do want someone to talk to , please feel free to email me. I have had my share of medical problems and continue to have them so I am willing to lend an ear if you need one!

    Many hugs to you dear friend,

  26. Dear Sandi, Your Rose Chintz Cottage is beautiful. I
    came across it quite by coincidence, or perhaps
    God-incidence, just today. I am Christian and love
    to do intercessory prayer. So I will pray for you as
    well. I happened upon your site because of the Rose
    Chintz china pattern. I had just purchased a set of
    this at a thrift shop at a very good price. I have
    not had this before. I got it because I had visions of creating a lovely tea to cheer my "pink princess" granddaughter.
    I did an internet search for ideas as to how to use the Rose Chintz for tea, and your blog came up.
    It was just what I had in mind.
    I was delighted to see the prayers, as I
    needed a lift myself. This has really let me know
    God heard my prayer to want to create a lovely home for my family. Thank you for taking the time to do this, it is very meaningful to me. Joann C from Calif.

  27. Dear Sandi:
    If God be for us who can be against us? You are so blessed to have all those bloggers praying for you. I know God has already intervened for you. You will be all right. I am encouraged just by reading the bloggers comments..God Bless you dear Sandi as you have blessed us....
    Auntie P

  28. I'm praying for you today, Sandy. May God pour His grace on you today!

  29. Prayer for such a sweet friend! I am honored to pray for you! Please take care and keep us posted as to your well being. You are dearly loved. Anne

  30. May God strengthen you with peace and comfort. How awesome is his love for you. Feel it through all of us today.

  31. Oh Sandi, I am so sorry you are going through a rough time. My prayers and concern will be with you each day until you have healing.

    Blessings and love,

  32. Sandi, I said a prayer for you just now and will do so every time I check your beautiful blog. Blessings to you, Bess

  33. My prayers join the others Sandi. I hope everything goes well.

    Jocelyn @

  34. I know, I've written on this post before. I always come here and let the beauty seep into my soul. It's as important as an article that speaks to my heart. Do you have a recipe for the cobbler? It looks amazing. And the shortbread cookies do, too. Beautiful dishes...what a ministry of beauty you have.


  35. Well Sandi I'm praying for you right now that you will know God's peace and presence in all that you are going through and that others will see His Glory in it.

    Healing too.

  36. Sandi...

    Thank you for visiting and following my blog! I have been looking over your blog (ssssh I am not a tea lover) I love coffee so maybe I will share a cup with you while we read along :).
    I am very hungry now after looking through all the pics of luscious cookies and biscuits...homemade jellies, cream, butter UGH! How could you? lol
    Your clocks in all the time zones are so clever...always knowing what time it is "there" ha ha ha
    I should have posted this on todays date, but chose to post it to were I stopped so I wouldn't have to go back or forward and look at any more pictures cuz I am hungry and tired after creating a party for an 8 year old princess....I need a biscuit with homemade jelly!!! ;(


    p.s I am following you too!! and I love you are a Christian and say it FIRST thing!! Isn't OUR GOD amazing!


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.