Wednesday 25 May 2011

Tea Time Tuesday

A kind word is like a Spring day.~ Russian Proverb

Welcome to Tea Time Tuesday ~
Hello tea friends! I hope you all enjoyed your weekend! This is the second last tea party for the month of May. Summer is on its way!

NOTE~ I have been making my rounds visiting this morning but Blogger will not let me leave a comment. I did want you all to know that I have been stopping by and I am enjoying your posts.

I was going to have a Cream Tea today but since it is rhubarb season here on the Island, I have made some Rhubarb Crisp to enjoy for our respite.

It is hard for me to fathom that some of you have never had this wonderful and versatile treat. Rhubarb, I mean!

There are so many things that you can make with these bright red stalks: Rhubarb cake, chutney, cobbler, crisp...

...jam, muffins, pudding, pie, sauce, etc. It's almost endless the things that you can make with it! The bright red stalks make for a pretty and yummy dessert.

Add a dollop of fresh whipped cream and yum!!

For a lovely cup of raspberry tea, you might add a few fresh raspberries to the bottom of your tea cup and pour in your tea. Let sit for a bit and if you wish, add a slice of lemon.

For today's tea, I thought I would use something a wee bit unusual. Why not use my cranberry jug and basket for the containers to hold the milk and sugar instead of the usual china ones.

Cranberry glass, or Gold Ruby glass as it is known in Europe, is a red glass made by adding gold {111} chloride to molten glass. The most famous period of cranberry glass production was in the 19th century Britain during the Victorian era.

These pieces were given to me by my hubby once upon a time. I have set them on a little Royal Albert Lavender Rose tray to catch the spills... Add a sugar tong and, Voila!

The cranberry glass goes well with my Lavender Rose so I chose to use this teapot today.

All God's pleasures are simple ones; the rapture of a May morning sunshine, the stream blue and green, kind words, benevolent acts, the glow of good humor. ~ F.W. Robertson

This past weekend we Canadians have been enjoying the long Victoria Day weekend.

We celebrate Queen Victoria's birthday today...

and also our own Queen Elizabeth's which is actually April twenty-first.

Canadians consider this to be the unofficial start of Summer. Barbeques have been fired up and the garden centers are very busy. Very soon I will be enjoying my tea out on the deck.

Hubby and I also enjoy taking our coffee or tea down to Victoria Park to watch the boats sail in the harbour. This time of year we get many cruise ships in as well.

When I think of Victoria's birthday, I automatically think of Victoria magazine from which the magazine takes its name.

Queen Victoria brought much beauty and loveliness into her era and those of us who enjoy all that loveliness try to incorporate some of it into our homes. Victoria magazine helps us do just that with pages of inspiring and pleasing ideas.

This sweet little teapot is adorned with the pearls my Auntie P gifted me with. She found them while she was in  Scotland and thought I would like them. She was so right! The creamy white rose is one from my anniversary bouquet and I'm drying it.

Anyone for chocolate?

The Victorian era corresponds with the reign of Queen Victoria in England 1838-1901.

The period is beloved for its attention to high morals, modesty and proper decorum, as inspired by Queen Victoria and her husband Prince Albert.

I like to incorporate a little beauty and loveliness into my home, don't you? I enjoy using simple things like flowers and candles; sometimes even a strand of pearls. What are some of your favourite ways of adding loveliness to your home?

"A cheerful look brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones." ~ Proverbs 15:30

Thank you for stopping by for tea today. It's always a pleasure to have you!
On June 13, I will be having a Father's Day Tea and the following week on June 20, I will be hosting my Summer Dreams Tea. I hope you will join me for both of those parties as well as the usual ones I host every week.

If you would like to participate in Tea Time Tuesday please use the inlinkz below to sign up.

I am happy to join the following hostesses as well:

Victoria - A Return to Loveliness

Table Top Tuesday

Teacup Tuesday
Teacup Tuesday

Wanda Lee~
Teapot and Tea Things Tuesday
Teapot and Tea Things Tuesday
Wanda Lee~
Tea For Two and Wednesday Tea For Me and Thee

Tuesday Tea

Lady Katherine~
Teatime Tuesday

Miss Spenser~
Teacup Thursday

Sharing from my heart~ Sandi


  1. great idea to use the cranberry glass. Victoria is my favorite magazine.. I think I have every copy!

  2. Hi Sandi, I always get lost in your tea time blog posts and photos! Everything is so pretty. I have a large vase that is cranberry glass. Your anniversary rose is so beautiful in the white pitcher.
    I am so happy to read about your Father's Day tea. I'm going to start now preparing a post to join you.
    Have a great week.

  3. Sandi,
    This is so beautiful! I love your drying rose in that little teapot. So charming a picture it makes. Thanks for having us! I will put the up and coming teas on the schedule! Happy Victoria Day!

  4. Happy Birthday Queen Victoria hehe! Lovely pictures today as usual. I love how regal your teapot looks which is fitting for the days celebration. I look forward to linking up as usual. Hope the bird issue improves too. Also..YUM YUM to the rhubarb crisp - such a nice treat this time of year.

  5. Your rhubarb crisp looks wonderful, Sandi. Your tea set and cups look so pretty. Love the cranberries too!..Christine

  6. The ruby glass cream and sugar are a delight. I enjoyed reading your Tuesday Tea Time today, and thank you for Royal Albert mixed in with the history of this long weekend.

    - Joy

  7. Happy Victoria's Day, Sandi. I sure wish that I could sit with you and have some tea.

  8. Dear Sandi,
    thank you for having me for this lovely tea time. The cranberry glass jug and sugar is so perfect with your china. And rhubarb is really versatile. To be honest I had never such a yummy rhubarb crisp. I am sure it is delicious.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  9. Sandi, your china is so pretty. I have a complete set of Rose Chintz and love it. The recipe sounds amazingly delicious, I've never tried Rhubarb, but I think I need to put it on my shopping list. tami

  10. You lost my attention after the rhubarb crisp! Mouth watering, delicious dessert ... Mother used to make this all the time.
    Sandi, your teas are so elegant, your treasures are beautiful.

    Have a lovely week ~
    TTFN ~

  11. Hi Sandi, your teatime looks inviting! I have been seeing quite a bit of rhubarb posts today and now I want some strawberry rhubarb pie. The cranberry glass is a popular souvenir item on Cape Cod, home of huge cranberry bogs (even though they have nothing to do with each other!!) I was also reading your post about the naughty crows. They cause trouble here too! Linda

  12. Hello Dearest Sandi!
    I have missed all of my tea-time friends! I am back now!
    Tea with you was wonderful today as always - your dessert looks divine! I love rhubarb!

  13. A lovely post Sandi. Your china is so pretty and I love the cranberry glass. I must cut some rhubarb and make a crumble this week. Yum! Have a wonderful week. I'll be posting here shortly. Blessings, Pamela

  14. Oh, Sandi, that was a delightful post. You had some of my very favorite things, ESPECIALLY cranberry glass! Oh my , I have a collection of that heart-soothing glass. Loved all your photos. Thanks for sharing. Susan

  15. Dearest Sandi,

    What a lovely post and you made me happy for showing your gorgeous cranberry glass pieces (yes, real gold is used!) and your PEARLS... Pure romance! Oh my, the rhubarb is something we miss here in the south. We tried for years to grow it but it's too hot for it. I LOVE it; any way.

    Lots of love,


  16. It is always such a Delight to visit you. I haven't had Rhubarb cobbler since we lived in Ohio - many, many years ago! Yours looks simply delicious - How wonderful to celebrate Victoria - I am sure it is beautiful up there now and quite a sight to see all those boats and ships!
    Lovely tea setting - you do encourage me every week!
    God Bless,

  17. Happy Victoria Day!!! Hope it was a lovely and fun day for you. That's a Royal Albert teaset that I love!
    Thanks for sharing!

  18. Beautiful tea post, Sandi! The rhubarb crisp looks delicious.

  19. Thank you Sandi for sharing this beautiful post with A Return to Loveliness,
    Always a Delight,

  20. Hi Sandi
    We certainly like alot of the same things....Lavender Rose china, cranberry glass, rhubarb and of course tea!
    It's so nice to be able to have coffee and tea outside now. We worked in the gardens most of the weekend and I took my first Mac computer lesson. (I'm getting there)

  21. Hi Sandi! Oh, everything is so beautiful. You always have the prettiest things. The cranberry glass is just beautiful. Now my mother used to make Rhubarb pie when I was little!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  22. Your teacup and teapot are gorgeous! But that Cranberry glass, well, just be still my heart!

  23. Sandy, I am so blessed by reading your blog, everything is so lovely. I love the Victorian era and so many beautiful things that is brought to us. Your blog is always so beautiful and eloquent and your teacups and teapots are beautiful. I hope one day to join you for teatime Tuesday as soon as I can find the time. Thank you for visiting and leaving your sweet comments. I will visit again very soon.

  24. Hi Sandi,

    What a beautiful tea table with cranberry glass! I truly enjoy coming to visit you. I hope you have a wonderful Victoria Day and all that it has to offer.

  25. Hello Sandi,
    I love your tea time posts!
    Your cranberry glass is really beautiful!!
    And the dessert looks wonderful, too.
    We just planted some rhubarb a week ago, so hopefully we'll have some to enjoy later on :-)
    I also love Victoria magazine and have many old copies that I treasure!
    I hope you have a lovely Victoria Day celebration.
    We have the Queen's birthday 'long weekend' in June in Australia :-)

  26. I tried commenting here yesterday and COULD NOT! It was only on your blog that I couldn't, YET I was able to link... LOVE your post as always. You have linked together two of my VERY favorite things. Rhubarb and cranberry glass!
    Hugs, Donna

  27. Rhubarb crisp, cranberry glass and tea! YeeHaw! Gorgeous! Happy Tea Day!

  28. Love the cranberry glass and I love the white and pearls. You always have the most beautiful teascapes. Thanks for linking to TTT. Hugs, Marty

  29. Sandi, This is a beautiful blog ... I think I need to follow you!
    Your cranberry glass is beautiful and is a unique touch. Your vignettes are inspiring ... I need to work on mine.
    So glad to have found you.
    Blessings, L

  30. Sandi- Blogger has been preventing me from commenting too. It just keeps sending me in a loop.
    Blessings, L

  31. Such a beautiful teapot and teacup/saucer AGAIN, Miss Sandi!! You always have the yummiest desserts, too!

    Blogger is not always allowing me to sign on tonight! Grrr.....

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  32. Hi,
    Stunning pics! Everything is so pretty! Thanks for hosting:)

    RAINBOW-The Colours of India

  33. "The mere chink of cups and saucers tunes the mind to happy repose",George Gissing.
    Thought of this quote while reading your lovely blog devoted to tea!

  34. Hi Sandi,
    I love those dainty teacups and the teapot too.
    I don't seem to be having trouble leaving comments but I confess I have not been on the computer as much lately as the garden demands a lot of attention this time of the year.
    The forecast is looking good for us, yea!
    Take care,

  35. Hi Sandi....all your pink goodies are perfect. I love Canada and I forgot about Queen Vicotoria's birthday being the end of May. I have been collecting queen things so someday I can have a tea on Queen Victoria's birthday.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Lady Linda

  36. Sandi- I have been have difficulty signing into certain blogs as well. I found this tip at cabins & cottages ... and it actually works:
    Thanks so much for your comments! **De-select the "stay signed in" box at the Google sign-in in order to leave a comment. Voila! Thanks to Jannet for the tip!!

    Blessings- L


I am delighted to have you visit me and I read every comment. Please forgive me for not being able to visit you all as there are so many of you lovely bloggy friends now. I will visit as much as possible. I wish you a day filled with JOY!

Also, due to the amount of spam I've been getting, I have had to set Comment Moderation. ~ Sandi

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.